The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1011

In front of the fourth Prince's mansion, there are so many cars and people are smiling. They come in and go out, quite happy. The housekeeper of the fourth Prince's house took several people close to him to greet the guests. He received a soft hand after receiving the gift. The fourth Prince's house is in full swing today.

Cloud shallow month with Ling Lian and Yi snow to the fourth Prince's house, the house has come to most of the guests. She lifted the curtain and got out of the car. The housekeeper of the fourth Prince's mansion threw down people to meet her. Her enthusiasm was better than that of welcoming all the distinguished guests.

Yun Xiaoyue looked at the housekeeper of the fourth Prince's mansion with her hands spread out. She said with a smile, "I didn't bring any gifts. I don't know whether to let me go in and drink!"

The housekeeper of the fourth Prince's mansion was stunned and quickly said with a smile, "Miss shallow moon, my fourth Highness has just asked if you have come. It would be nice if you had come now! If you don't have a gift, you will enter. "

"What about the night sky? Serving guests inside? The fourth Prince's house is really lively today Cloud shallow month looks at the carriage that grows dragon all around, as well as the voice of the people in the mansion, she smiles to ask.

"My highness is not entertaining guests. He is in the backyard. Here you are. I'll take you to him It's a big family.

Cloud shallow month smell speech nod, wave hand, "do not need you to lead the way, you entertain guest! I'm familiar with the fourth Prince's house. I'll go to the backyard to find him. "

The housekeeper was not polite either. He nodded his head and went to entertain the guests again. Yun Qianyue walks inside. The mother of the fourth Prince is Chen Guifei, and Chen Laojun's daughter. Although she died early, she was rented out as a famous family with noble status. Later, he was brought up under the Queen's knee. Among all the princes, except the one in the Queen's stomach is the one with the most noble birth. Of course, his residence will not be bad, even better than the former Prince's and now the second prince's residence.

Lin Tai waterside pavilions, flower treasures, dazzling, luxurious and noble. Not very elegant, but not vulgar.

The banquet was set in the front yard. A table of delicacies, delicious dishes. The table had not yet opened, but there were already 180 people sitting at the table. It's like having your own birthday.

"Cloud light moon?" A familiar voice called out.

Cloud shallow moon originally wanted to bypass the vestibule, heard the familiar voice, turned to see Leng Shao Zhuo sitting in front of a table waving to her. Leng Shao Zhuo sat next to Rong Feng, the two people occupied a table, no one else.

Originally the lively discussion guests heard Leng Shao Zhuo's shouts, all stopped talking and looked at the moon.

Cloud shallow moon eye light roughly swept a circle, more than half are ministers in the court, the other half is the family members of the ministers. Among them, there was also a place separated by curtains, and several tables were set up, in which there were female dependents. She saw several little princesses of the royal family, as well as the coldness and estrangement of the prince of filial piety's residence, the second young lady of Rongwang's mansion, Rong Linglan, and the ladies of central Beijing's mansion. At the innermost side, a woman was dignified and graceful, with beautiful appearance and light powder. In a group of daughters, she was extremely elegant and looked strange at a glance. On closer inspection, she could not help but be surprised that the woman was the sixth princess.

Today's six princesses are so different from the former six princesses that even she can hardly recognize them.

In the past, the sixth princess was just like princess Qingwan. Although she was slightly inferior to Princess Qingwan under the pressure of her publicity, her arrogance and publicity were released since Princess Qingwan died of filthy. Her arrogance and publicity were no different among the Princesses for a time. She adores Rongjing, but can't ask for it. After being ugly, the old emperor is annoyed with her, but she still wants to make use of her hatred to make him marry Yunli. Unfortunately, she destroys Yunli's appearance. The third young master Yi Rongcheng divorces his wife under the instruction of Rongjing. Finally, she is put into the royal family's heirs under the pressure of the cloud palace and her pressure on the old emperor It's the same.

It is said that those who have entered the royal family's heirs, after being trained by the dark people inside, can come out either as a utensil or as a waste. Obviously, the six princesses are successful.

Six princesses also seem to feel the line of sight of cloud shallow moon, slightly low head raises, look to cloud shallow moon. Then he nodded to her calmly without any love or hate.

The women at the table of the sixth princess looked different when they saw the moon.

There is a pale pink scar on the forehead of Rong Wang Fu's second young lady Rong suzulan, which is quite conspicuous under the bright and clean forehead of many women. However, she is not covered by the sea, and her face and look are not ashamed among the women. Cold alienation complex looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, then turned to talk with the woman around her.

The cloud shallow moon recovers the line of sight, thinking that it will still be very interesting today. This world is not only a man's world, she almost forgot that she is not only a woman in Beijing. Behind men, there is also a world of red and pink.

"I know you certainly don't like to huddle with that bunch of women. Just sit at our table." Leng Shao Zhuo sees the cloud shallow moon coming, swept the curtain curtain curtain separated those female dependents one eye, to cloud shallow moon way.

Cloud shallow moon "um", but did not sit.

"Yueer seems to have lost a lot of weight." Rong Feng looked up and down the cloud, the moon, frown.

Cloud shallow month languidly supported the table with his hand, almost the whole person leaned on the table, and said with a smile: "you are not fat.""Rong Feng is now highly valued by the emperor. After ye qingran was injured, the affairs of the military department fell on his head. These days, he has been in the Xishan camp. That's what makes the most of the work. " Leng Shao Zhuo said with a smile. Obviously, he and Rong Feng had a good friendship after ten days of recuperation in the cloud palace.

"So? I said why I haven't seen you for more than a month. " Cloud shallow moon picked eyebrows. The old emperor was so relieved to let Feng. The Xishan military aircraft camp is not for everyone.

"Yes, I've been in Xishan military aircraft camp." Rong Feng smiles and glances at Leng Shao Zhuo, "now you are in the Hubu department, and the emperor also praises you for your tactful character of filial piety. Now people in the imperial court mention Leng Xiaowang, whether they act or learn, they all call it a good word. Don't you have a lot of work to do? "

"How can I be the same as you? I can't say that there are so many capable people who work a lot. I just think it's time to do something serious after all these years of chaos. Even if it's not good for the people, it can't harm the people. " Although Leng Shao Zhuo was praised by Feng Feng, he did not see any exaggeration. After a word, his face was a little dark with a smile. "I can see clearly from the Ministry of housing that only one third of the castle peak city has been destroyed, as many as a thousand households. What's more, Fenghuang pass is really sad."

Rong Feng was silent.

Cloud shallow moon smell speech also no longer speak. The tragedy of Fenghuang pass is far from the world, compared with the bustle of today's inviting friends, chatting, singing and drinking. Now more than 20 days have passed, she does not know how long this elegy can be forgotten in the dust, perhaps never forget. , the fastest update of the webnovel!