Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

185 Beautiful buds

"Are you slime?"

I jump out of the mansion and walk straight, I look around for slime nearby.

Around the area where only the quiet nature is spreading, you can\'t see the slime.

Slime is a monster that appears relatively everywhere.

Sometimes you\'re near a river, you\'re on the meadow, sometimes you\'re in the mountains. I\'ve even been to the residential areas and vineyards of Coriat Village where they got into.

Therefore I don\'t know exactly where to go to meet, but I can search for a wide range if I can use transfer.

Is there a way around Kikka and the Kingdom of Avalonia that I met during the trip? I\'ve caught a few Aleutians before, and there might be a lot of slime there.

I thought so and floated my way clearly in my mind.

Mountains that can be seen in the meadow with a good view. And the road is wide enough for the carriages to pass each other.


The light of magic wrapped my body in an instant and thought that my body had a feeling of floating, and I was not on a single road of the mansion, but on a road that I had previously passed by carriage.

There are no figures around. Only the meadow and the curved dirt path continued endlessly.

Looking up at the sky, the white clouds are flowing gently, and the broken parts are as if the white ink was stretched with a brush.

In the distance, brown bird-like creatures were flying in the sky and screaming “Hururululu”.

Since I didn\'t want to start walking right away, I would sit down on the slopes off the road.

A gentle wind blows and shakes my bangs. It is a plain with a quietness different from the surroundings of Coriat Village.

"This is not bad either."

Mumbling such a thing, I lie down on my back.

I knocked my back vigorously, but the grass growing on the ground absorbed it.

When I took a big breath, I smelled the soil similar to that of Coriat village.

If you look at the growing grass, it is the same kind of grassland in Coriat village.

Apparently, grass is growing on the same soil from Koriat Village to this area.

"Sometimes it\'s nice to relax outside of Coriat village like this."

The continents in this world are wider than I think. Given this civilization level and the presence of demons, it would be quite difficult to build a city.

There are many rural villages and places rich in nature besides Coriat Village.

Because there is transfer magic, it is not bad to transfer sometimes and relax elsewhere in this way.

While thinking of such a thing, I close my eyes slowly.

When the wind blows, the grass on the meadow shakes and makes a pleasant and pleasant leaf sound.

I can\'t hear human voices, only occasional voices of animals and birds.

If you lie alone on a wide meadow, you will feel as if you are the only one in the world.

`` Hururu Lulu \'\'

Even such a voice of a bird flying in the sky does not feel like a part of nature.

`` Hururu Lulu \'\'

Is a bird approaching? The cry is getting bigger.

What kind of bird is it?

When I opened my eyes slightly from such curiosity, I could see something like a dull glowing nail.

"Wow !?"

I rolled down in a hurry, and my claws swept away the grass in my head and passed away.

Creeping at the grass cut with something like a sharp cut.

And looking up, I saw a brown bird with sharp blades flying in the sky.

Is that the slashhawk the Irvines were watching on the way? I heard that you\'re going down from the sky and pushing the blade.

In the past, when I was sunning, I thought I wouldn\'t want to be attacked, but I never thought I would be really attacked.

While I think so, a slashhawk-like demon comes down with her leg claw.

If you keep this for the time being, I feel like being attacked forever.

If you shake your head like this, you won\'t be able to take a nap slowly, nor can you search for slime.

But if you kill it magically, blood will come out and I feel bad. Other monsters may come in due to the smell of blood, and here\'s a plan to turn it back comfortably.

I decided so I put my hand up and activate wind magic.

Create a gust of wind with more magical power than usual ventilation.

Slashhawk, heading straight for me, suffers a gust of wind.

And finally, I lost the power of the wind and flew astonishingly.

"Oh, it\'s surreal that birds fly against the wind."

Mutter while watching the slashhawk blowing away.

When the Slashhawk was blown to a great distance, the wings fluttered and managed to reposition itself. Still, there is no shock that shakes the whole body, and those who fly in the sky do not rely on somewhere.

If you come back again, you will see a more severe gust, and if you are still coming, you can\'t help but get rid of it with explosive sounds.

While staring at it, Slashhawk flew away over and over.

Looking at it, I stroke my breath.

I guess it would not have been possible to think in the same way as Koriat Village, where there are few demons and too peaceful.

When you relax outside of Koriat Village, you have to check your surroundings carefully.

"I can\'t find the slime"

I am looking for slime while walking on the road in the plains, but I can not find it.

Is it a little over an hour?

The surrounding scenery hardly changes. I wonder if the mountains at a distance are getting closer.

While looking at the plains that extend far, follow the road that stretches endlessly.

Why do you usually find it when you don\'t care, but you can\'t find it just when you\'re looking for it? It has the same atmosphere as when looking for something lost.

I guess the slime is running away because of the appetite sensor emitted from me. I even feel like that.

While thinking about such things, I just walk down the street while looking around.

Then, I found a place that was greatly hollowed out on the spreading plain.

Craters are formed as if a small meteorite had come down, and spider web-like cracks are running around.

The ground is turned up to break the atmosphere of the calm plain, which is very painful.

I thought what had happened, but when I looked closely I found it very familiar.

"... I see. This is where Rumba defeated the slash bore with a single shot."

This crater was made by Rumba. It should be reasonable and familiar.

Was this the place at that time? If you\'re just walking to find slime, you\'ve come to this place.

I am deeply moved and approach a small crater.

Looking closer, the crater is deeper and bigger than expected. That\'s why Rumba\'s destructive power was terrible.

A man with stupid powers as usual. How can I get this power without using physical enhancement by magic? It is a mystery at all.

The road is not as solid as it was in the past.

You wouldn\'t bother to fix a crater on such a plain. Dangerous monsters like slash bores and slash hawks are wandering around, and it\'s hard to fix the terrain.

But it is painful that the soil is only hollowed out despite the beautiful grass growing in this way. Will you fill the crater with a little earth magic?

I thought so, and when I tried to use earth magic, I saw something pink in the center of the crater.


When I looked into it, I found a pink flower bud. It will be on the verge of blooming soon.

I don\'t know if the flower seeds were blown away by the wind or attached to creatures such as birds and demons.

However, the single flower grew straight without losing the harsh natural conditions.

"... A beautiful flower."

I mutter while staring at the single flower bud in the center of the crater.

Then, I did not fill the crater with earth magic, but watered the flowers using water magic.

Pray that these buds will bloom beautiful flowers.