Ten Again to Fight against Her Fate


"Miss …" They were going to... In the nurse's room? " Lu Ping looked at me uncertainly.

When I came back, I opened the purse that Aunt Wang had given me right in front of Lu Ping.

It was an exquisite embroidery work, but the diagrams on it were very strange. Ordinary women would only embroider a flower or plant on top of it. The more daring women would also embroider a lotus flower or a mandarin duck. On the top of this bag was embroidered a jade guqin with golden threads. On the back of the bag was embroidered a red silk thread with the 'Serenity of Time' embroidered. It was not very eye-catching when mixed together with the originally bright red silk that looked like ten thousand blessings. The two corners of the bag were sewn with two small golden bells, which made a small sound as they were pushed. The ribbon on top of the silk pouch was originally a red silk ribbon of the same color, which my aunt would often look at. The ribbon had already lost its color and had become half old.

The faint sound of a woman coughing could be heard from the eardrum. It seemed that the wet nurse had been placed in the room.

I steadied my mind and walked over with the lantern.

In a small room, there was a large brick bed by the window, but it was not burned. There was a brazier in the middle of the floor, but it was very bright, and the smell of smoke made people cough. The wet nurse was lying on the narrow beauty couch. Her face was flushed and her veins were popping out as she coughed and panted beside the bed.

"Amma, Amma, are you okay?" I went up to help my mother.

In the middle of evading, the purse I carried in my bosom fell out, and I hurried forward to pick it up.

The wet nurse's eyes were staring straight at the purse in my hand. For a moment, she even stopped coughing. At the moment of death, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

I stepped forward and grabbed my nurse's hand. "Amma, Amma, do you know what? Can you tell me? "

The way my wet nurse looked at me changed.

"Miss, where did you get this bag?" The wet nurse forced herself to ask this question before coughing again.

"Amma, Amma, you have been the best to me since I was young. Why did you keep me in the dark?"

Thinking of the various things that happened in his previous life, his tears couldn't help but roll down his face. He suffered so much, not only because of his ignorance, but also because these people were so self-righteous to him!

"I say, where did you get this money bag!" The wet nurse's voice suddenly turned sharp. After saying that, she leaned on the bed. Her lungs felt like they were being pulled by a bellows, making it hard for her to raise her head. However, she still tightly pulled on my sleeve.

The wet nurse had always been silent and thick, but because of this personality, she was often bullied by other mothers in the yard.

"I... I … This was given to me by Aunt! " I tugged at half my sleeve, trying to pull it out of her hand.

Although the veins on her mother's hand bulged and her fingers were tightly pinched, showing a bluish white color, she had no intention of letting go.

Suddenly, the wet nurse seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Her hands went limp and collapsed on the couch. She panted heavily and grabbed a few handfuls of air with both hands.

"Amma, Amma." I called for my wet nurse, but didn't dare step forward.

Looking at her coldly, his mother's medicine seemed to have damaged his mother's mental state. Such a trance did not seem like something a sober person would do.

"Miss! "Miss!" The wet nurse kept mumbling to herself. She held onto her clothes with both hands, as if her chest was heaving from being bound by the clothes.

I hesitated for a moment and then stepped forward to support my wet nurse. I felt a little regretful. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid I won't be able to get anything out of her!

However, just as I approached the wet nurse, she grabbed me. A pair of ice-cold and slippery hands tightly gripped my arm. For a moment, I was unable to advance or retreat.

"Qin'er!" Her eyes were exceptionally bright. "Your name is Yao Qin."

Her face trembled slightly, and her words trembled because of what she did.

"Your surname is not Yang, your surname is Lu, the famous Tai Yuan Lu Family!" A cold smile appeared on the wet nurse's face.

"A family of two pavilion elders, father and son have advanced together." The wet nurse laughed and said, "It's exactly such a noble family that would abandon their wife and children like this, selling their children to sell their women!"

"Qin'er!" "Qin'er!" "The nurse took my hand eagerly." "Don't blame your mother. As a woman, what can she do?" After saying that, he coughed a few more times, and his eyes turned red.

"Where can she go if she doesn't go home?" The wet nurse laughed at herself.