The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1103

Rong Jing stopped, and looked at the cloud with a smile and asked, "don't you want to come down yet?"

Cloud shallow month lies on his back of the head to lift, smile to look at him, "tired?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "not tired, but you roast fish!"

"Good!" From the back of the moon, he clapped his hands off his back. He handed the umbrella to him and said happily, "you wait, I'll catch the fish!"

Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

Even in this snowy winter solstice day, the fragrant spring water is still not frozen, and the sound of the waterfall flowing down the cliff becomes a pleasant note in the silence of the valley. Her toes lightly, flying on a tree top, from the top of the two branches, waving gently, a branch was thrown by her on the water, she followed by the floating body fell on the branch, holding another branch in one hand, looking down into the water.

Not long, inserted a fish up, she hefty, about two pounds, turned to ask Rongjing, "is one enough?"

"About not enough!" Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow Moon said to know, again looked down to the hand. After a while, another fish of about two Jin was inserted. Asked Rong Jing again, "what about this time?"

Rong Jing took a look at the rain in her hands and nodded with a smile, "that's enough!"

Cloud shallow moon threw branches, took fish, floated ashore.

Rong Jinggang was about to reach out and take it. Yun Xiaoyue dodged his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Rong, I've worked hard on my back all the way. I'll reward you with this roast fish."

"It's a great honor for Jing to taste the craftsmanship of miss Qianyue." Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"Literate!" Cloud shallow moon smile angry at him one eye, draw out the broken snow in the waist, to fish open belly.

Rongjing stood beside yunqianyue with an umbrella to block the snow falling on her. She watched her kill fish with broken snow. She said slowly: "if you let the swordsman know that Yun Qianyue killed fish with broken snow, one of the three famous swords in the world, he would spoil the sword and jump out of the earth to find you for a long time."

Cloud shallow moon chided a, retort: "good sword uses processing to be used to eat, should not be used to kill."

Rong Jing chuckled and nodded, "that's right."

Yunqianyue stopped talking and focused on killing fish. She did this several times and was very handy. Soon she cleaned the fish, picked up the dry wood and put it on fire. The dry wood was driven to dry by her internal force and burned very strongly. Even if the snowflakes were falling all over the sky, she could not fight the fire. She put the fish on the fire, did everything well, and took Rongjing to sit on the big stone beside her.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing!" Rong Jing sees the cloud, and the moon stares at the fire and reminds her.

"Well?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"The warlords of the war show!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, smile at him, "are you sure you really want to listen?"

"I have nothing to do now. I can listen to it." Rongjing looks at her with a smile.

"Well, I'll tell you the story." Yunqianyue thought for a moment and said, "at the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Xuan of Zhou passed away, and his son king Zhou you ascended the throne. King Youwang of Zhou was cruel and mediocre. He put great importance to the courtiers and killed Zhongliang. Among them, the king of the state of Baoguo admonished him and was sent to prison. In order to rescue him, Baoguo offered Baosi, a beautiful woman, to redeem him. Sure enough, King Youwang of Zhou was astonished by Baosi's beauty. He fell in love with her and tried to please her. But the beauty didn't laugh, so he came up with the idea of "the princes of the war scene" under the support of the courtiers. It is to light the beacon tower which was opened when the capital was attacked by soldiers. When all the princes saw the beacon fire and rushed to rescue them, they found it was a fraud. The princes were angry, and Baosi finally laughed. King Youwang of Zhou was intoxicated with the joy of beauty, and again and again. Soon after, foreign enemies entered the palace, and King Youwang of Zhou dyed the beacon tower again. The repeatedly deceived princes were no longer deceived. No one came to rescue them. So king you of Zhou was killed, Baosi was taken away, and the Western Zhou Dynasty was destroyed. "

"A smile will pour out the country!" Rong Jing said with a smile after listening.

"Well! It's really a smile Yun Xiaoyue nodded and started to turn over the fish. Then she turned back and put her hands around Rongjing's waist. She looked up at him and asked, "you just said that I can have big demands, didn't you? For example, if you were a monarch and I followed the example of Bao Si, would you light a beacon tower for me? "

Rong Jing's eyes flashed slightly, and looked down at the cloud and the moon with a smile, and reminded him: "cloud shallow moon, you are so rebellious! Besides, what kind of shit are you. If I am a king, how can I be cruel and immoral? How can you become a Baosi? "

"Are you afraid of treachery? You don't care if I'm broken or not. For example, you can say it can't be! " Cloud light moon road.

Rongjing looked at her eyes with a smile. Her eyes were like a clear lake, which could reflect his face. He said with a smile: "if I, what do the warlords do in the war show? Why don't you send them away? When the time comes, don't say you want to light the beacon tower. Even if you burn the beacon tower, you can do it. "

Yun Qianyue pushes him away and laughs and scolds," it's even more stupid! "

Rong Jing's body swayed before he sat down, smiling but not speaking.

At this time, the smell of grilled fish spread out, and all of yunqianyue's mind was concentrated on the grilled fish. After a while, the fish was roasted. She handed it to Rongjing first, and then picked up the other one. Each of them put in a fish of more than two Jin and ate it.Yunqianyue wolfed for a moment, then turned around and saw Rongjing sitting there. The crescent moon was white, and his face was like jade. He was as bright as a noble young master. He should sit in the most elegant place to enjoy tea and chess, or put delicacies in front of him. Now he has a roast fish in his hand, but it seems that he is so elegant and beautiful in the snow. She tut tut two times, chewing fish in the mouth, while muttering: "it's against nature!"

Rong Jing glanced at her, slightly picked her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "good craftsmanship!"

Cloud shallow moon turn round, continue to concentrate on eating fish.

After eating the fish, it was dark. The snow has fallen a foot on the ground. Rongjing stood up first and held out his hand to yunqianyue, "come on, I'll carry you back!"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, say to him: "no, you walk in front, I follow you."

"What's your idea?" Rongjing looks at her.

"Shouldn't I make up my mind for the coming of age ceremony?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"Aren't you afraid of getting wet?" Rong Jing asked with an umbrella.

"I'm not afraid. I'll take a bath when I go back." The moon shakes her head.

Seeing that she was determined to follow him, Rongjing shook her head with a smile and walked forward with an umbrella.

Cloud shallow moon follows behind him, put foot into his footprints, aiming at his footprints. Step by step, I've seen many people walk like this before. I feel a little silly, but now I come to myself, I suddenly feel happy. There is such a person, he is willing to carry you, regardless of fatigue; there is such a person, he is willing to do everything for you, regardless of the consequences; there is such a person, you are willing to stand behind him, step on his footprints, walk with him. Such ordinary happiness is not out of reach. , the fastest update of the webnovel!