The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1034

Cloud shallow moon strange looking at the ears of Rongjing, tut praise, this person actually still know blush? It's not easy!

"Now you admit that he is a vinegar jar?" The third young master glanced at Rongjing, and his face softened.

Cloud shallow moon smiles nod, "admit!"

The third young master rolled up the two portraits in his hand and put them into his sleeve. In a moment, he suddenly reached out and pulled Yun Qianyue into his arms and held him tightly. Rongjing turned his head. Yun Qianyue was stunned and his voice was a little dull. "A group of people in your room were happy to tell stories that day. Although it was raining outside, I felt really warm. Where you were there, I felt warm Like a family, I have no status, no quarrel, no abuse, no scorn. I have never experienced the feeling of home in the courtyard of the prince of filial piety for so many years. I don't know what my family is from my heart. But that day you made me understand that even if there is no blood relationship, it can be family

Cloud light moon face a warm, showing a smile, Ren three childe in the arms, quietly listen.

Rong Jing Mou Guang surged up a layer of waves, and slowly retreated down, and did not open the third childe.

"On that day, I thought that I would stay by your side and not go anywhere. I would be willing to be your substitute even if I was behind you. If Rongjing drives me away, I won't leave. I didn't expect that only a few days later, the one who left became me. " Three childe voice slightly hoarse, "cloud shallow moon, I don't want to go."

Cloud light moon complexion moved, eyes involuntarily acid acid.

"In the filial piety palace, I was not reconciled since I was a child. I have always wondered why there is such a person as Prince Xiao in the world. How can I have such a father? How can I not recognize my mother because she is ugly. Isn't he the one who is drunk and does wrong? How can I blame my mother? I've been thinking about it for many years, and then it's cold. " The third childe's hoarse voice said quietly: "later I lost my feelings for the filial piety palace, but I didn't know that God had played a joke on me, and I didn't have any relationship with the filial piety palace."

"What's wrong with that? King Xiyan is at least several times better than Prince Xiao in my opinion. " Yun Qianyue said: "it's said that the king of Xiyan didn't like women, and the back palace was almost empty. For a time, the civil and military courtiers of Xiyan thought that the king was a good man, and those who flattered him secretly sent him some excellent men. The king of Xiyan was so angry that he killed the man to make an example. Later, the courtiers did not dare to speculate on the emperor's mind for no reason. There was no one to talk about the emperor's masculinity. What's more, because the imperial concubines gave birth to several royal children sparsely later, they completely reassured the courtiers. In this way, he is not a bad woman, but has to protect the country goddess alone. Such a man is your father. Do you think it's better than Prince Xiao? "

"Well!" The third young master replied in a low voice.

"So, it's no big deal. It's not a bad thing for you, is it?" Cloud shallow moon road.

"Yes, but will you miss me when I go to Xiyan?" The third young master holds the cloud and the moon.

"I'll miss you!" Rongjing finally can't help but make a move, a wisp of strong wind swept, will separate the two people, cool tunnel.

"Don't think about it!" The third young master was opened by Rongjing and stood reluctantly in his body. He looked at Rongjing and snorted to him with his nostrils, "I'm afraid I won't live for a few years when you think about it."

"You'd better not use her! Otherwise I will miss you very much Rong Jing waved to the moon, "come here!"

Yunqianyue laughingly looks at Rongjing. This person is really black hearted. It is estimated that he has planned to take the third childe away from her. It's rare to have such a long time to have action. It's quiet today. She glared at him and ignored him. She said to the third young master, "I will miss you. I will also use the carrier pigeon I gave you to send messages with me."

The third young master, by the way, opened his eyebrows and nodded happily

Rong Jing slowly took back his hand and did not say a word to the cloud shallow moon who did not listen to him.

"The wind pavilion was built by me for the sake of nightlife. Because I had too much contact with the Royal hidden guards, no matter how secret it is, he and the Royal hidden guards can find loopholes to crack down on. It can't be used any more. Take the wind pavilion to the West Extension! You can't go to Xiyan without people. The wind Pavilion is just for you. " Cloud shallow moon road.

The third young master pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "the wind Pavilion is your painstaking effort, so give it to me?"

"Why not? You have been with me for so long, I have already regarded you as my own, not as an outsider. " Cloud shallow month smile, "do you think you are an outsider?"

"Of course not!" The third young master shook his head.

"Then take it! Anyway, today's wind Pavilion is useless to me. It's just killing me to stay by my side. What's more, I don't want the wind pavilion to be born and destroyed because of the nature of the night. " Cloud shallow moon eyebrow eye congeals on a faint, fleeting, look to Rong Jing way: "your what medicine? It can protect the life of the goddess for a year. "

"Snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain!" Rong Jing spits out four words.

"Don't you have snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain?" Yunqianyue looked at him in surprise. That day, in the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple, she was attracted by her passion. He said that he had the last two Tianshan snow lotus pills left for yunmuhan and princess Qingwan. No more, he helped her to fuse the two genuine Qi in her body and resist the poison of emotional arousal. How can there be any more?Rong Jing seemed to know what she was thinking and said slowly, "I forgot there was another one that day!"

"You..." Cloud shallow moon to Rong Jing stare. What forgot? He must have done it on purpose that day. If he could forget that? Then he is not Rongjing. I don't believe it.

The third young master snorted and said to Yun Qianyue, "how can you take a fancy to him when so many people treat you well? I'm so mean to you. Be careful when you are sold and help him count the money. "

Cloud shallow month hums a, some depressed, "do you think I want to see him? Is it not that my heart does not listen to me? "

"Now? Do you want to change it? there's still time! Although I am not qualified, there is no one qualified in the capital except him, but what about the jade Prince of Donghai state, I heard that the jade Prince... " The third young master suggested to Yun Qianyue.

"You talk too much today!" With a wave of his hand, Rongjing stopped his voice. His face was calm and his voice was gentle. His breath was the same as in the past. There was no abnormality, no anger or anything else. When he saw that the third young master could no longer speak, he did not look at him, but called out in a warm voice: "green shadow!"

"Son of a bitch!" The green shadow fell in response.

"You personally escorted the third young master to Xiyan, just as you did to Fengjin childe. You must treat him well." Rong Jing ordered, "in addition, inform the old doctor to follow the third young master to Xiyan. Tell the king of Xiyan that medicine is the same as me. Let him recuperate the disease of the goddess of the state in Xiyan in the future, so that he can save her life for one more day. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!