Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4138: 2019, He Huan 4

Qin Mo still frowned, "Where did you come from so much nonsense. Get in."

Qin Chen just came in with a smile. Isn't it true? It's useful to have such a big fire. If you don't have feelings, you can cultivate. There are women in love and are afraid of being a hair.

Besides, when He Huan saw Yi Huan and Shen Tingzhun like it, what would he be afraid of?

Qin Chen came over, but He Huan still covered his head.

She walked to the bedside, opened a corner of the quilt, and said with some jokes: "Check Xiao Huanhuan."

Xiao Huanhuan is the exclusive owner of He Huan in his 10s. Now He Huan is just a teenager. Qin Chen yelled a little bit. Qin Mo's face went black and wanted to choke his sister to death.

At this moment, Qin Chen opened the quilt and stayed for a while.

Because He Huan cried.

The small body shrank in the white hospital bed, curled up, looking very pitiful.

The hair covers half of the face, and there is a light on the other half.

That is, she was crying.

Although Qin Chen is a woman, she always loves her the most. As soon as she sees this situation, she immediately looks at Qin Mo and asks silently, "What did you do to her?"

Everyone knows how good Qin Mo is to He Huan and how bad he can sometimes be.

That's why Qin Chen asked.

At this moment, Qin Mo pressed his lips tightly, his eyes almost staring at He Huan in amazement.

His voice was low and cold: "Who are you crying for?"

Qin Chen almost fainted, when is this, still asking this?

"Second brother, why don't you go out first, or go to my lounge to sleep...Here, I just stay with me, we can communicate with each other well." He Huan said.

Qin Mo's voice became colder: "What kind of woman are you, and only Lan Yu will treat you as a woman!"

Qin Chen is going to run away. The bridge is demolished, and Qin Mo hasn't finished it yet.

However, because he might not have a wife for a long time in the future, she still endured it.

Anyway, poor people must be hateful,

Qin Chen's mood improved a lot with such a combination, and he was about to reach the peak of life.

And even though Qin Mo said so venomously, he knew he couldn’t fight He Huan right now, but she was crying now. Before he left, he took a tissue and wiped her clean without gentleness, and threatened: "Cry again. Let Qin Chen give you an injection."

Qin Chen was a little confused at once, and Qin Mo was sure he was unhappy now, she actually enjoyed seeing him very much.

But she can only think about it, where can she dare to say it?

After Qin Mo finished speaking, He Huan buried his face in the pillow even more, completely disregarding that nasty man - how could she like Qin Mo before?

And all this was seen by Qin Chen, and his heart was angry and funny.

The 18-year-old He Huan confronts the 40-year-old Qin Mo, and the Qin family will probably jump around again.

For her, well, there should be a good show.

After Qin Mo left, Qin Chen put away his joking heart, sighed and sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to touch He Huan's little shoulder, "Qin Mo is gone, don't cry."

After talking for a long time, He Huan didn't move, and Qin Chen turned her around: "Okay, I've been awkward, and I'll check it."

He Huan lay, staring at Qin Chen.

After a long time, she asked softly: "You become a doctor."