The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1042

A gust of autumn wind blowing, the air floating with fallen leaves and autumn flowers.

Night light dye light soft robe and the fall of the green silk was blown by the wind, clothing green silk flying, let him lean on the door frame of the figure appears a mess. Bead curtain by the autumn wind blowing force, gently shaking, issued a crisp sound. The light moon Pavilion is silent inside and outside, only the sound of the fluttering and bumping of the bead curtain is like a note played by someone, and it is singing and dancing.

Night light dye said half a word, did not get cloud shallow month a word reply, he looked at cloud shallow moon, low voice, "little girl, can't you say a word? I stand happy in front of you, exposed to the sun, do not ask for return, is not worth your reply? "

Cloud light moon put down the tea cup, gently, the bottom of the cup pressed on the table top, silent, she looked at night light dye, sighed, "night light dye, how do you let me vent your identity to understand you? How can I eradicate what you are born with? Unless the bone is cut. But is the night light dyeing after the bone digging and heart cutting still light dyeing at night? "

Night light dye close the door frame, quietly looking at the cloud light moon.

"Deqin palace is half of the kingdom of heaven. Generations of loyalty to the heavenly holy royal family, because you have a word of King on your head and a blood called "night character" flowing on your body. No one will doubt the loyalty of Deqin palace. Up to the king, down to the minister, then to the people, even to beggars. This is an unwritten rule, and the prince's mansion will never violate the heavenly saint. Does it seem that you have an ancestral precept? In the ancestral hall, there are portraits of the first emperor of Tiansheng. At that time, the only brother of the first emperor was in danger. His life was saved by the blood of the first emperor. Later, the first emperor sat on the mountain and made his younger brother the prince of virtue. Only then did he have the palace of Deqin, which has been multiplying for hundreds of years. In other words, all the splendor and wealth, including life, were given by the first emperor and the night royal family. Leaving aside the blood and close relatives of a mother's compatriots, this living grace alone is enough for you to return it for a hundred or even hundreds of years. As long as you have the prince's house in one day, you will keep the heaven holy for a day. They must be loyal to the monarch and love their country for generations. This is the ancestral precept of Deqin palace, isn't it? " Cloud shallow moon looks at night light dye, slowly way.

Night light dyed lips tightly closed up, no longer speak.

"So, night light dye, what else can we say! Yunwangfu is a tiger sleeping on the side of the couch that Tiansheng royal family has always wanted to remove, and Deqin palace is half of the country that Tiansheng royal family will always rely on. It's a big difference, and it determines our opposition. " Cloud light moon voice color light, face light, "you say you like me, but like what use? Even if there is no scene, if the emperor or one of the royal family wants to eradicate the cloud palace, you will not fight against the Ye family for me. Isn't it? "

Night light dye smell speech bitter and astringent smile, "little girl, you decided I won't help you, right?"

"Would you?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"I won't!" Night light dye suddenly turned around, back to the door, do not look at the cloud shallow moon, the voice suddenly heavy.

Yunqianyue looked at him, and his figure was once unrestrained and unrestrained. Now, even if the wind blows, his clothes are light, which makes his whole person have a kind of obscurity and coldness, as well as a kind of sadness and heavy burden from his bones. At this moment, she seemed to enter into his heart, really opened his heart, and realized a hundred kinds of taste inside, a kind of deep entanglement and helplessness to get rid of fate, surname and responsibility.

"Cloud light moon, you don't need anyone else because of your scenery, do you?" Night light dye deep voice asked.

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, droops the head, is silent.

"You talk?" Night light dye suddenly turns around again, the voice of anger is deafening.

Cloud shallow moon wrinkled eyebrow, knead ear, raised head, looking at night light dye, angry way: "what do you roar?"

Night light dye dead to look at her, lips close into a line.

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, clearly see the anger and blood in his eyes, frowned and asked, "what are you angry about?"

"Cloud light moon, you don't know what I am angry about? Do you have a heart? " Night light dye eyes more angry, in front of him the bead curtain has no wind to stop swinging, but because of his anger, shake again, Shua straight ring.

Yunqianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead. In a moment, she put down her hand and waved to the night light dye, but she said, "you come in!"

Night light dye stands still.

Cloud shallow moon is angry, angry way: "do not come in, roll out! What are you yelling at me? Do you want to invite all the people in the cloud palace to see you laugh? People in my yard are staring at you nervously, don't they? You surname night is your own choice of birth, not blame me. What are you and me blushing and yelling about here? You used to be nice to me, but what kind of purpose did you fail to achieve? You think for yourself, calculate. Did I owe you money? Or did you steal your stuff and not give it to you? Don't you like me? I like more people, can be the southeast and northwest four cities are full. Do I have to repay him one by one? To die for him? "

Night light dye eyes in the anger storm condensation, seems to be frozen, for a moment static, lenglengleng to no sound.

Yunqianyue took up the tea cup and drank the cold tea in the cup. However, she was still depressed and said, "what I think of first is absolutely not night light dye's doing! Night light dye won't do this to me! You have affected my heart to this extent. What else do you want? You have to let me wait for you to kill me, white knife in, red knife out, my little life in your hand, you will not be willing toNight light dye the anger in the eyes instantly extinguished, opened his mouth, did not send out.

"One, you come in. We're the same as before. 2、 You get out of here. After that, we'll be cut off. We'll be strangers. Choose one. " Cloud light moon no longer see night light dye, no good face tunnel.

Night light dye smell speech immediately pick open bead curtain, stride to come in.

Cloud shallow month took the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for himself, did not look at him.

Ye qingran goes to yunqianyue and sits down in front of him. He takes his tea and drinks it. Yunqianyue reaches out to grab it. He dodges and stares at her, "don't you say it's the same as before? Don't you even give me a glass of water? We used to eat a fish

The cloud shallow month withdraws the hand, white he one eye, have no good spirit tunnel: "are you interesting? I'm here to look for abuse. What's the picture? "

"If I don't get scolded by you, I feel bad. Is that all you want?" Night light dye seems not afraid of scalding, will a cup of water a Yang neck, drink all.

Cloud shallow moon hums a, do not speak.

"Little girl, if you really break up with me and look like strangers, then I'm not interested in living. Now, although I can't get anything, I can see you, sit in front of you and chat with you, and even have a drink, it's delicious. This is it! I'm complicated, and you're not simple. We all have our own thoughts. You defend me and I block you. It's nothing but our own responsibility. It has nothing to do with ourselves, is it? It doesn't stop us from continuing our friendship, does it? " Night light dye puts down the tea cup, looks at the cloud shallow moon, earnestly tunnel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!