Temporary Husband: The Pregnant Wife Runs Away

Chapter 102

"Would you like to have a taste? I'll open it for you Tang Xin wants to get away from this ambiguous gesture, but he suddenly sweeps the chocolate mouston on the desk, and it falls into the dustbin under the desk accurately.

Tang Xin sent out a subtle sigh, his ungrateful will still let her feel depressed.

"It's ruined because you didn't mean it." Li Yunshen's hand pressed on her heart.

Tang Xin's body trembled and his face was embarrassed. How could he put the accusation on her.

"Are you looking for me Don't want to leave as soon as possible.

"If something has to be done, does it count?"

Words down, the big hand pressed in the heart gently closed.

"Don't do this..." Tang Xin body a soft, hands instinctively grasp his shoulder to stabilize himself.

"Can't you?" Li Yunshen's black eyes narrowed, and the movements on his hands became more unrestrained.


Tang Xin stares at him with shame and indignation. He doesn't do what he wants. She has already seen his tyranny and despotism. Which time did she refuse?

"Is today your safety day?" He had buried himself in her snowy white neck, and she always had a faint sweet smell on her body. He also noticed that she had never used perfume before.

Would he give up his mind if he said no?

"You have to believe that I can get Vincy back a truck of sets in ten minutes." He gently kisses her on the neck, and the tip of his tongue slips through her ear, warning her that it is better to answer honestly.

Tang Xin nods in frustration. If Wenxi wants to buy a set, how can he meet people later?

Her holiday last month was delayed for several days. Today should be considered as a safety period.

"I've got Vincy to order, so why don't we do something else before lunch arrives." Li Yunshen can not refuse to announce, raised his head and kiss her attractive red lips.

It's not the first time that they have no love, and Tang Xin has long been accustomed to cooperating with his demands.

The light coffee fragrance diffuses between two people's lips and teeth, Li Yun kisses deeply and urgently, and holds her up on the desk.

"Well Don't Tang Xin grabs his hand in horror, and his face is in a mess.

"You want to refuse? Can you refuse? " Black eyes have been dyed with red Li Yun deep unhappy asked.

"Don't be here Vinci will come in any time Tang Xin bit his lower lip, and his voice was like a mosquito.

Knowing that she didn't want to refuse, Li Yunshen's displeasure disappeared in a moment, bent down and bit her ear, and said with deep charm, "let's see if he will come in."

"No! Well... " Tang Xin is afraid that he dare to take such a risk. If Wenxi really bumps into her and him

Li Yunshen resolutely kisses her many words, no longer gives her any chance to refuse, and forcibly dominates her sweetness.

As a matter of fact, Wenxi knew that she would naturally guess that there would be restricted pictures in his office, so he would not disturb him if there was nothing urgent. Even if something happened, he would call in advance, and the people he trained were not so rash.

After a while, the office was full of spring.

Until the door of the office was knocked, Tang Xin's body suddenly tightened, scared to open his mouth and bite his shoulder to prevent himself from shouting.


Her actions made Li Yun deep gasp and turn a deaf ear to the knock on the doo