Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

179 Sheila Kaiyaku 2

"What do you do, Al? Do you want to negotiate here and there? I think it\'s still enough."

"But then we\'re going to do souvenir tastings? Anyway, let\'s get into the negotiations after Ms. Sheila once eats her food. If she declines, she uses her hand to collect the food, and she loves her food, It must be shaken vertically. \'\'

"... I\'m a demon. I\'m going to feed Al\'s delicious food and then collect it .... I can\'t bear that older sister ...!"

Asmo who doesn\'t understand my strategy.

The younger brother who understands his sister says so far. This should work.

"If you give it a reason, she\'ll be less guilty about Ms. Sheila\'s mouth."

People are creatures who want a reason.

Even if it\'s a bad thing, it can take action for a specific reason. That\'s why the equivalent exchange.

"It\'s true that sheila\'s sadness is covered!"

"Well, I don\'t think she\'s going to worry about that."

I knew that she didn\'t have to think so seriously because of her personality, but just in case. It should not be a loss.

"Okay, let\'s open a souvenir! Toll, rent a kitchen"

"Oh, good!"

I got the permission of Thor properly and floated the wooden box with psychic and moved to the kitchen.

Thor and Asmo, who are worried about exotic seasonings, come with a curious expression.

"What ?? Alfleet\'s souvenir? Food?"

Sheila is coming with a happy face as if she saw our conversation and appearance.

The area where you suddenly ask for food is exactly like Asmo.

"It\'s a seasoning from Kagura. I\'ll cook using it now."

"Is it true? I want to cook too!"

It\'s better to cook with a woman with a flower than to cook with three guys.

In the context of our strategy, Sheila is the entertainer, but she wants to join the cooking. I don\'t mind this much.

Tell Thor, "I\'m OK," with a glance, and nodded and answered.


"Thank you! Seasonings from other countries ... what is it?"

Looking at Sheila\'s mouth, she seems to be slightly drooling.

"... Sister is salivating"

"That\'s different! This is because I was just pushing my cheeks against the table!"

And what about that as a woman?

I can\'t tell if it\'s true or if it\'s a seasoning and drooled.

Because she doesn\'t see her wiping her salivation, I start opening the wooden box.

"Tall, put out a small plate for tasting properly."

"I understand! ... that? Do you have a small plate in the usual place?"

Thor replied, and it was Thor who fished a small plate from the cupboard.

"Mura was shouting yesterday that he would move down one row?"

"Uo! Really! I\'m gonna grasp this in the usual place, so don\'t change your position.

Thor found from the bottom row squashes and complains.

"I mean, asmo understands such details."

"It\'s still happening. I heard that Mura was shouting so many times that Toll and Emma didn\'t bother."

"It\'s interesting to remember that the Asmo I was listening to at the next house after all."

Mura must have advised Thor many times to prevent this from happening. Mura is a little poor.

When Thor puts the small plates on the table, I take out the soy sauce jar and the miso jar and line them up.

This time, what is presented to Thor and Asmo\'s house is ordinary thick soy sauce.

I think this is the easiest to use, so I have only one.

Even if you suddenly bring in soy sauce, it will be difficult to master.

"Is this a seasoning? Both have a great smell."

"It seems to taste strong"

Thor and Asmo frown at the strong smell of soy sauce and miso.

The smell is many times stronger than salt, pepper and sugar, so it\'s natural.

"What is your name?"

Sheila seems to be calm whether the smell of soy sauce and miso is fine.

"It\'s soy sauce. Let\'s taste a little."

Speaking of that, I scoop up the soy sauce using the long ladle that I brought with the soy sauce jar.

Then slowly drip into a small plate and pour dark soy sauce.

"... Is this really a seasoning? I wonder if you bring something you can\'t eat and make fun of us?"

"Why am I doing that?"

What a statement, even though people brought souvenirs.

… But that ’s an interesting idea, so if you have the opportunity to bring a souvenir, I ’ll definitely do it.

"Can I drink this for a taste?"

"Don\'t drink soy sauce because it tastes so strong. Just gently lick it with your fingertips."

When I answered so, Asmo solidified while staring at the soy sauce.

You may have hesitated to taste, perhaps because Thor just said something extra.

"Let\'s try it now ~"

When thinking of such a thing, Sheila extended her arms without fear.

Extend your white arm and apply soy sauce to your fingertips.

Then, when I took my fingertip to the mouth, it caught her in the mouth.

"Oh, it\'s true! The taste is really intense! It\'s salty, but is it faintly sweet?"

Looking at Sheila\'s disappointment, Asmo and Thor also reach out for fear.

Don\'t feel like you\'ve seen this sight just recently.

I watch sour and Asmo who bring soy sauce to his mouth with soy sauce.

"Uoh! @ It\'s true. It\'s salty and sweet!"

"Appearing in light dishes will make the taste tighter."

Thor and Asmo are surprised by the strength of the soy sauce.

"If you boil it with sugar, it looks like a good soup ~"

"That\'s right. It\'s better if you dilute it a little more to make it softer.

Asmo and Sheila, who can cook, seem to be thinking about using soy sauce.

The reaction is ambiguous because I still tasted soy sauce, but I don\'t seem to hate it.

"Then next is miso."

While reassuring the three people, I serve the miso jars in the same manner on a small plate.

As soon as you see it, Thor becomes a serious

"... Hey, al."

"I know but don\'t say it? I\'ll hit me if I say something like soil or something?"

That\'s Thor. I\'m going to put my nails in early so I can say vulgar things that cut off my appetite from the very beginning. Then, Thor closed his mouth, screaming shortly.

"I don\'t have the courage to taste because Thor says something weird."

"I can\'t help it, it looked like that!"

"What did it look like?"


Thor becomes silent without thinking of Sheila\'s pure question.

Thoughtful Thor turned his eyes on Asmo for help, Asmo pretended to be interested in miso and ignored it.

"Let\'s taste it for the time being. This one is also a little bit rich, but it tastes good and delicious."


I handed a spoon for tasting while saying that, and I was distracted by it.

Thor exhaled and replied with his gaze.

Well, let\'s make it a small lend to Thor.

Sheila picks up a spoon and scoops a small serving of miso and carries it to her mouth.

"This one has a strong taste, but it tastes good and delicious!"

"It\'s true. It tastes good for its appearance."

Then, Thor who tasted with his spoon muttered small.

I think the word “overlook” is superfluous, but if you\'re not used to it, why not?

"This also looks like soy sauce and will taste good"

Asmo, who tasted the same, leaks his impressions like that.

"That\'s right. I\'m looking forward to seeing more new flavors."

Okay, if Sheila is n’t good, it ’s fine.

Let\'s relieve Sheila with a simple dish using soy sauce and miso.