The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1105

Rongjing's carriage was covered with thick and colorful bedding, and two handstoves were put in the car. Spectrum on the car, the car warm as spring.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to pick up a stove to hold in the bosom, will another warm stove to plug into the Rong Jing Huai. Rong Jing took the heater and put it back into her arms. Yun Qianyue raised her eyebrows and looked at him. He lifted his lips and laughed, and took her into his arms. His voice was gentle and gentle, "it's not comfortable to hold you with this one!"

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, amusingly glared at him, stretched a voice way: "Rong childe, your taste is really noble."

Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon nest murmured in his arms: "I don't know who it is. In the past ten years, I couldn't leave the warm jade bed every day. When I went out, I carried a heater in my hand. Why didn't you want to hold me then

"At that time, I wanted to do it too much, but I didn't dare to ask for it." Rong Jing sighed softly.

Cloud shallow month in the heart a ache, loose the hand stove, reach out to embrace his waist, bury face in his bosom, low voice way: "from now on, I will be your hand stove, OK?"

Rongjing suddenly laughed and looked down at the man in her arms. She really had a soft heart. If yu Zishu hadn't talked about some things about her previous life, the jade prince would not have lied. He really doubted whether the woman and she were really one person. He lowered his head, buried it in her neck, and said with a smile, "good!"

Yunqianyue's face crept up with a blush. She felt the warm breath in her neck. Her heart beat and stopped talking.

Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon ear root son gradually dye pink, he is silent and smile, also no longer speak.

The car is quiet. The wheels of the car outside creak under the snow, and the horse's hooves make the same noise when they step on the snow. The flying snow rustled and fell, hitting the shed. The black and smooth brocade of the shed made the snow unstable and fell to the ground.

Neither of the two people in the car spoke again, so they nestled together and went back to the imperial city.

The soldiers guarding the city saw the carriage of Rongjing and opened the gate of the city. The carriage entered the city smoothly. Brunei followed.

"Shizi, do you and miss Qianyue go back to the mansion to change clothes first, or go straight into the palace?" The string song asks softly outside.

"Go straight into the palace!" Yung King Road.

The string song answered, waved the whip, and the carriage went in the direction of the palace.

Cloud shallow moon moved the body, from the arms of the scene out. She opened the curtain, and a cold wind came to her face. Looking out, she saw that all the soldiers at the gate of the city were wearing plain clothes, and there were three or three passers-by in the street. No one was wearing a crown hat. White silk or black satin is tied in front of every store. No longer smell the bloody atmosphere of yesterday, but there is a kind of oppressive heaviness. She withdrew her gaze and dropped the curtain.

Rong Jing took a look out of the car curtain opened by the cloud and moon. In a moment, he took back his sight and looked at her.

"Before, I had been looking forward to the death of the old emperor. I had been looking forward to the death of the old emperor from the year when he was forty-five years old. I had been pretending under his nose for ten years, and I had also been looking forward to it for ten years. Now that he's really dead, I think it's a little uncomfortable. "

Rong Jing gently flicked the head of the cloud shallow moon and said with a smile: "cloud shallow moon, this is human nature!"

"Although he is a hateful king of intrigue and intrigue, he is just an old man. It is said that there must be something hateful about a poor man, but I think there is something pitiful about him In fact, I can feel the feeling that he cares about his life. It's like a human belief, which has been rooted in his soul since childhood. He could not help but forget that he was still a man for this belief. It will only be influenced by the belief that this root has been implanted into the soul, so that the imperial power and the Yeshi River and mountain will be superior to all, including himself. "

Rongjing doesn't speak and listens quietly.

Yun Qianyue continued: "because I once had a belief, which was also rooted in my soul, and has reached the point of protecting at all costs and not dying or being liberated. I don't think it's good for the old man to die

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, reached out and rubbed Yun's head and said with a smile, "don't think about it! He's not worth thinking about. "

Yun Xiaoyue suddenly laughed. He opened Rongjing's hand and rubbed his head with his own hand. "Yes, it's just a dead old man. When he was alive, I felt sick when I saw him. Now he's dead. What do I feel for him? The more I live, the more I go back. It's better to think about the night and the sky for him

"Do you want the sky to fall at night?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Well, think about whether he will go faster and drink Meng Po Tang earlier, and don't meet that bad old man again!" Cloud shallow moon way, "born father and son, such as enemies, die on the road or do not see! I can't see you more. They will be father and son in the next life. Isn't it a crime? "

Rong Jing couldn't help laughing and nodded her head with his hand, "you are really..."

"What's wrong with me? I'm telling the truth Yunqianyue lies back in his arms lazily and looks up at him."It's true!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile. Seeing the light of yunqianyue's eyes, he felt sad. He covered her eyes and said to her, "yunqianyue, I allowed you to shed a tear for him yesterday. From now on, you are not allowed to think about him any more."

The cloud light moon blinked his eyes, and his hands were warm and moist.

"It doesn't matter who loves you, you know? Your heart can only be with me. " The scenery is also a way.

Cloud light moon hurt color to do retreat, nodded, reached out to hold Rong Jing's hand, "I know, Rong childe, my heart can only be here with you. No one can take it away. "

Rong Jing's mouth slightly curved, no longer speak.

The carriage went through the streets, and soon came to the gate of the palace.

Xiange stopped the carriage and said to the inside, "prince, the palace is here!"

Rong Jing converges the gentle in the eyes, lightly should a, withdraw the hand. Yunqianyue, who was lying down, sat up and looked at him, and asked in a low voice, "what the hell is yetianyi doing? Do you know? He knows medical skills. How can he not know when the old emperor's time is up? How could the old emperor be allowed to die without a decree? Generally speaking, as soon as the old emperor dies, someone will read the imperial edict and pass on the throne, and then the officials will worship and call the new emperor. But now he is still called the seventh prince. What does that mean? "

"First, the edict has not been read out yet, and it will be read out after we enter. 2、 The edict has been read. He is not the new emperor. " Rongjing gives two answers.

The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

Rongjing opened the wardrobe in the corner of the car, took out a White Mink cloak from it, put it on her, and said to her, "don't think about it. Sooner or later, you will know. What's the use of thinking about him? Anyway, remember, no matter what happens, I'm here. No one can take you away. Even if it's a decree, it won't work. When did you take notice of the edict? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!