Ten Again to Fight against Her Fate


Miss Xue and I stood in the water, one on the shore, shivering in the cold wind.

In the distance, there was a white jadestone bridge. It flew over the surface of the hot spring water, and the surging water vapor seemed to reflect the fairyland. On the bridge, a faint blue silhouette could be seen. After pausing for a moment, the figure slowly disappeared into the distance.

There was a smile at the corner of my mouth, and though it was only a glimpse, I recognized the figure. Xue Lang should only be fifteen this year, right? In his previous life, they didn't meet at his age, but in the days that followed, there were so many restrictions. It was fated that they would miss out on meeting him early in this life.

Slowly, voices could be heard as a group of wives surrounded two warm palanquins and walked past the bamboo forest towards Miss Xue and me. When Miss Xue saw this, her eyes lit up. "Sister, wait a bit longer. The palanquin is here." I nodded, and the servant woman beside me breathed a sigh of relief. It really wasn't a good job to stand in the water with me in this weather.

"Eldest Miss." The servant woman in the lead bowed.

"Quick, help Miss Yang out." Eldest Miss Xue stepped forward and helped the person who came. This mother belonged to the madame. It seemed that the servant woman beside Eldest Miss Xue did not call for a warm sedan immediately, but instead went to inform the madame.

"My sister's hands are so cold." Big Miss Xue looked at me worriedly, then she turned her head wanting to tell the people beside her something, but she didn't say anything. She quickly turned around and passionately said to me, "Little sister, quickly get on the palanquin."

I raised my head and looked over there. It was blue, with a white jade pendant at my waist and a white jade crown on my head. My eyebrows were slightly knitted, and I was standing on the bridge with a green-clothed manservant by my side.

Through the misty fog, he seemed to be able to see his meticulous facial features. His slightly furrowed brow carried the youth's worries. He had already missed the chance of reincarnation, so why did he return? Was he worried about his sister? I smiled at him. He opened and closed his mouth, and suddenly my back felt cold. He said two words, Momo.

Mo Mo, these are the words he gave me after he followed Xue Dalang. I hope that I will be strangers to Yang Yuan from before, and can only peacefully spend my days with him.

Now, when these two words came out of his mouth, it was actually so soul-stirring! Is he like me, remembering the past?

Eldest Miss Xue's expression was exceptionally ugly. She went forward and grabbed my arm, "Miss Yang." The faint strength she used made my arm hurt. I gave a self-deprecating laugh. In the end, Miss Xue and her sister were both from Qing Liu family, so it was hard to change their views. It reminded me of the time I had spent with Xue Dalang in the house on the outskirts of the capital, with the banknotes I had brought with me, and as I watched the cost increase day by day, I was anxious to find a way to make more money. I thought of how I used to run my mother's shop, and I wanted to buy a little shop and earn some money to help with the family, but when he heard my words, his face turned ashen, and he gave me a deep look before turning away and heading to his study.

At the end of the day, you're just looking down on the background of my Jia family.

Miss Xue resented her brother's sudden appearance in the inner chamber. It was my time again. If someone else saw it, how could he explain it clearly? But in her heart, she must have felt even more strange when she and Xue Da Lang looked at each other from afar. She probably thought that when a young lady from a noble family saw an outsider, she would lower her head and lower her skirt, staying far away from him, but when Xue Da Lang and I looked at each other from afar, it was always the woman's fault.

"Sister, have you heard the words' the honey of thee, the arsenic of tho '?" I smiled at Miss Xue and ignored her.

"Miss, please get on the palanquin." His mother invited Miss Xue to the palanquin.

The curtain of the sedan chair clicked, and Miss Xue's figure appeared on it. "Miss, please sit on the sedan at the back." Eldest Miss Xue said to Lu Ping.

Seeing me nod slightly, Lu Ping alighted from the palanquin.

"Is little sister angry with me?" Eldest Miss Xue, despite the damp chill on my body, sat beside me and looked at me.

"I have never blamed the young lady." I smiled at her. These words were also true.

Eldest Miss Xue lowered her eyes and said, "Little sister saw it too. Although I'm loved by the elders, I can't help myself." I raised my eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence, Miss Xue spoke again, but there was a hint of helplessness in her tone, "My second sister has an intelligent personality, but she is born from a concubine, and after all, she suffered a huge loss. Third sister, you have also seen, she is a person who only fears chaos, fourth sister is stubborn and young, I am going to be married in a few years, so I can only rely on my brother for help. My mother can only rely on him, my brother suddenly fell ill last year, and is always babbling nonsense. At the end, Miss Xue's tone was firm.

"It doesn't matter if my sister blames me." Eldest Miss Xue seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

"Elder sister is being too serious, I know that elder sister is in a difficult situation." I gently squeezed her hand.

"Miss, we're here." The woman behind him lightly pulled on the sedan.

"Got it." Eldest Miss Xue answered and helped me off the palanquin.

A servant woman was already waiting at the door for me. The maidservant who had been standing by Old Lady Xue's side was also waiting at the entrance of the main house. Miss Xue helped me off the palanquin and quickly came over to receive me.

Unlike the extravagant decorations of the family, the Xue family revealed the elegance of a family of poems and books. In the middle of a pair of varnished arhat chairs was a terracotta vase with an orchid that stuck out from it diagonally. He turned the fan and entered the inner room. The revolving screen was made by the Four Gentlemen of the Plum Blossom. It was an imitation of the calligraphy of the previous dynasty.

There were four or five charcoal braziers inside the screen, they were exceptionally warm, and when I suddenly saw the heat, I couldn't help but sneeze. When the ladies there saw it, they quickly brought the ginger soup on a tray.

The maidservants started to help me change my clothes. Every time I took off a layer of my clothes, there would be maidservants to help me dry myself with a clean towel. On the other side, Lu Ping had already changed her clothes. When she walked into the screen to help me change my clothes, I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her. She was wearing the clothes of a young lady.

"Miss!" Green Pingping blushed. "This servant said I can't wear it, but Miss Xue insisted on wearing it for me."

"No worries, she was just being nice …" I smiled as I comforted her.

Lu Ping quickly helped me change my clothes. The Xue Family had prepared a white robe with a pleated skirt of red plum blossom under it. On the outside, they wore a half arm of red plum plum blossom. Sitting in front of the mirror, the Xue Family girl presented a set of head surfaces, which were filled with pure jade to look like white plum blossoms. The stamens were inlaid with small pieces of precious stones on top of the golden base, keeping a low profile.

The eldest Miss of the Xue Clan walked over. When she saw me, her eyes lit up. "Is my younger sister's outfit really …" I was slightly surprised to see such a set of clothes. I'm afraid the price of such clothes is not low.