The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1073

In the next few days, the capital was filled with the festive atmosphere of Jing Shizi, Guan, miss Qianyue and hairpin.

Rong Wang Fu, Yun Wang Fu and Li Bu made preparations in succession.

Rong Wang Fu has Rong Xi, Yun Wang Fu has jade bracelets and green branches, as well as the seven princesses in charge of the family, and the Ministry of Rites has Yunli. These years, they are experts in calm and incoherent ways. Therefore, Rongjing and yunqianyue, the protagonists, are at leisure.

Of course, Rongjing still goes to the court every day. It's easy to say about assisting the government, but it's not so easy to do. What's more, the people in charge of the state are ye Tianyi. They are gentle on the surface and show their skills in private. Behind them, they are like a sea. They are just like a sea. The sea is calm and calm, and half of the waves are still.

Cloud shallow moon is regarded as the most leisure person.

Every day, she either went to Rong Wangfu to find yuzishu, or yuzishu came to yunwangfu to find her. They either played chess in Prince Rong's mansion, chatted in Lord Yun's mansion, or went out to visit the heavenly capital. It seems to have gone back to the time when neither of them was on a mission before.

It's rare to be magnanimous. He doesn't say a word about it. They stay together every day.

For a long time, people in Tiansheng capital gradually spread such a rumor in private, saying that miss Qianyue was in love with Prince Donghai. At the beginning of this rumor, there was only a little spark, but gradually the fire grew stronger and higher, and it became a prairie fire.

There had been ten years of entanglement between miss Qianyue and ye Tianqing, the second prince who was once the crown prince. There were also entanglements between her and the seventh Prince secretly. Later, she was as important as king Shizi and as light as the people in the world. Now she has been staying with Prince Yu every day, entering and going out together.

Combined with the previous variety, this time the wind and rain hit, and the romantic affair of the cloud moon was stirred like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger.

Even though it is widely known in the world, the master of the Rong palace, the actual leader of the cloud palace, and the jade crown prince of Donghai state are just like the people who have nothing to do. They don't take a stand every day.

Half a month later, news came from Nanliang that Fenghuang pass had been repaired. Prince Rui has a very good relationship with Miss Xiaoyue in the palace of Prince Yun. How can he not attend her ceremony of hairpin? After a few months, he went to the capital twice. And that beauty, of course, is princess Luoyao.

Luoyao Princess Qiong Zi flower appearance, where the bees and butterflies surrounded. In addition to looking forward to Jing Shizi and Guan, miss Qianyue and hairpin, the people in Tiansheng capital have more expectations for beauties.

On the second day after the news came out of Nanliang, the news also came from southern Xinjiang. Yunmuhan, the son-in-law of Nanjiang, took good care of her younger sister and took the princess Ye Qian. She would like to come back to Tiansheng from afar to observe the ceremony of loving her sister. For a time, the entanglement between the princess of Southern Xinjiang and the son of the prince Yun's mansion, the young demon yeqingran of Deqin palace, Prince Rui of Nanliang, and the dead princess Qingwan are rediscovered.

At the same time, news spread out from Xiyan. The king of Xiyan told the world that Xiyan Prince xiyanyue had been intimate friends with Miss Qianyue in the palace of King Yun. At this time, her ceremony of hairpin should not be missed. The prince of Xiyan came to Tiansheng capital to congratulate him.

The three sides have expressed their views one after another, and other small countries have also expressed their congratulations on coming thousands of miles to the heavenly capital.

After the countries made their position, the top ten families of Fengjia took the lead, saying that they would come to Tiansheng, and the blue family also made a statement afterwards. The other big families are not willing to fall behind.

All of a sudden, the whole world set off a frenzy, which was more important and lively than the old emperor's 55th birthday.

The restaurants and inns in the capital are full day by day, and the streets are bustling with people.

In a flash, it was ten days.

On this day, Zhao Kehan, the side concubine who had been recuperating in the fourth Prince's house since the date of the big marriage and had a miscarriage, stepped out of the fourth Prince's house for the first time. The fourth Prince Ye Tianyu accompanied him to the cloud palace, which was a complete ceremony of returning home.

When they came, the seven princesses took people out of the gate, took Zhao Kehan's hand and took it into the cloud palace. They went straight to the moon Pavilion of the cloud palace.

At this time, Yu Zishu and Yun Qianyue were playing chess. They played a game of Gobang under the osmanthus tree in the courtyard.

The late autumn has passed, the winter solstice is coming, and there is a cold breath everywhere. However, the two people seemed to have no idea of the cold. Each of them only wore a thin shirt. When the cold wind blew, they were wearing green silk in their clothes. They sat opposite each other. They did not see how to talk to each other or have any close expression, but they seemed to be so familiar and natural.

This kind of feeling, even if is stands nearby two people to watch chess Ling Lian and Yi snow also cannot blend in.

The night day Yu stops at the gate of the shallow moon Pavilion, looking at the two people under the osmanthus tree, a pair of eyes light changes, seems to be thinking of something.

Zhao Kehan see night day Yu no longer walk, also stop to look at two people, obviously for jade son book and cloud shallow moon such familiar natural breath also slightly surprised.

The seventh princess looked at Ye Tianyu and Zhao Kehan, and then stopped her steps and said with a smile, "my sister and the jade Prince have a good friendship. They have been getting along like this. They have not paid any attention to the rumors outside. At first, I thought what happened to my sister and Prince Yu, but I found it was not like that at all. He and the jade prince are only familiar, like relatives, and King Shizi is close, so it looks the same, but in fact it is different. "Zhao Kehan smelled the speech and envied the way: "those who are familiar with sister Yue will involuntarily like her. This is nothing to blame, and nothing strange. It's just that she and Prince Yu seem to have known each other for many years. This kind of affection, which is not intimate but seems intimate, is enviable

"Sister Yue and I have grown up together since childhood, and have never been like Prince Yu. Not only me, but also night light dye, second brother, Leng Shao Zhuo, Rong Feng, all of us are not worth a jade prince. " Night day Yu took over the words.

Zhao Kehan turned his head and looked at the night sky Yu and heard what his tone meant.

"Let's go! Let's go in Night day Yu put up the mood, smile to Zhao Kehan, return to usual again.

Zhao Kehan nods and takes back his sight.

The seventh princess looked at them again, and they entered the courtyard.

Although the words they said at the door were low, yuzishu and yunqianyue had excellent martial arts skills and were not far away from each other. Naturally, they could hear them clearly. They looked at each other and turned to the door.

"Sister Yue, I grew up with you, which is good for you, but you are so good to Prince Yu! I'm really jealous of my brother Night day Yu comes over, one buttocks sits on the chair between two people, one face discontentedly looks at cloud shallow moon.

Yuzishu smile, "people get along with people depends on fate. I get along well with yun'er, it's not a matter of time. Some people can be friends when they meet. Some people are tired of seeing each other for a lifetime. This is not comparable. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!