Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4571: Knock on the door after midnight 1

At this time, Su Mu watched Shen Wenxuan enter, and she walked forward slowly alone.

It's just that the mood just now disappeared suddenly, and it became a bit heavy.

After all, it was someone I liked when I was young, even if it is unlikely to be together in the future, but seeing him on a blind date, I always feel a little emotional.

This feeling was the same as when he saw her and Ye Xiangnan together.

Su Mu raised his head and looked at the small lamps, a layer of mist floated in his eyes.

At that time, he was also a little sad.

Sometimes people are like this, obviously they are still here, they still like each other.

But as time has passed, it is impossible to be together again.

They have also had a heart-to-heart, and they want to wait for each other tacitly, but when they find that their existence will bring pain to the other party, the only choice is to let go.

Ye Xiangnan had been sitting in the car when Su Mu was in a trance.

Always, looking at her.

Watching her in pain, watching her hurt for another man.

This is a fatal blow to the proud nightclub.

Why is he inferior to Shen Wenxuan?

If what happened to her and Shen Wenxuan, he could understand.

Is that little thing in the school worth remembering now? How many years have he been with Qin Yihuan, didn't he just let it go?

Ye Xiang Nanshou stood by the car window and looked at Su Mu quietly.

He wanted to see when she found him.

But from beginning to end, Su Mu didn't find him.

There is only Shen Wenxuan in her heart, really, only Shen Wenxuan.

Ye Xiangnan felt that she was a bit nasty and too damned. Su Mu's appearance was unqualified when the front desk of his company was unqualified. How could he not find fun and want to follow her outside?

Ye Xiangnan thought, stepping on the accelerator.

The white Bentley whizzed past Su Mu, Su Mu's eyes flashed, and he looked over.

She is not sure if she saw Ye Xiangnan's car, but the license plate is really similar, and this Bentley is heard to be rare in the whole city of B.

If it is Ye Xiangnan, he has been following her?

Really abnormal.

Su Mu also eased the sad mood, and after returning home, he casually cooked a bowl of noodles for herself, and looked at the information while eating.

The information that Sister Hong gave her was very useful and comprehensive. She was so absorbed that it was ten thirty in the evening without knowing it.

Half of the noodles are eaten, and the other half is already cold.

Su Mu was not in the mood to eat anymore. He poured the noodles and washed the bowl, then went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then dried his hair. There was a knock on the door outside.

She frowned and couldn't think of anyone else coming to her at this time.

Looking in the cat's eyes, she was stunned.

I want south at night.

What is he doing?

She didn't want to open, and she leaned against the door panel, as if it would give her a sense of security.

But it's not that she can pretend to be away. Ye Xiangnan dialed her phone, and the phone on the table rang. The soundproofing here is not good, and people outside must hear it.

Su Mu picked up the phone in the past and said very lowly: "Ye Xiangnan what are you doing?"

Is it that the wine outside is not good, or the beauty is not good?

What are you doing here!

Ye Xiangnan's voice was muted: "Open the door."

Su Mu couldn't open it, so she hung up the phone and turned it off.

She thought she ignored him and he had no choice but to take her to bed.

But she really underestimated the cheekiness of the nightclub, before returning to the room, her door was kicked violently by him, with a loud voice.