The Adventure of the Boy With a Mind of a Middle-aged Man

64 Episode 5: Insect Poison

As you ascend the stairs, your gaze gathers simultaneously.

"Hey, who's the lookout in the basement today!? The hungry guys are running away on their own, huh?

Watchdogs. So you knew about the underground tragedy and were tolerant?

"Hey, you, that's a face you don't see, huh? No way, you let him get away with it, didn't you?

(You don't know me, but [Laguna] has warmed up for a long time)

To the big man with an approaching and intimidating beard, Klama tames his hands with cockroach when he narrows his eyes and reaches out to the man with the beard -.

"Klama, don't do anything extra. They're all my prey."

Yes. So far, you've evoked my ugly feelings. Whoever it is, what it gives way to. The flesh is grated, there is no shard of soul left, and I will destroy it all.

"Excuse me."

A token of grace, Klama retreats one step later.

"Now, do any of you have any negatives about their tragedy in the basement?

This is my last mercy. If you're feeling any negative emotions, I'll kill you without suffering.

After a moment of silence, a humble laugh rolls around the room.

I see. In a way, I was relieved. Now I can hit this madness without worrying.

"You heard me. You're claiming your rights when it comes to livestock? Boxtin, poor bastard. Help me!

"More than that, this guy's a real good woman, isn't he?

A toothed man with a bottle of wine approaches Aria and observes him as a dildo.

"Sure. We're not gonna put you back where you came from."

The bearded big man and the toothed little man surround Aria while sticking a nasty grin to one side of her face. And the toothed man reaches out his right hand to Aria.

"Don't touch me, you bastard!

Dyed her disgust on one side of her face, Aria punches her right straight at the toothed little guy. To Aria, the punched-out little man was blown away, stripped of his white eyes and passed out.

No way, you never dreamed your amateur daughter would beat you to death.

"Holy shit!"

The big man with a mustache sets up a thick blue muscle on his forehead and releases his right fist to Aria.

"Oh, boy."

I, when I grab the right fist waved towards Aria, pay my legs, spin the man a spin, and slap him from the back.


The gaze of both the stubborn and stiff soldiers was still drawn to the man who blew bubbles and fainted on his back.

"I'll do that hungry ghost."

A bandit-like looking man standing up and grabbing a mace against the wall, drinking fruit liquor, sitting on the wall at the back of the round table.

"So, Eureen, you don't mind, do you?

Behind his back, he presses his precautions against the skinny robe man on his cheek who was sleeping with his arms together.

"Oh, but, Balm, don't play too much"


Balm, with an ugly grin, pushes the soldiers and walks up to me.

"Woe to you, my boss has just seen me, and all of you cattle are dying in pain"

"For pity's sake, don't you really seem happy?

To my question, Balm dyes his face ugly and ecstatic.

"Do you understand? 'Cause I love starving ghosts and women screaming, too. Come on.

Horseback riding, like I'm hitting you, desperately begging for forgiveness. Come on. I'm sorry, I hope you forgive me. That sense of conquest. "

A balm that dyes your face into a trance and dreams. Don't be heartfelt ridiculous that I tried to have mercy even once.

"Absolutely, all the time, something that barks as loud as a miscellaneous fish"

It's a hundred million years ago to have a conversation with such maggots. Let's get this over with.

"You think I'm a... mutton fish?

"That's right. Miscellaneous fish. Goblins are stronger when it comes to you."

It's not a metaphor or anything, it's a fact. Both those goblins were scumbags enough not to take a pull, but things weren't as rotten as this one when it came to fighting.

"Fucking kid!!"

The single-cell (balm) rises sharply and beats the mace that swung in my brain, even though it stains bright red with rage.

Mace approaching with a high wind. Easily avoiding a cursory mace like that turtle and jumping into his nostrils, he pulls out his hips dagger, pokes it in his right arm and twists it up.


A balm with a broken right arm and a face on one knee.

"Hey, you have time to be in pain, do you?

I create a rainy fist all over Balm's body.

- Break the chest (Avatar) and hurt your guts all over (Manbein).

"Ya, stop."

- Shatter the bones in the thighs (dabble) and upper arms (jitter).

"Dashi... Ho... so"

- And crush your ears and nose, destroy your jaw.

Flatly ignoring his words for mercy, I kept beating him.


Finally kicks up Balm's jaw for losing words. The bursting sound was raised, along with the crushing sound of the bones, going straight vertically and crashing from head to ceiling.

Vibrating buildings and balms peeling white eyes and falling off.


The soldiers of the Pheasys family, like fish being launched and dying on the beach, look at the pimply and spasmodic balm with their eyes open.

"So? What's next?


To him that signals a little groan, trembles, but pulls out his sword,


He who screams when he is a hog trembling in fear, but drives (or screams) outside the mansion.

"A fool..."

A sphere of flame passes in front of me with a squeaky whine that throws up and strikes directly at both the soldiers who have killed (just now) in front of the mansion door.

"If you betray me, death. Forget about that family code?

Code...... did you even kill your people for something that didn't even help with that shit? By the way, these are the kind of races I hate.

"You'll deal with them instead of the garbage there?

I still peeled my white eyes and looked down at the spasmodic balm, but I asked what I understood.


Eureen, laughing with her nose, raises her right hand and releases a sphere of flame. The sphere is headed for Balm, who is fainting. Suddenly, his whole body burns bright red.

"The weak don't want it in the family."

"You're weak..."

In terms of the weak, you must be a lot different too.

Indeed, you can use the unchanging [fireball], and because you have the magic and the E-, you have a reasonably powerful power. Anything, even the lower [fireball (fireball)] sounds like a court magician class if it's unchanging, and I guess the mafia world is pretty strong.

But that's all. There is no protruding combat technique like Caesar's wild, and the magic is poor with e-. You can call it a miscellaneous fish that doesn't even deserve roughly vigilance. Rather, they are not ashamed to that extent, and they curse others as weak.

"Kid, I know your physical skills are strong. qualified to join our family. I'll give the boss my advice."

That's ridiculous.

"What if I say no?

"Kill only."

Don't even make me laugh because it's really too funny.

"A little, I need to correct my mistakes"

"A misunderstanding?"

Eureen asks to return the parrot.

"Oh, it's you, not me, who's got two choices to make."

The exact same [fireball (fireball)] was fired at Eureen, more than a dozen shots in a row.

However, his size, power, and speed are not the same as his fireball. The fireballs of that atrocity, while spinning at high speeds, slightly deviate from the just a few millimeters outside of Eureen, clashing into the mansion, causing an explosion.

Flames that burn well shall be manipulated by [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] to quench the fire.


Eureen, like a broken brisket, in a shabby motion, looks back and takes a breath.

"Look, you seem to be mistaken, so I'll tell you. You backers can do whatever you want only against the same backer. You guys are in conflict with the biggest insanity."

If you don't like it, you can dye your hands in the wrong direction. Just keep walking down the road. That way, I'm sure, the sun's rays will envelop you gently.

Guys, these guys were laughing and accepting the underground tragedy. Already, plenty, I've stepped in the back. I can't go back out of the dim darkness anymore.

"Oh, you... what the hell?

With a loose voice that seems to disappear, Eureen asks me what I don't care.

"This is my last wish. At least try to be human, ready to die."

"- I don't know!"

Narrowing down the grudges, Eureen begins chanting.

To observe from the chant, it would be superior magic [Flame Dance (Flame Rond)]. Well, maybe it contains something extra.

Superior Magic [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] - A certain range of firing and, the ability to manipulate flames. There are limits to the magic that can be included, and besides, it's the weakest superior magic that has a limited range and only a poor effect, but it's mishandled. When I get used to it, I treasure it quite a bit, from the flame extinction of miscellaneous fish demons to the regulation of grilled meat. In short, it is a magical positioning magic like life magic rich in convenience.

No way, by extension, do you use the most unsuitable magic of life for battle? Then the unchanging [fireball (fireball)] had more sense.

"- Dance the Flame Dance!

The long chant is over, and the wall of flames rocks (yu) on the front of Yulin. It's a stale flame, but those in this room have enough firepower to burn it down.

Don't control it. Let [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] run wild, will it? I don't normally want [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)], a magic that specializes in control, to go wild. That's a novel idea.

"Hmm, that's funny."

"I beg your forgiveness. My flames burn down this area!!"

For excitement or with a bright red, bloody eye, he looks at me like he's gonna shoot me.

In contrast, the soldiers of the Pheasys family were declared to burn down and killed (and told) at the doorstep in desperate shape in order to evacuate this time.

Of course, [wind spell] kept a wall of wind on the door, so it was not frightening.

"Oh, it won't open!!?"

"Out of the way!

One of the soldiers pushes the others and knocks his long sword on the door, but it plays like rubber and doesn't scratch a single door.

"Die! [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] Wow!!"

The flaming wall turns toward me as I sway, scorching the wooden floor, yet running through it.

The approaching flame wall is manipulated by [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] and aggregated to the right index finger tip.


A loose voice between Eureen. The other soldiers were staring at my fingertips with a big mouth open with a poker.

"Are we done here?

"Oh no, [Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] is superior magic!? Even court magicians should have limited ability to handle it!!"

"[Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)] is good magic, also versatile (soldering). However, it is only in the magical realm of life."

"Life...... magic?

From Yurin's face, which repeatedly parrots back in vain (blurry) voices to be plundered, the fury had vanished as if it were a ghost.

Well, it's time to end the farce.

"It's a thank you for seeing something interesting. Show off your real battle magic."

Raise your right hand palm and ring your fingers, the room will stain bright red. And at the next moment, the anomaly came.

Even floors, ceilings, walls, tables, and chairs emerge circular black tiny creatures, from which, they crawl out.


Floors, filling walls, spiders, and roaches flock, and bees fly around in the sky.

"Mm, bug no!?"

The soldiers simultaneously retreat to the centre of the room where Eureen is located, screaming, trembling and shrinking.

This super-ranked Magic Bug Poison is a magic that calls and acts on spiders within a certain region.

However, the intensity of the bug being called depends on the magic of the surgeon, and each bug boasts a strength of a status average of D-.

For once, I tried with Jude and the others, but the intensity of the bug I could call was only G +. In other words, if I use it, it will only be magic that demonstrates the worst and not overstated effect.

Looking back over his shoulder, the guiding, bright blue face, Aria meshing her teeth with a bee fits into his sight.

"Aria, I'm sending you to the satyrs."

But in his eyes was a colorful inscription of his uncomparable fierce anger at them, along with his intense fear of the surrounding bugs.

"No. They did such a terrible thing to my beloved city people. I'm watching to the end, too!

Ahju, there's something immature kids shouldn't see. I can never give this all away.

"Klama, okay?

"Yes, I misjudged you a little too. And I've had enough."

"Don't be ridiculous! What are you doing?"

Light control over Aria, where Klama rumbles. No, Aria makes that figure disappear.

"Well. Now we're out of the way"


When I look at both Eureen, I feel my own unhappy future or scream from all over the room.

"At least regret your sins and die"

"Ya, stop -"

"Bugs, eat them fully."

Flatly ignoring Eureen's refusal words, I give the bugs permission to eat.

For a moment, the bugs that were filling the room became great waves, flocking together to the men, and scattering them with bollocks from within and outside.

The room instantly turned into a hell of a sniffle.

Both worms ate up even a drop of Eurines' blood. That's what I ordered. That's good. But on the boulder, this is out of the picture.

An equal size trio of worms was kneeling (kneeling) in front of me.

The worms, after eating the eulinders, merged one after the other and became the demons of the three human forms. One is a roach, the second is a spider, and the third is a bee.

Plus, Roaches status average C. Spider-Man is C +. There was also a Bee Man B-.

I think this is too strong for boulders for anything and beyond the Magic Rank Super (Super) range.

I used to just summon bugs and never let them eat. I didn't expect you to have such a scientific reaction... well, validation is later. When the three bugs are ordered to wait, they split and become fine bugs and disappear.

"It's over. Can you stand?"

I give my right hand to Klama, who sweats like a waterfall but doesn't make it slightly mobile while I'm on one knee, but I get up on my own with a fuzzy foothold.

"Don't worry. Let's move on."

"Oh, yeah"

We're moving upstairs with the boss.