The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1109

After reading the edict, there was no sound.

In the Queen's womb, the crown prince is the new emperor, the seventh Prince Ye Tianyi is the Regent, the king Shizi is the prime minister, and the young lady of the cloud palace and the seventh prince are given marriage. This edict contains several decrees, which makes people's heads roar.

Yun Qianyue's lips closed tightly. Although she thought that the old emperor had left her a legacy, she would not let her go. However, she did not expect that it was such an edict. She really dared to give her to night Tianyi imperial concubine. She was so angry that she had to withdraw her hand from Rongjing's hands and could not help but urge her to destroy the imperial edict.

Rongjing is aware of her intention and holds her hand tightly at the moment when her hand is about to withdraw.

Yunqianyue withdrew twice, her hands were held by Rongjing, motionless. She turned her head and looked at Rongjing. Seeing his clear and light face, she shook her head at her.

Cloud shallow moon eye light moved, look resolute.

Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon, suddenly reaches out to cover her eyes, uses the transmission to enter the secret low and gentle way: "a holy edict only."

Such a gentle voice, so that the cloud shallow moon anger is stuck.

"It's just a decree!" Rong Jing also said, the soft voice has a trace of cool.

Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes and sneered in her heart. Yes, a holy edict. When did she venerate it? But if she did not burn the edict, her anger was hard to calm. Therefore, she reached out and opened Rongjing's hand that covered her eyes, and all her skills condensed into the palm of another hand he had held. The air flow in the palm of her hand was instantly expanded. Rongjing's hand was impacted by the airflow. He frowned slightly and still held her hand still.

"Let go Cloud light moon glares at the scene. She did not use the voice into the secret, also did not deliberately suppress, quiet.

Everyone was awakened by her cold voice and looked at her.

Cloud shallow moon does not look at the public, she has only one goal in her heart, burning the edict.

Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon, eyes light is gentle, the hand that cloud shallow month opens goes to touch her head, "darling, don't make trouble!"

"I said," let go! Did you hear that? " Cloud shallow moon once again opened Rong Jing touch her head hand, clear eyes have turned black.

"Not loose!" Rong Jing shakes his head.

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow month looks at him, will "Rong Jing" two words bite extremely heavy, the lips close close to die, this sound seems to squeeze out from the teeth. He may have known this edict for a long time. He may be able to bear it, but she can't. She had endured for ten years, and had already had enough. Now the old emperor died and even gave her such a line. If she could bear it again, she would be a coward.

Rong Jing looked at her with a determined look, and suddenly sighed and let go of her hand.

Cloud light moon no longer look at the scene, suddenly turned around, palm overflow a group of red, immediately ran to the imperial edict in Prince De's hands. The red coffin of the old emperor is bright and beautiful, and the clothes of the queen are bright and beautiful. The fire light of the palm of the moon is also bright.

All over the sky snow fluttered and fell, but the cloud shallow moon this group of fire light spurted out, she seemed to be suddenly opened a road. Within ten meters around her, the falling blood was instantly roasted by her fire.

Prince de looked at the fire coming at him, and was shocked with the edict.

"Little girl!" Night light dye screams with great surprise.

"Moon!" Ye Tianyi gave a sharp drink.

The two men opened their mouths at the same time, and at the same time joined hands together. The two powerful Qi forces suddenly merged into one place, blocking the fire light of cloud and moon.

Rong Jing looks at the place where the three great forces are going to collide. He moves his finger, and suddenly curls back and looks at it quietly.

Rong Feng thought Rong Jing would help Yun Qianyue with his hand, but when he saw that he didn't, his face changed, and his skill instantly condensed his palms, so he wanted to help Yun Qianyue.

However, as soon as he burst out of the palm of his hand, he was stopped by an invisible force coming from the left. He was surprised and turned his head suddenly. Then he saw that Lord Yun looked at him and shook his head. His eyes showed the color of surprise. In a moment, he was surprised and retreated. He turned his head and looked anxiously at the cloud and the moon.

In this instant, the three major skills collided, and the earth shaking bang was heard. The thick snow piled up on the ground was lifted up. In an instant, a snow mist formed in this area. Everyone was fascinated by the snow fog and could not see clearly.

Yunqianyue stepped back three steps, her back was gently held by a hand.

Ye Tianyi and yeqingran also stepped back three steps. They had no one to help them on their back. They stood firm. Their two beautiful faces looked at the front in disbelief. However, they could not see the cloud, the moon or even anyone in front of them.

Yunqianyue stands firm and makes a move again.

A hand gently held her again and whispered to her, "hurt carefully."

Although the edict was abominable, there were so many people in this place that she could not see anything clearly. She urged her skills to destroy the edict, which would inevitably not hurt innocent people. Her lips pressed tightly, her fingers curled back, and her nails squeezed into Rongjing's hands uncontrollably.

Rongjing doesn't speak any more. Ruyu's hand doesn't move. She doesn't seem to know the pain. She doesn't even blink her eyebrows.For a moment, the snow and fog dispersed, and the figure gradually showed its outline.

Night Tianyi and night light dye see the opposite cloud light moon, she also saw them, two corners of the mouth are hanging a trace of blood. Eyes light relative, I do not know is the snow is whiter than people, or people's face is whiter than snow.

Everyone seems to be shocked by this scene, everyone is like mud, or kneel or stand, the atmosphere also dare not come out.

"Moon, do you want to destroy the edict?" For a long time, night Tianyi opened her mouth, her voice was dark, and her eyebrows and eyes were covered with a touch of black.

"Yes The cloud is shallow and the moon is coldly spitting out a word.

Ye Tianyi looks at her and suddenly smiles. The trace of blood on the corner of her mouth is particularly obvious. "I know that you are practicing the Phoenix Scripture, and your martial arts have entered the last level, but it is only the beginning. Do you not hesitate to use the last one to destroy the Imperial edict? Do you know that thunder and earth fire are not successful, and the consequences of your reckless use? "

"It's just a life!" Cloud shallow moon indifferent tunnel.

Ye Tianyi looked at him, the smile on his face turned cold, even colder than the snow flying all over the sky, "you don't want to marry me, has reached the point of destroying the imperial edict at all costs? Moon, when are you cruel to me

"Ye Tianyi! Do you dare to say that you did not know the content of this edict in advance? No matter what I want, if you make a decree, you should know the consequences. Maybe everything can depend on people and step back, but it's a life-long event. Don't think about it! " Yunqianyue looked at him coldly, "I have known you for ten years, helped each other for ten years, and made friends with you for ten years, but never said that I would marry you. Why do you decide that I want to marry you with a decree? I'm cruel to you? You are cruel to me , the fastest update of the webnovel!