Temporary Husband: The Pregnant Wife Runs Away

Chapter 398

"No, you go back with the children first. I'll stay to find Chenchen." Li Yun is deep and heavy.

"But It's been so many days. I've found all the places I can find and all the ways I can think of. It's no different from looking for a needle in a haystack. "

"That's a bad day." Li Yunshen helped her up and said, "go to sleep. I'll let you know when I've arranged the time. You can clean it up tomorrow morning. You don't have to bring too many things to buy in the United States."

"Well, Brother Yun, you are tired too. Remember to rest." Xia Zhixing warned anxiously.

"Well." Li Yun deeply nodded, looked at her, thought, and said meaningfully after a long time, "little star, although Tang Xin knows this secret, you don't know it. It's because of this secret that she would rather bear the charge of murder, do you understand?"

Xia Zhixing is shocked, that is to say, the reason why Tang Xin is involved in the murder case Because of her?

"That video was bought by Tang Zhenhai with her two hundred million yuan after she divorced me, just to destroy the negative film about that year, but she didn't expect a homicide. Little star, no matter who she is doing this for, I hope you don't hurt her Li Yun cut the tunnel deeply.

"Brother Yun, I'm..."

"Just listen to me." Li Yunshen interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"Brother Yun, don't worry! As long as I leave this land, I will forget everything. " Xia Zhixing completely figured it out and assured him after him.

He is not trying anything, nor is he doubting anything. He is just worried about what she will do to Tang Xin again?

"Just understand." Li Yun is deep and light.

"Then I'll go up and have a rest." Xia Zhixing Dao.

When she passed, Li Yunshen suddenly grabbed her hand and hesitated to ask, "little star, the disappearance of Chenchen, you are also unintentional loss, don't blame yourself too much."

Xia Zhixing's heart thumped, knowing that Li Yunshen was trying, she raised her head and looked at him straightforwardly, "Brother Yun, thank you for understanding me."

With that, he turned and went upstairs without exception.

Behind him, Li Yun deeply frowned. It seems that she did not cheat him.

Besides, what reason does she have to lose Chenchen?

His little star is not that bad, even though he has done something wrong. It's just an accident that she won't be a mother

Early in the morning, Xia Zhixing packed up her belongings. Li Yunshen arranged for a private plane and a specially assigned person to take her to the United States. The plane left at 10 a.m.

In the process of packing, she received a call from Tang Xin.

She looked at the mobile phone, hesitated, and finally chose not to answer, let it ring there.

Tang Xin again and again, do not give up to dial, she knows that Xia Zhixing may be avoiding her, but she has only this step to go.

Finally, when she was hopeless, the phone was picked up.

"Don't call again. I'm going back to America today and I'm going to leave for the airport." Xia Zhixing told her coldly.

"Back to the United States? How can he do that! "

Xia Zhixing knew that she had misunderstood, but she didn't intend to explain. She just wanted to hang up quickly.

Tang Xin seemed to know that she would do this, and quickly called out, "star, don't hang up, OK? Listen to me... "

Xia Zhixing couldn't bear to be silent.