Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4208: I'm not afraid of you 5

Finally, they slept together in the master bedroom.

He Huan always felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't tell what was wrong.

In this quiet late night, Yi Huan in Qin Mo's villa hadn't slept yet.

Little Yihuan sat at the door, looking at the fine snow floating outside, and sighed.

At this time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and Shen Ting came over and squatted beside her: "Not sleeping yet?"

Yi Huan glanced sideways at him, then looked at the fine snow floating in the dark night, and sighed: "Dad said he brought his mother back, but he won't come back. I haven't seen my mother for many days. Brother Shen Ting, you Do you think your father wants to monopolize your mother?"

The more the little guy thinks, the more it is possible.

Dad has a criminal record.

Just thinking about this possibility, Qin Yihuan's child is angry.

With her little hand on her chin, she looked at the night and whispered for a long time: "Does mother not recognize me?"

She heard what Grandma Lan said.

Shen Ting simply sat beside her, tilted his head, and smiled slightly: "Auntie has just become a little fairy."

"Will it fly away?" Yi Huan whispered, "Will it go to the sky?"

Shen Ting laughed, "No. It's just..."

He pondered for a while before slowly speaking, "I just forgot the following things, for example, forgot to get married, forgot to have a happy life, and forgot my existence."

His palm fell on Xiao Yihuan’s heart, and his voice was slow and gentle: "She just accidentally forgot. If she chooses, I don’t think she will choose to remember. Yihuan, forgetting is more painful for her. Because this world has changed, not the one in her memory, she needs to get to know this world again, know Uncle Qin, know you and me, right?"

Yi Huan looked at him directly.

Shen Ting said warmly again: "Not only does she want to know us, but also the world, isn't it very hard?"

Yi Huan was shaken, looking at Shen Ting baffledly, "Is it hard?"

Shen Ting said very firmly that it was very hard. In fact, He Huan was lying in Qin Mo's arms and screaming, not sleeping too soundly.

Besides, Qin Mo didn't ask her to know the world or anything. He Huan didn't even intend to know the world. She only needs to know Qin Mo, and she can get the whole world. Even Yi Huan and Shen Ting do not know each other. Not so important anymore.

But Yi Huan was still waiting and entangled. He didn't know that she was going to swallow her mother alone.

The kind that I don't want to leave a bite.

It is late at night, although heating is everywhere in the villa, it is also very cold at night in spring.

Yi Huan was still waiting, Shen Ting couldn't bear it, and his voice was slightly lower: "Okay, I'm going to sleep."

Happy, "Brother Shen Ting, will mother come tomorrow?"

Shen Ting looked at her expression and knew that the little guy really missed He Huan, so he gently touched her shoulder and smiled, "I will call Auntie tomorrow, okay?"

Yi Huan stared at him: "Will my mother come?"

Shen Ting smiled: "She should want to see you too, but something happened today, isn't it?"

Yi Huan said, got up, and stretched out his hand again: "Brother hug."

Shen Ting smiled lightly. In fact, Yihuan was still young. She liked Ye Xiangnan, but she still relied on him.

She actually can't tell what it means to like.

But he couldn't refuse, he still bent over and picked her up, and walked upstairs easily.