The Amusing Other World Trading Travelogue of Net Auction Guy

26 Episode 26: That day is the scent of Sunday.txt

Priestess seemed to already know the story of how I got Deanna and Marina from Deanna.

I wondered what the elves would think of a man who uses high elves as slaves, but they don\'t seem to have any special animosity towards it. I\'m not sure if that\'s a big deal for an older elf who knows the ins and outs of sour and sweet tastes.

Or maybe Deanna explained it well.

--It\'s a good idea to be able to have a friendly relationship with the priestess in the future. In fact, you might even be able to get to know her better by using her as an ally!

That said, let\'s ask him about that thing\'s day.

\'So ......, what do you mean by \'thing day\'? I\'m actually not familiar with that situation: ....... If it\'s hard to answer, that\'s what I\'m talking about: ...... hahaha.

It\'s not your period.

That\'s what I\'m talking about, Priestess!

He said it loud and clear!

\'Kohon. ...... The day of the thing is simply the Sabbath of the elves, master. If an elf who lives in a human village doesn\'t regularly rest in \'their own private place\', they will eventually lose the use of their spirit magic. Elves who live in the forest, which is dense with spirit power, don\'t need this kind of practice. ......

Slow Place or .......

It\'s not just a matter of taking it slow, Jiro. There are certain conditions: a place that is as secluded as possible, a place that will never be entered, a place with a high level of spiritual power, and also a place that is close to where you live. Therefore, the place you find for the day of the thing is very important to the elves.

It\'s like a place ...... for the restoration of spirit power. A power spot-like ....... In a game, it\'s like "If you stay in this place, you\'ll recover your MP a little bit more" ......? Well, if that\'s the case, it\'s probably essential for elves. And moreover, the priestess must be using spirit magic all over the place for work.

\'\'So, master. Until I find a place for myself alone, I want you to allow me to act alone on the day of the thing.

\'Yeah, that\'s fine. You don\'t want me, a human, to know where the priest is, do you? Even the lady in the temple said something like, \'Only those with a very close relationship know where the elves were on that day.\'

\'Yes, that\'s right. \'And, of course, when I get my own place, I\'ll definitely tell your master about it! Immediately!

Yeah. Don\'t push it. I\'m more than capable of understanding interspecies stuff.

I said that, and he said it again, "Mmmm! I don\'t know! Pui! Deanna is going to be a good example of that.

I want to know, totally.

But, well, it\'s good to know about the day of the thing anyway. It\'s too bad it wasn\'t in heat, but of course I didn\'t really think it was! You\'re d*mn right!

I don\'t know why we use the word "day of the dick" in a slightly cryptic way. Is there some kind of embarrassment in it?

If you don\'t give him a good rest on the day of the thing, many elves will become less rational, so Jirou-san, please be careful.

It\'s called reason fading: .......

I knew you were in heat!


Afterwards, I invited Priestess to eat dinner as well.

Aside from Marina, who seems to be a fish lover, Deanna even ordered a fish dish for her priestess, but I don\'t understand the position of fish dishes in this world. ......

I asked everyone at the dinner table about it, and while the catch is not so high, the scarcity of the fish is part of it, but if you break the story down, it seems that they just like what they like.

Well, I\'m more of a meat than a fish too, so maybe that\'s simply what it is.

The reason why we can\'t catch so many fish in Elishe, even though the sea is so close to us is because small fishing boats can\'t handle the monsters of the sea, and it is difficult to catch fish without larger merchant ships or warships with metal reinforced bottom.

It\'s a good idea to have a good idea of what you\'re looking for. It is said that, to say nothing of the inland areas, other sea-facing areas also have fish and shellfish that are comparable to valuables compared to Elishe.

However, it is a story about comparing with meat, and it seems that fish is more expensive than meat. It\'s not like the matsutake mushroom of Japan, which is a luxury product.

Well, there\'s a hint of a profit-making story around here too, so I\'ll have to look into it again.

So ......, after dinner.

I\'m sleeping alone in my room.

Is that ......? What happened to the delightful bedding with the elf slave ......? You may think so, but I didn\'t have a choice. ......

I\'ve been drinking a lot of alcohol and having a good time, but when I had a couple of glasses of wine, the priestess, who is not as good a drinker as I thought, got drunk early on and carried them into the next room and said, "Don\'t ask me to take care of the priest," and so on.

And then, ...... this is what happened.

I\'m sure you\'re not going to be able to get away with it. I\'m not going to be able to say that it\'s a good idea. Maybe! I\'m sure!

The next day, after a light breakfast, I drove the hungover priestess to the temple, and then Deanna and Marina went out to watch the festival.

I\'d have an elf girl on either side of me to watch the festival, an act that would be legendary if it were local. I wish someone would take a picture of my bravery. Then I\'ll frame it and hang it on my doorstep: .......

Well, it\'s pretty obvious. Deanna\'s prominence isn\'t half bad. It\'s a good idea to buy a large robe and dress her in it. It\'s a good thing we\'re in the middle of a festival now, but if she doesn\'t cover up her tattoos (not strictly speaking, apparently) afterwards, people will start talking about her as someone who\'s in a festival mood forever.

Marina says it\'s her first time at a festival in such a large city, and every time there\'s a stall that looks interesting, she stops and is intrigued. Deanna might say I\'m "soft on Marina" again, but I\'ll buy her something later.

Unlike Marina, who doesn\'t have a lot of time on her hands, Deanna has a lot of presence of mind. I guess high elves are a bit different ......?

Maybe they simply aren\'t interested in the festival, but it\'s still supernatural to be so public.

Well, we\'re talking about the High Elves being elven royalty. I guess it\'s nothing to be concerned about when the common people see them. Maybe it\'s different in terms of sensibilities than a small citizen like me.

But, ......, when Deanna stands out, it makes me uncomfortable because I stand out too, by the way. So let\'s go buy a cover. First and foremost.

And then we\'ll have to do some festival watching!

That\'s why I came to the used clothing store I visited when I bought clothes before.

This time I\'m just going to buy a robe for Deanna here. After all, even second-hand clothes are quite expensive here.

By the way, both Deanna and Marina are wearing exactly the same clothes they wore at the slave trading house two days ago; neither of them had some spare underwear, so they\'re not too filthy, but I\'d like to buy them at least some clothes for my master\'s worth.

And as a privilege of master, I\'d like to let him wear "whatever clothes he wants".

The clothes you\'re wearing now are cute, but I\'d love to dress you in such and such clothes: ...... In a different world, it would be "Look at that guy, he\'s making his girlfriend dress like that. ...... You can dress up in a variety of costumes without being rumored to be a "gatiotas" couple or something like that. ......

I found a second-hand robe on sale just in time to buy one.

It\'s a dark gray, plain hooded robe. The price is also about 160 ells.

...... I mean, 160 ells is not cheap by any means. It\'s about 24,000 yen, and I don\'t think it\'s an amount of money that I\'d be comfortable buying.

The sheets were sold cheaply at the flea market, and the cloth itself doesn\'t seem to be a luxury item, but is there some kind of special effect added to the armor that is unique to the fantasy world?

Oh, you can appraise it in these situations.

"The Mirror of Truth."

---------------------- ...


body armor


Dull Robe +1


Robes that all professions can equip.

The magic color "Dull" adds protection against the blade.

[Magical characteristics]

Blade-proof D

[Spiritual blessing]



Jiro Ayase

---------------------- ...

There it is! RPG explanations!

They usually sell them at second-hand clothing stores, but they\'re magical, right? That\'s the way it is in the fantasy world. If you appraise every other item when you have the time, you might find some unexpected bargains.

What did you just do? Master.


\'It\'s happened before. I felt the same flicker of spirit power as I did when I was looking at Efta\'s map.

Awwww. The Mirror of Truth is appraised by a genie, so it\'s obvious to Lady High Elf Deanna: .......

\'It\'s just my imagination ....... I\'d like to say that, but I\'m not. I\'ll tell you about it soon, so for now, it\'s just hi-mi-tsu-yo.

I mimicked Deanna and fooled around. \'We can talk about the endemic positions again when things settle down.

I\'ll be looking forward to ......, I\'ll be waiting for you.

Deanna says with a woozy smile for some reason.

Don\'t give me a dreadful look, if it wasn\'t for the tattoos, I\'d be in love with you!

I put the robe I bought on Deanna.

It\'s a little big, but it looks okay. It covers almost the entire body, so it won\'t show off too much.

Now, let\'s go to the festival again! You don\'t buy slave collars, do you? And ignore Deanna, who asks, "What do you think?"!

There are all sorts of stalls at the festival, not to mention food stalls, trinket shops, lucky charm shops, and even some sort of freak show.

We\'re running low on money over here by now, so we need to find a way to make money as soon as possible, but we have enough to spend on the festival.

I was able to spend my picture-perfect rear-end time buying horseshoe-shaped hair clips for Deanna and Marina and eating lunch at a food truck.

Now, let\'s go into the freak show next, shall we?

What kind of a freak show is this place?

It\'s a large, black tent freak show that looks like it\'s about 10 meters in diameter and 3 meters high. Naturally it has writing on it, but I can\'t read it, so I ask Deanna.

It looks like a sorcerer in a black robe is using magic.

\'This is a sorcerer\'s house, master. Perhaps it\'s a sorcerer\'s hut where he shows his magic.\'

Oh, magic tricks.

Let\'s see what kind of magic you have up your sleeve! Otherworldly super illusions!

Well, it\'s probably just like pigeons out of a hat anyway.