Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4146: Offended, someone who should not be offended 6

Ai Mengmeng's voice is very low, "I want you to be well."

He raised his eyes and looked at him again, "You are so good."

Rong Yue smiled softly: "Where is it?"

Ai Mengmeng's eyes, with moisture, gave him a look!

Then they all said nothing, and fell asleep together.

But this night, for men, is not peaceful.

After his little wife fell asleep, Rong Yue gently got up to help her cover her quilt, and he went to the study!

He turned on the computer, faced the browser, and slowly typed the word "Ai Jia". He intuitively felt that this man and his wife are inextricably linked.

Especially tonight, when he saw Ai Jia, he felt that she was 60% similar to Mengmeng.

Rong Yue consciously rejects this possibility, but he is a man, and as a man, he will not escape reality.

Instead, do everything possible to protect your own woman!

Of course, when all the information about Aijia appeared in the computer, it was all official - there was nothing to know.

He grew up in a wealthy family since he was a child. Later, he entered the entertainment circle and developed abroad for a long time.

It doesn't seem to be related to Mengmeng!

But intuition tells Rong Yue that everything is not that simple.

Tonight, Ai Mengmeng's nervousness is obvious!

She had an inexplicable fear of Ai Jia, and Rong Yue's heart became more and more senseless. He reached out for the phone and drew a number!

After about a few seconds, the call was connected, "Can Qin always check Ai Jia for me?"

Qin Mo over there was silent for a while before speaking in a low voice, "Why do you want to check?"

"I suspect she has something to do with Ai Mengmeng!" Rong Yue said what happened tonight!

Qin Mo's voice was low, "I can check for you."

"Thank you." Rong Yue finished speaking, then asked about other things, "He Huan, how are you now?"

This time, Qin Mo was silent for a long time. After a long time, he said bitterly, "Her memory has returned to 18 years old!"

He hung up after speaking, and Rong Yue was a little shocked...

18 years old is the age when he and He Huan like each other.

He Huan, go back in time!

That's why Qin Mo was willing to tell him that he was afraid that there were other purposes too. After thinking about it carefully, he understood it all in his heart.

Some bitterness, some faint commotion, for that period of youth.

However, he now has a wife, He Huan, just a memory.

He went back, he couldn't!

So he interpreted Qin Mo's words as a threat or a declaration.

What is needed is his attitude!

Rong Yue picked up another cigarette, lit it, and smoked it lightly, with a faint pain in his heart.

Ai Mengmeng stood by the door with a touch of shock on her face.

She didn't expect that Rong Yue would go to investigate Ai Jia secretly, she thought he had no doubts!


She was very panicked, she didn't know what to do or how long after that, Rong Yue got up and turned her head to see her standing outside the door.

He froze for a moment, and then immediately said, "Why didn't you sleep?"

"You said you don't smoke." Ai Mengmeng said softly!

Rong Yue smiled, "I'm a bit offended, come and draw two."

"Just come over and smoke?" She still asked very lightly!

Rong Yue smiled slightly, "Of course, otherwise, is there anything else? By the way, how long have you been on this side!?"

Suddenly, Ai Mengmeng felt a little tired, and said very lowly, "Can you not check it?"