Tearmoon Empire Story

768 Lesson 72: Vegetables Are Available, Princess Meer!

Now, in the corner of Schubert House, when the terrible incident was happening, there was something terrible going on in the kitchen.

"Now, Dario, get ready."

With his sister\'s life, Dario sends instructions to the kitchen people.

"But what is a meeting..."

The cooks cloud their faces. They know Retizia\'s cooking skills well enough to hurt...

"Oh... I\'m fine. No problem..." There are so many vegetables to be chopped... you should be able to buy time... it\'s okay... it\'s okay "

Looking at Dario like that, they turn blue even more.

Dario...... said it in a tone of voice that reminded him of himself.

But even so, you can\'t disobey an order. I can\'t stop it from moving.

The ingredients were brought in by the hands of the servants who moved quickly.

Looking at all the ingredients on the desk, Meer didn\'t think, oh! said with a joyful voice.

”This is... a lot of vegetables, isn\'t it?”

From the edge of the large desk to the edge, a large selection of vegetables lined up with rustling vegetables. I tried and took one of them, and Meer smiled.

"Ahh, this looks really delicious..."

By the way, "I don\'t want to eat anything but sweet and delicious meat!" Well, I used to say selfish things about me... but now I can go vegetables! "

In any case, it was meer who was experiencing the things that were eaten in the dungeon.

Fresh vegetables that are thoroughly washed are nothing but a treat. In addition...

"Oh, that Empire Carrot... it\'s a pretty good color." It is very delicious when it is sweetened with butter. Besides, it\'s the best for the cake.... "

Meir, whose tongue was firmly forged by the head chef and Laguna, is no longer the meer of the past. Meer already knows how to enjoy vegetables.

Meer\'s got vegetables now!

Well, of course, it\'s enough to eat.

”Fufufu, Master Meir is really deep in cooking, isn\'t he?”

Meer smiles upbeatly at Retizia, who looks impressed.

Yeah, well, not much.

While answering, in secret inside my chest... "

--Hmm, Retizia, you have a passion, but your culinary skills are still suspicious.

I was expecting something unusual and very confusing! It\'s very unusual!

Plus, more!

--Even at the previous cooking party, Saffias-san was very familiar... but I wonder if that was because he knew Letizia-san\'s skill... If so... maybe it was because he was really afraid of his fiancée\'s skill that he didn\'t feel comfortable about this cooking party...

There was something unusual about Meer...... the pimped-out detective...... reaching a point so close to the truth.

Is this a miracle that lately a good romantic brain has made? Is this another sign of Meer\'s growth?

Then, miraculously, I came close to the truth, and Mia came to the conclusion... The conclusion!

--Fufufu, in order to alleviate Mr. Saffias\' hardships, I have to teach him exactly how to cook! In this way, I will become close to Retizia and my relationship with Saffias will be strong. This is it!

... I should have been close to the truth... but things were getting worse.

--To do that, we need delicious hot pot dishes. The vegetable pan is certainly delicious, but I need something more crispy and punchy... Nanica...

At that time, there was a word in Meer\'s mind that suddenly came to mind.

"Hope for tomorrow..." Ah, that\'s right... "

... Remembering that I\'m not Roque, Mea runs around shushing her gaze and walks over to find the person she wants.


"Lina, do you mind if I...?"

Meer whispered softly into Sturina\'s ear as she strangely leaned her neck.

"For example... could you get me some mushrooms from the garden?" I wonder if it was a tetrod mushroom... like a round fish? "

Is it a Troxi mushroom?

"Yeah. Yeah, that\'s it."

Meer nodded deeply,

You said there was no poison there, right?

Asked to confirm.

Incidentally, in Meer\'s mind, mushrooms are divided into two types.

That\'s not something that\'s poisonous... Eaten or not eaten.

And if it can be eaten, it can\'t be tasty. There is no mushroom that tastes bad. It was self-evident to Meer.

Not to mention, it looks so delicious. If it is not poisonous, it is impossible not to put it in the pot.

― ― I\'ll teach Retizia the essence of mushroom cooking. Then, if we deepen our friendship... fufufu.

Making a delicious mushroom hotpot and getting on well with Retizia. In response to the solution of two birds in one stone, Meer smiles.

"Sure, there\'s no poison to kill, but..."

Gently, Shutina had some kind of expression on her face... but the next moment, her shoulders trembled.

Lady Retizia, the ingredients are ready, so why don\'t you get started?

I wonder when they\'ll be back. The old maid, Gerta, walked up to Retizia without a sound. Sturina stared silently at the conversational girls.

"... I see. Mr. Meir, you\'ve been spotted..."

After crushing something, I nodded tinyly,

“Okay, I\'ll be right there.”

She left the cooking area without a sound.

Princess Meir, are you sure you want to start cooking now?

Being questioned by Retizia, Meer leans her neck small.

"Oh... that\'s right. I\'d like to wait for Yana and Patty...... but....."

Energizing Patty is one of the purposes. The main objective was to get along with Retizia.

― ― Improving Mr. Retizia\'s cooking skills and getting along with Mr. Saffias... This is my main purpose, and I also want to show Abel my culinary skills...

In addition, it was Tiona who entered Meir\'s sight.

At the Rudolfon house, where she was chiseling a lot of vegetables, she was burning in front of a large amount of ingredients that had been brought in.

He looks at the knife with a serious face, waiting for a cooking moment now or not. His eyes were as if he were a knight with a famous sword...

... oh? That\'s what cooking was all about? "I don\'t think so, but anyway..."

I think it might be better not to make me wait too long. like a chase down there,

"With all due respect, Princess Meir, in fact, they are..."

This time, Gerta spoke to me.

According to her, the children are allowed to play their instruments in the earlier room.

“After a while, I\'ll have a young servant with me to bring you here.”

"Hmm... well, if that\'s the case..."

Meer turned to Retizia and nodded quietly.

Well then, let\'s start the cooking party.