The 80s Chronicle: Addiction To the Army's Young Wife

Chapter 91: [Three Good Students]

Xu Baoshuan didn\'t mention how the half fan of pork is among the outsiders. Perhaps their father and son didn\'t take the old lady\'s words to heart.

After all pigs that have been killed for so many years, who doesn\'t think that their own pork is the best, it\'s just a small talk.

It’s just that people who have bought meat and have eaten it at home find that the pork they bought this time tastes delicious, no matter how they are cooked, they feel that the freshness of the dishes at home has improved a lot.

Some people want to buy some before the New Year and put it back, but when they buy it back, they find that the taste is not as good as the one they bought last time.

Every day, Xu Baoshuan and his son kill seven or eight pigs. They may not belong to the same village. Therefore, they don\'t remember who came to buy the meat of whose family, and the matter of going back and forth was put on hold.

The old lady also took advantage of the long time before the New Year, and directly took out 20 kilograms of meat to prepare the sausage. The intestines were bought by the market and specially used as sausages. The sheep intestines have tendons and are very thin after cleaning. In this year it is very suitable.

This evening, when Xu Jianjun came back from the unit, there was still a plastic bucket with a lid behind him.

As soon as he entered the door, he said to Xu Ning, "Ningning, I will ask someone to get you the fry."

Xu Ning came out of the room and saw the dozens of fish fry in the white plastic bucket. She was still very energetic when she looked at it. It was quite comfortable to swim in with her little tail, very cute.

"Where did you get it?" Qin Xuejuan also leaned over to watch the excitement, "What kind of fish are they?"

"Thirty carps and ten herrings." Xu Jianjun said: "The fry of herring is a bit more expensive than carp, but there are more spines."

"That\'s okay, it can be chopped up and made into fish balls." Qin Xuejuan smiled.

Xu Ning squatted on the ground to observe, and directly got the fish into the space in front of his parents.

Although many times I saw my daughter taking things outside, I rarely saw Xu Ning deliver things to the space. At this time, they saw that the plastic bucket was empty. If it wasn\'t for the water in the bucket, they would really think they had seen a ghost. NS.

The couple looked at each other, quite like a fairy standing in front of them.

In the evening, Xu Ning got into the space and saw the forty fish fry happily in the pond. She knew that they should like it very much. As for food, there is no shortage at home. A piece of tortilla is enough.

According to Xu Ning\'s vision, these fish can be eaten in three to five days.

In this era, there is no time to pollute, and there is almost no smog, let alone rural areas with very good ecology.

A good environment and the climate follow the laws of the four seasons, and snowflakes also float down in two days.

On the day of the final exam at the end of the year, the snow was getting bigger and bigger.

Too big snowflakes is not a good thing, as this will crush the wheat in the ground. The old lady often looks at the weather outside and sighs.

In fact, she often forgets the space for her granddaughter. As long as there are seeds in the family, even if anyone in the world is hungry, they will not be hungry.

In the examination room, Xu Ning bowed his head to do the questions seriously.

Some students are still hanging around on this day. Obviously, they are broken and broken, and they don\'t care if they get good grades in the test.

And some people who want to do well in the exam but lack knowledge, just look at the unanswered questions on the test paper for a while, and then look up and look around, always attract the warning eyes of the invigilator, and then shrink their necks and bow their heads to continue to be unsatisfied.

She felt that the exam questions this time were simpler than those in the first final exam. Perhaps she has worked very hard for more than six months, and now she has been rewarded.

The only thing that makes Xu Ning a little helpless is that her writing is not very good-looking, at least it is still a lot worse than Zhang Meng. She usually writes as much as possible stroke by stroke, but the effect is not great, and she always feels like her. Strokes and strokes of others are really two mothers, completely different.

I think I have time to go to the county bookstore to buy a set of copybooks to practice, or let Xie Zheng write a set for her, and she followed the description.

Xie Zheng\'s handwriting is really beautiful. Xu Ning has been around for more than half a year from the beginning to the present, and he is often envious.

On the eighteenth of the twelfth lunar month, the exams in the first half of the semester finally ended. The school gave students a two-day holiday. When the twenty-first half of the twelfth lunar month returned to the school for a half-day course, the winter vacation would begin.

After the exam, Xu Ning predicted his own score. How could he be able to enter the top ten in the class. As Xie Zheng said to her at the beginning, if the knowledge is enough, he can predict his own score after the exam. .

She is like that now, and she even thinks that she can be ranked between fifth and eighth in the class this time.

I waited in the classroom until Xie Zheng came over to find her, and the two of them walked home together.

"I\'m going to the Imperial City after the New Year, do you want to play with me?" The old man of the Yin Family of the Imperial Capital called his house two days ago, saying that he was going to the Imperial City for a few days after the Chinese New Year. The main thing is to show him to meet people in the circle now. Many of the high-level people were soldiers in the hands of his grandfather decades ago. The old man of the Yin family was, and at the same time, his grandfather promoted him a little bit. Now Yin Although the old man has retired, he still has a lot of weight in the circle of the imperial capital.

The most important thing is also in the first month, I want to take him to the tombs of his grandfather, grandmother and parents.

Xu Ning was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Our family has no relatives in the imperial capital. Go, Brother Zheng, I won\'t join in the fun."

Xie Zheng did not reluctantly, "Then I will bring you local specialties when I come back. I heard that roast duck is delicious."

"Bring something else. The roast duck is waiting for you to bring it back. It\'s probably going to change its flavor a long time ago. It\'s only delicious when it\'s hot." Xu Ning couldn\'t help but laugh.

"Then I don\'t know what\'s good, I\'ll check it out."

Xu Ning knew that there was no one in his house. What did he do this time when he returned to the emperor?

However, although there is no one, the reputation of the Xie family will not suffer any damage because of this. At least there will be no one in the Imperial Capital because there is only one person left in the Xie family, and there will be any contempt.

The big people who came from that era would not look at the orphan of the Xie family being bullied by anyone, otherwise they would just slap all of them in the face.

Just ask the entire Huaxia, who has the courage to beat this group of people in the face, absolutely none.

I just don\'t know if Xie Zheng will meet Chen Qianwen when he goes back this time.

In the last life, Xie Zheng had also been to the imperial capital, but it was around the annual Ching Ming Festival. Didn’t you see Chen Qianwen?

In fact, I haven\'t seen it yet. Chen Qianwen is only one year younger than Xie Zheng. At the beginning of this year, she was sent to study abroad by the Chen family, and occasionally came back with her aunt who married abroad.

After playing at home for two days, after returning to school, he announced the results of the final exam. Xu Ning really performed exceptionally this time. He finished the half-year course with third place after Lu Kang and Yang Bo.

And she finally got her wish. This time she won three awards, one of which is a "school literary and art model", a three-good student and a learning model.

This is the one with the most awards in the three classes. Lu Kang and Yang Bo just missed one literary and artistic pacesetter. After all, neither of them participated in the party.

Not to mention how other students in the class think of Xu Ning, even Zhou Yan is in a very happy mood now.

In the first year of junior high, Xu Ning still ranked the bottom of the class. He really didn\'t expect that the first year of junior high school final exam would actually rush to the top 20 of the class, and now it surpasses most of the classmates and ranks in the top three of the class. It was a gorgeous counterattack.

Teacher Zhou exaggerated the three of them on the podium, especially Xu Ning, and her progress was constantly intensifying other classmates. There are not many who can get in. Now in the hearts of many children, learning where is there to play? People here are attractive. Some people even make a lot of money back because the people in the village go out to work. They look particularly jealous. They want to hurry up and follow the people in the village to make money, and take a look at the outside world of colorful flowers. .

In this way, several students in the school drop out every year. Of course, the teacher will not just give up, but even with repeated home visits, the chances of persuading them to return to school are very slim.

The last class in the morning was still the teacher\'s usual talk about the holidays, and then when the school bell rang, the classroom was empty at the fastest speed.

When he returned home at noon, Xu Ning took out the certificate from his schoolbag when he entered the house, rolled it into a tube and walked to the kitchen with a smile.

"Grandma, Mom, guess how many I took the exam?"

"It must be better than last time. You can tell when you look happy." Qin Xuejuan shook the drops of water in her hand, "What\'s the number?"

"Humhhhhhh..." She showed her certificate from behind, "The third class in the class. This is the certificate I got."

This time not only Qin Xuejuan, but even the old lady looked happy.

"Oh, let me see!" Qin Xuejuan got up and wiped the water from her hands on her apron, and stepped forward to take it. "Students of the Three Goods, Models of Learning, Models of Literature and Art...My daughter is really amazing."

After listening to the old lady, Meimei couldn\'t close her mouth from ear to ear, "Wait for you to post it on the wall so that people can see what my granddaughter is capable of."

"...I don\'t have to." Xu Ning suddenly became embarrassed. "We just need to know it from the family."

"What\'s so embarrassing, this is a good thing." The old lady had obviously made up her mind.

Well, she just wanted to show off her granddaughter.

Xu Ning did not continue to argue with her grandmother. She rolled up the certificate and left it in her room for a while. "We are on vacation until the beginning of school on the 19th of the first lunar month of next year."

"For more than 20 days, I can have fun, and continue to work hard next year." The old lady said.

Xu Ning nodded vigorously, "Don\'t worry, grandma, I have to go to college."

The three of them had lunch at noon and talked for a while by the coal stove, and the three of them came to the kitchen again.

There is still a week to go before the Chinese New Year. Now there are a lot of things to be prepared, such as steaming buns, croquettes and oil shuttles, grinding tofu, making pig skin jelly, etc. There is still a day left to dust, and there are many things to do every day.

Qin Xuejuan now has a big belly, and there is not much she can do. If it is usual, the family can only count on the old lady at this time. Now Xu Ning is sensible, and the old lady can also relax a lot.

At least cooking, the granddaughter alone can take care of it well.

The old lady was refining lard next to her, and they left all the suet of the pig that they killed. It just so happened that the lard left in the pot could be kept for cooking at night.

Xu Ning was sitting in front of the stove with her mother, picking beans, soaking them in the water overnight, and sending them to the mill tomorrow for grinding, and then they could take them home to make tofu.

Xu Ning feels very happy when he thinks of having bean curd and soy milk to drink tomorrow.

"Forgetting to plant some beans in the space, the tofu made like that will definitely be more delicious."

"It\'s also a rationale, but we can still do it in the future, not bad this time." Their family only knows how to make tofu. This is also learned from the dead father. They make one every year for the New Year. Cage tofu is already the norm.

After picking up the beans, the mother and daughter took out the half of the pig skin and began to shed hair. In rural areas, the method of depilation is now using asphalt, which melts the asphalt and pours it on the pig’s skin. After the asphalt cools, the pig’s hair is removed. All of them will be unplugged, and of course there will be fish that slip through the net, and the rest will be easy to deal with occasionally.

However, this method is said to produce toxins. Xu Ning does not know whether it is true or not. To be assured, she specially adjusted water from the space and soaked the whole piece of pigskin in it, otherwise she would really dare not let Qin Xuejuan eat it. What\'s wrong.

If Qin Xuejuan was not pregnant and she had no space, she would actually not care. Anyway, she had eaten it when she was a child, and she had eaten it once a year, and she was not poisoned or dead.

Xu Ning doesn\'t know whether the space water has disinfection effect, but in his heart he feels that a soak will make it more comfortable.

The old lady didn\'t say anything after seeing it. The water was all "fairy water", so it would be no harm to soak for a night.

It was only when the old lady saw a layer of lacquer and black things floating in the basin the next morning that she really felt fortunate to be soaked, otherwise these things would have been eaten in her stomach. This is the back talk.

Xu Ning is not picky. Many people don\'t like to eat lard, but she can\'t eat it at all. Unless the vegetables are cooled and solidified, she knows that it is fried with lard, but the vegetables fried with lard taste fragrant. , This is an indisputable fact.

As the suet continued to melt in the pot, the rich fragrance filled the small farmyard.

"It smells so fragrant?" Xie Zheng walked in, still carrying two gift boxes in fine packaging in his hand.

"Xiaozheng is here, don\'t you eat the oily residue?" The old lady pointed to the half bowl of oily residue on the pan.

Xie Zheng didn\'t dislike it, picking up a piece and putting it in his mouth, "It\'s really fragrant."

"I like to wait and take some back."

"Okay." Xie Zheng put the two gift boxes in his hand on the edge of the pot. "Someone gave it to my house. Grandma asked me to send two boxes, one box of roast duck and one box of sauced beef."

The old lady knows that it is definitely not cheap, not to mention whether the contents are good or not, even this package is worth two dollars.

"Give it to my house, you can keep it for yourself."

"You still have it at home, so don\'t be polite to us." Xie Zheng said, looking at Xu Ning, "busy during the day, don\'t forget to do homework at night, I will not have much free next year."

Xu Ning was taken aback for a moment and quickly reacted, then nodded and said: "I know, I\'ll be there after dinner."

"That\'s all right, Grandma Yu, third aunt, you are busy, I also went back to help my grandfather clean up the yard."

"Hey, hey, I\'ll bring you a bowl of oil residue." Seeing Xie Zheng went out, the old lady hurriedly raised her hand to greet him, went to the cupboard and took a sea bowl and stuffed it into his hand. Don’t send the bowl in a hurry, and don’t let your grandma come back with stuff again."

Xie Zheng held the sea bowl dumbfounded and went back.

Gao Xiulan saw Xie Zheng coming back with a bowl of oily residue, but didn\'t say anything. She emptied the bowl and filled it with vegetable balls, and asked Xie Zheng to send it back.

"Grandma Yu also said let me send her back with an empty bowl."

"It\'s not empty, it\'s not a good thing, send it to help your grandpa clean the yard, and I will knead the noodles and steam the buns tomorrow."


The taste of the year is getting heavier and heavier. When I walk out of the house, everyone I see has a happy smile on his face.

The children are probably the happiest. Not only can they eat good things during the New Year, but they also have new clothes to wear.

Even Xie Zheng, who was reborn, felt a kind of inexplicable excitement at this time.

In the past few years, they and the Xu family had to be together on vigil at night. After a few years back, the two adults were watching TV on the kang, but he and Xu Ning were trapped together early and passed away until midnight. They will be shouted by the adults to eat dumplings. Then the firecrackers in the village roared, usually for an hour or two before stopping.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, when the village visited each other for New Year\'s greetings, he would lead Xu Ning around the elders\' homes in the village. When they went out with empty hands, they would come back after a circle, and their pockets would be filled with candies and dried fruits.

This is probably the same process this year.

I was in Xu\'s house last year, and this year it will be their turn.

In general, I stay in my own home because the relationship between the two families is good. Moreover, the two families have a small population. I don\'t know when they are like this, so they will stay together for the new year in rotation.

In the early morning of the twenty-first morning, the old lady got up early and came to the kitchen. At a glance, she saw the large porcelain basin soaked with pigskin in the corner and the dirt floating on it, but she was taken aback.

He went up to find a coal hook and stirred it up, scooped up the pigskin inside, and dumped the dirt inside, otherwise it would be disgusting to her.

Thinking of boiling pigskin jelly in the past, she had eaten all these dirty things, she felt that her stomach was churning fiercely.

Fortunately, Xu Ning used the space water to soak it, otherwise it would be fine to let the wife eat it in her stomach.

At this time, the sky was not too bright, the old lady drained the soaked beans, put them on the cart, and went to the mill in the village.

When I came here, the mill was already brightly lit, and at this time there were already three or four people waiting here pushing beans. If it was later, it might be more crowded.

At least half of the more than 100 households in the village are grinding beans during the Chinese New Year, so you don\'t have to wait too long to come early.

------Off-topic ------

Brother Zheng: Come with me to sweep the graves of my parents.

Ning Mei:\'s not suitable for me to go.

Brother Zheng: Suitable for you, the most suitable.