The Abandoned Empress Rules the World

Chapter 15 Disciple One Langjun

"Okay!" Su Mianyue nodded with satisfaction and turned to Bingshuang girl, "The third picture of the girl's couplet: the red lady, with a gold hairpin and silver flowers, is five times better than peony and peony. The next link below is the whitehead, holding the halberd, crossing the sea horse, fighting with the woodthief, the grass bandit, and the lily, and returning to the dynasty, worthy of the general country's old age."

The man in the moon-white robe on the second floor was slightly stunned. He looked down at Su Mianyue's confident smile and his heart stirred.

The man with a stiff face said, "This young man is indeed very talented, but unfortunately he is a person who is nostalgic for the world."

The man in the moon-white robe smiled and did not speak.

There were cheers from the audience. Bingshuang girl was shocked by Su Mianyue's talent. Coupled with Su Mianyue's extremely beautiful face, she had always been knowledgeable and unafraid. She blushed.

"The young lady admired the young man for his brilliant talent. She dared to ask him his name."

Su Mianyue bowed softly and winked at Frost, "My surname is su."

"Su Gongzi is so talented. Frost admires him." Without a doubt, this round, Su Mianyue took the lead.

The last person on stage was Xue Zhu, the flower leader of the day.

At this moment, she had already changed into a new outfit, a red suit, and a pure white dress. She looked arrogant and wore a white dress that looked more like a fairy than Frost.

"The so-called song is high and gentle, and the little girl gives a performance, hoping that someone can exchange notes with the little girl, both in literature and martial arts."

This is a living question. If a person is dancing with a sword, you can either dance with them for a long time or sing songs to add to her beauty. It seems that there is no requirement, but it is not easy to do.

After Xue Zhu finished speaking, she drew out a long green sword and flew off to dance. This time, her sword technique was sharper than before, her pace was faster, and her expression was colder.

No one below the stage dared to respond, only to see Xue Zhu dancing like an ice fairy.

Su Mianyue looked at her and a pipa tune appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, she was good at musical instruments in the 21st century, especially the pipa guzheng. She walked to a musician sitting in a corner of the hall and said, "Master, please borrow the pipa."

Su Mianyue sat down, waved his hand on the pipa, and all the people who watched the snow bamboo sword dance turned to look at her.

Su Mianyue's fingers flew up and down, as nimble as silk. The rhythm of the pipa was fast, slow, strong, and weak.

Everyone's attention was completely shocked by the sound of the pipa played by Su Mianyue. The old musician who had played the pipa in the Yihong hospital for more than ten years was so excited that he could not help but feel as if he had been frozen and his blood was rising.

Su Mianyue's slender fingers were extremely dexterous, tapping and tapping, each rhythm tightly gripping the hearts of everyone present.

The sound of the pipa was loud, chopping and playing, like pearls falling on a jade plate, beautiful and warm, nervous and agitated.

Xue Zhu, who was dancing the sword on the stage, had a beautiful and fast posture because of the music. It was like a glow that made it impossible to accurately capture her figure.

At the end of the song, the audience was extremely quiet and the needles could be heard. Everyone's faces were flushed with red, and some were still immersed in the complex and agitated pipa.

"This song should only be available in the sky. There are not many times in the world to hear it." A scholar was the first to come to his senses and exclaim.

A moment later, thunderous applause broke out in the hall. It was not for Xue Zhu who was dancing the sword, but for Su Mianyue who was playing the pipa.

Xue Zhu was shocked by Su Mianyue's superb pipa skills and talent in music. His original arrogant expression was replaced by admiration.

"The young master is a man of extraordinary talent, and Xue Zhu is convinced." It would be a great honor to have Xue Zhu, the Yihong hospital's girl, say one word of her heart. Not to mention Xue Zhu, everyone in the room was convinced.

Su Mianyue stood up and smiled, "If miss Xue Zhu hadn't danced, she wouldn't have been able to play this song. In other words, I'd like to thank miss Xue Zhu for her cooperation."

Xue Zhu seemed to have melted as cold as ice, and his pale face reddened slightly, "The young man is too modest."

"I spent a hundred thousand taels of silver for you, and I have to cooperate with Xue Zhu no matter what." Su Mianyue looked at Xue Zhu's snow-white neck and smiled.

Xue Zhu looked up in disbelief. The beautiful man in front of him claimed to be surnamed su, and the man who had just bid the highest price for her was also surnamed su.

Xue Zhu, who had never been happy, looked a little moved. She had always looked straight at him, and most men could not enter her eyes, but this man in front of her, not to mention his appearance, even talent is beyond the reach of others. Xue Zhu's cold heart suddenly became warm.

Compared to the calm performance of snow bamboo, the audience who had finally calmed down suddenly became excited again!

So the handsome man in front of him was Su Gongzi, who had spent a lot of money on miss xuezhu!