The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1031

Three childe smell speech suddenly self mockery ground a smile, "filial piety palace how can have all of me? I'm just a superfluous person in the filial piety palace. As for Leng Shao Zhuo, do you think if he saw my face now, he would still take me as my brother? Can you want me to forgive being a good brother like I do now? Don't forget that I was the charming girl he was longing for. At first, I was in wangchunlou, but I played him round and round. "

Cloud shallow month is silent for a moment, the ground of headache shakes a hand, "forget it! In that case, that's it! I don't care about you! Leng Shao Zhuo will not come to me for your business after today's affairs. "

The third son pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Seeing him speechless, yunqianyue changed the topic, "Leng Shao Zhuo just said to me, you must have heard everything. Ye qingran knows that you are the third son of Xiaoqin's mansion and the owner of Fengge Pavilion. It's not surprising. What's strange is why the sixth princess knows? Let's analyze it. "

Three young master smell speech facial expression sink down, "I take over the wind Pavilion, have been careful. However, it is inevitable that people will not be found when they shuttle back and forth between the cloud palace and the filial piety palace. If they are found, they will certainly have higher martial arts skills than me. When ordinary hidden guards and royal hidden guards will not find me, I am still ignorant and can not find him, so I can only say that he is a better martial artist than me. There are few people who are better at martial arts than me, aren't they? "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "really very few!"

"It's strange that your cloud palace is too close to the seventh Prince's house!" Cold Shao Zhuo snorted, "in addition to that person, who can it be? After all, the sixth princess is the princess of the royal family. After a month in the royal family, the descendants' hidden people are also hidden guards. Who is in charge of the royal guards today? Naturally, it's the same person. I don't believe you can't guess it was him. "

The cloud is light, the moon is silent, and her face is dark.

"Apart from the seventh prince, I can't think of anyone else." The third childe also said, "jingshizi, Rongfeng, yeqingran, qihuangzi, cangting, naturally, it is unnecessary to say that cangting is not in Beijing these days. Then there is night light dye and the seventh prince. Ye qingran is a person from Deqin Wangfu, who is very kind to you. He will not use the six princesses to hate you to deal with you and let you fall apart because of my relationship with Leng Shao Zhuo. Then who can be the seven princes, who can't love but hate because of love? "

"What about the Prime Minister of Qin in the prime minister's office?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Prime Minister of Qin?" The third young master frowned and thought for a moment: "the last time you went into the palace to save the queen, Rong Feng has been watching him secretly. After Miss Qin disappeared from the prime minister's residence, the Prime Minister of Qin, in addition to the upper court and the lower court, was looking for his daughter all over the world, and there was no action

Cloud light moon is silent again.

"But I'm not sure!" The third young master was a little uncertain and said, "that's an old fox."

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, three childe see her do not speak, also frown to think not to speak.

A moment later, Yun Xiaoyue suddenly said, "you have been in this holy capital since you were a child. At the beginning, there were countless people who knew the beauty of the spring tower. See the world is not small, listen to the secrets of the heavenly capital is also a lot, so someone wants to kill you with Arnebia. With your long understanding. What kind of person do you think night light dye is

Three childe a Leng, looking at cloud shallow moon, don't understand how she asked him such words.

"Or, how much do you know about night light dyeing?" Cloud light moon tone has a trace of carelessness, as if just casual.

"Do you suspect him?" The third young master was surprised, "didn't you tell Leng Shao Zhuo that he would not? With his kindness to you, he will not use the six princesses to deal with you? "

"Look! Not even you Cloud light moon suddenly a smile, smile some cool, "I can think of all things will be night Tianyi in doing, but never the first to think of night light dye. Even everything, the first thing I think of is to exclude him

The third young master's face changed slightly, "do you think it's him? This... "

Yunqianyue put her hand on her forehead and said, "I didn't say it was him. I just said I didn't know about night light dye."

Three childe don't understand, seem to be cloud shallow moon confused, "you are very good to night light dye, you say you don't know him?"

"I don't understand!" Yunqianyue laughed, "Rongjing and I had a bad time at Yuanyang pool, the 45th Birthday banquet of the old emperor. At the same time, we also knew night light dye. He and Rongjing, one of them was seriously injured and the other was out of Beijing for a tour. He has been to many places, only a lot more than I have been to. Later, when he returned to Beijing, he almost turned over his face with the night sky and blood stained the imperial garden to protect me. Then we met. After that, Rongjing and I were assassinated by hundreds of hidden guards. He arrived at the first time, and then he sent me Rouge snake. Later Ye Qian took Yun Muhan away. Later, ye qingran took over 400000 troops and horses inside and outside the capital. Now he goes to LAN's home with Ye Tianyi, and then he falls ill with me. Now a month later, he takes care of him The hidden Lord of the Wei royal family is against me. This pile, one thing, I have never thought about it, but it doesn't mean that I haven't installed it in my heart. Everything he does seems reasonable and casual, but what is there that doesn't involve him? Do you think I should know about night light dye? "

The three princesses seem to be in a dilemma. They don't speak and listen to the cloud and the moon.

"On the second day of the fire, why did the night light dye protect me? Think for me Yunqianyue looks at the third childe.The third childe immediately said, "he likes you!"

Yun Xiaoyue chuckled when he heard the speech, "except that when I was five years old, we had a quarrel with Rongjing and him in Yuanyang pool. I have been avoiding him since then, and there is no intersection between them. Night light dye looks free and easy, but is actually a rational person. He knows the trouble between me and Rongjing. Do you think you like it for no reason? "

The third young master was stunned.

"Since he didn't like it for no reason, why did he want to protect me?" Seeing that the third young master did not speak, Yun Qianyue said to himself, "let Jingbao protect me. He belongs to me. I was involved with him for ten years. The things in the middle are constantly being cut and sorted out. But it is not so with night light dye. "

"Why does the dye Lord protect you?" The third young master also thinks that it is not easy to say so.

Cloud shallow moon was silent for a moment, her face suddenly bright and dark way: "I also just want to understand recently, no, maybe today just want to understand, just want to understand. Maybe I always understand, but I don't want to understand. He's because of the night

The third young master was stunned again.

"Seven years ago, she was lightly dyed out of Beijing. For the sake of rouge and red snake in southern Xinjiang, five years ago, LAN's family was killed and night Tianyi was sent to northern Xinjiang. One south and one north, the two ends of Tiansheng. How could the old emperor not train his assistant ministers since he was determined to cultivate night nature? Who else is more suitable than the prince in the prince's house? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!