The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1040

Yunqianyue is sleepy when waiting. She closes her eyes and thinks about tormenting people. Leng Shao Zhuo is also an expert.

"It turns out that there's no relationship between half of it! It's about that he owed him a debt in his last life, or he owed it to him. He stayed for 20 years in this life and paid it back. Now pay it off! " Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly makes a sound when he is about to fall asleep.

Cloud shallow moon sleepy meaning thick, do not answer.

"Since you are sleepy, go back to your room and sleep! Now in the late autumn, the cool air is too heavy, carefully hurt the body. I'm going. " Leng Shao Zhuo gets up and stands up and looks at the cloud light moon way.

Cloud shallow moon closed eyes do not open, to cold Shao Zhuo wave hand.

Leng Shao Zhuo saw that she heard in, and then turned to go out.

Hearing the sound of his footsteps, Yun Qianyue walked far away step by step, which was not much lighter than when he just came. His steps were still somewhat decadent and heavy. It seemed that he had lost something important, like a foot on cotton and a foot in mud. She opened her eyes and called him, "Leng Shao Zhuo!"

Leng Shao Zhuo stops and looks back.

Yun Qianyue sat up straight and looked at him and said, "Leng Shao Zhuo, when you were bad before, I just wanted to cram you back into your mother's stomach, but I didn't look down on you either. Do you know why? "

Cold Shao Zhuo a Leng, looking at the cloud shallow moon, do not understand how she suddenly said this.

"Because at that time, you lived wantonly. Although you did all kinds of evil and built on the suffering of others, at least you lived happily. You look for something new every day, which is better than all the children in Beijing. Playing is also a skill. In this capital city, if you say a dandy, you are the second, but you dare not be the first. At that time, you had no ideal, no revenge, everything was playing, playing with concentration, no one can compare Cloud shallow month looks at him, see him Leng God, she serious way: "but now you? Do you have ideals and goals? Do you know what you do every day? What do you think is most meaningful to you? Do you know what you should do tomorrow after today? Or you don't even know what to do today, do you? "

Leng Shao Zhuo's face is white, and his eyes show confusion, just like a child who has strayed astray.

"Do you think you are happier today than you used to be?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Leng Shao Zhuo shook his head, "not happy!"

"Why not happy?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

Leng Shao Zhuo opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He didn't seem to know how to say it. He couldn't answer.

"Can't you tell me? You don't know what you're not happy about? " Yunqianyue stood up and went to Leng Shao Zhuo, looking at him. What a likeness he was to Xi Yanyue when he left more than 20 days ago. Although not brothers, from filial piety palace to Wangchun tower, entangled for so many years, but also each other contaminated with some common atmosphere?

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded dejectedly.

"Sometimes, it's not other people who trap a person. It's not the trivial things that are constantly entangled and unclear, but people's hearts. If the heart is wide, the world will be wide; if the heart is narrow, it will be difficult to move. " Cloud shallow moon put his hand on Leng Shao Zhuo's shoulder, as if to pass on his strength in general, "now how many people in the heavenly capital have been carved into a mold, really do not need more you."

Leng Shao Zhuo stares at the cloud shallow moon, seems to be ignorant.

"No matter how people and things around you happen or change, you should always remember to be yourself." Yunqianyue looked at him and said with a smile: "our identity and the surrounding environment have made us so depressed. If we suppress ourselves again, what is the taste of living? You are Leng Shao Zhuo, those things you did before can only become your mirror, let you remember not to repeat to do wrong, not to become your stain. Life, this life, who can not do something wrong and stupid? Who can say everything is right? Even if it is Rongjing, how many people in the world think that he is perfect, but is it true? His shortcomings are just buried in his merits. "

Leng shaozhuo was silent.

"So, whether he is Jiaojiao, or the third son of the filial piety palace, your younger brother, or the prince of Xiyan, xiyanyue, what puzzles can't be solved? He is just a person, just like a person's past, present and future. It's just one person. In the past, Leng Shao Zhuo was Leng Shao Zhuo, but now Leng Shao Zhuo is still Leng Shao Zhuo. You can't get caught up in past mistakes, and you can't get out of jail. Day by day, we are suffering from the past. " Cloud shallow moon persuades slowly.

Leng Shao Zhuo's chaotic eyes split a slit, as if something broke through the clouds.

"Some people can't see through and are entangled by the past. Some people can see through and are also entangled with the past. However, whether they can see through or not, it is just the past. Why bother? Or in turn, do you really need to see everything so clearly? How much less fun is that? There are always two sides to everything in the world. It's up to you! " Yun Qianyue clearly saw the broken light in Leng Shao Zhuo's eyes and continued with a smile: "you are Leng Shao Zhuo, and the little prince of Xiaoqin palace is just an identity of your origin. What is your identity? It's nothing more than an ornament. With it, without it, you are all you. Just like I am the cloud shallow moon, the cloud palace miss, this identity, also is my one embellishment only. One day, the cloud palace is gone, or I get married, and my identity has changed. Can you say that I am not cloud shallow moon again? Therefore, for Jiaojiao, the third childe, or today's xiyanyue, are just one person. What do you have to worry about? No, it's just that. To put it bluntly, as long as you have a broad heart, you don't call it a big thing. You just have a big scar on your head. Your thoughts determine your actions. How wide your vision is, how far you will go. Do you understand? "Cold Shao Zhuo nodded, the light in his eyes spread a little bit, "got it!"

Cloud shallow moon breathes a sigh of relief, smile way: "you understand good! Leng Shao Zhuo, I have never been so patient with anyone. Even if I had ten years of affection for the night, I have never had it. Don't waste all my hard work. "

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded heavily. Seeing the light moon in cloud's voice, he asked tentatively, "why didn't you enlighten him? If so, if he could figure it out, it would not be as good as you now... "

"We can't stand fire and water now, can we?" Cloud light moon light smile, "he and you are different."

Leng Shao Zhuo looks at the cloud shallow moon, although she is smiling, but there is no smile, the whole person does not see when persuading him, but every sentence slays to the real place. But there is a kind of unspeakable melancholy and desolation, which is a kind of deep helplessness.

"You don't ask me anything, he asks. I can't give him what he asked for. So, that's the only way. " Cloud shallow moon put aside her emotion and patted Leng Shao Zhuo, "it is estimated that those two people in the palace are still waiting for your reply! Go , the fastest update of the webnovel!