Tearmoon Empire Story

750 Episode 54: Kami Kaihi, Straight Strike


Anne came for a run as the venue became noisy.

"Oh, Anne. Ufufu, how was it? My horseshoe dance."

Meer, who came down from the east wind, smiled and heard...

"More than that, are you really injured?"

Anne looked at Meer with a worried look on her face.

“Yes, there\'s nothing wrong with that.”

"I see... I\'m glad. Ah, over here, please."

Anne offered her a water bottle with lemon tea on the moon.

"Oh, thank you."

Quickly, Mia, who had put her mouth on the water bottle, suddenly exhaled from the flavor that spread through her mouth.

The acidity of the fruit on the tongue and the aroma of black tea are very pleasant. The sensation of hydrating my throat was not too hot, not too cold, just fine.

"Fufufu, that\'s Anne. She\'s delicious."

Meer smiles. Anne smiled happily back and suddenly shut up... "

"I\'m really glad you\'re okay." Um... by the way, Mr. Meir? I\'m going to ask you something unexpected... but this wind wasn\'t deliberate, was it? "

"Huh...? What do you mean... on purpose?"

Anne said with a very serious look to Mia, who leaned her neck strangely.

"It\'s not like that wind was woken up by Meer-sama, is it?" Or I was expecting that wind to blow..... "

"...... why are you talking like that?"

"For a moment, it was Mia who got confused..."

“The people of the Horse Kingdom said that Lord Meer would manipulate the heavens.”


Certainly, some of you will say! While convinced, Meer unexpectedly frowned...

"I don\'t have that kind of power." That wind was totally unexpected. "

I will deny it properly. After all, Anne\'s sister is Ellis. Well, it was Ellis who brought Princess Meir to this world.

What would happen if I were to ask you this story? It\'s just a chill for me to imagine.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes! Of course." I don\'t have that kind of power. "

I assure you, Anne put her hand on her chest...

"I see... I\'m glad..."

"Huh? Good... what do you mean?"

When asked, Anne looked extremely serious.

"If it was intentional, I would be complaining." Do something dangerous and don\'t worry about it! "...."

"Well, Anne, with the power to wake up the wind like that, my words... they\'re quite unforgettable."

Jokingly, Anne shook her head tinyly at Meer.

"Even if Master Meir could use the magic to manipulate the heavens, I believe he would not abuse it." All I\'m afraid of is that you\'ll use it to do anything to put yourself in danger. That\'s why it\'s impossible to hesitate to bid farewell to Meir-sama. "


I was inadvertently moved by the trust of loyalists.


Anne was followed by Abel. Whether it ran or not, there was a little vermilion on its face.

"Oh, Abel, what\'s wrong? I\'m in such a hurry..."

"No, um..."

Abel looked at Meer, and for a moment he smiled relieved.

"I was worried if you were injured..." I got out a little bit and came to see how things were going. "

“Well, so are you?

Ufufu, laughing funny, Meer turns around.

"Look, as you can see, there\'s nothing wrong with it." Vanos-san protected me..... "

"I see... no, I knew it wouldn\'t be a problem if I looked at it..."

Abel sighed smallly.

"Hey, no good... when it comes to you, even if I know it\'s okay, I can\'t stay calm..."

He laughed as if to make a mockery of himself.

"Well! Abel..."

Abel, who has grown up a little, is really worried about himself... and just thinking about it makes my cheeks a little hotter. My throat is drying up and I can\'t speak well.

What a maiden I was in love with.

Now, as if waiting for the conversation to end, Ludwig is approaching. He told me in a very serious tone that he was entrusted with the progress of the meeting.

"With all due respect, Miss Meer, I\'d like you to say hello after this..."

"Yeah. That\'s right."

"Then Meer looked at the sky..."

It looks like the wind is getting stronger, so we need to close it early.

When I was about to head for the auditorium, Meir thought:

--The anger of Lord Red Moon... has subsided...?

Even if I stare at it, I can\'t see it well from here... but just now, Mansana was so angry that her face turned red. Even though it\'s not against Mea herself... I\'m a little distracted to be nearby right now...

"... hmm, that\'s right. Now, let\'s finish off by riding the horse and running around the venue....."

Gee, that\'s where Meer comes up with the good stuff.

--Oh, yes. "For the sake of Lord Red Moon\'s goodwill, I wonder if I can give you my last greeting while riding the sunset crane..."

Even though he had no choice, he defeated the good horses of the Red Moon family to perfection. I may need to follow up a little.

--Besides, she may have lost to firefly lightning and may be caught in the cave, so please prepare an opportunity for her to stand out for the salvation of her honor...

"Horses...? Is that to make it clear to everyone... that there were no injuries in the incident just now?"

"Huh? Yeah... yeah. Well... that\'s true, too. Yeah."

Anne and Abel rushed over worried. There may be others who are worried.

Ludwig suddenly lowered his head as he framed his arms and, yes, nodded at Meer.

"I\'m sorry." Meer-sama... it was my mistake to make that obstacle. "

"Huh? It\'s not like you to try to force yourself to shoulder your responsibilities, Ludwig."

Meer gently smiled at Ludwig, who seemed to be slightly entrenched.

It\'s nobody\'s fault.

I\'ll tell you right away.

If Ludwig were to overweight himself due to this incident, there would be many obstacles.

I need him to be energetic and motivated to do his job.

"No one could have predicted that the wind would blow suddenly like this... I couldn\'t have predicted it myself"

I didn\'t even know it, so I added it bluntly.

Ludwig wouldn\'t be like that, but it would be bad if he had suspicions like Anne\'s.

If that wind was Meir\'s fault, or Meer\'s predictability, then, worst of all, Meir could have created Ludwig\'s fault.

I needed to deny it.

”I didn\'t even know you were......?”

“Yes, of course.”

Having said that, Ludwig still had a difficult face.

That\'s why Mea keeps telling me not to push.

"We humans... have no idea when the wind will blow..."

It was meer who tried to say, "I don\'t know if it\'s something I don\'t know about," but...... it\'s been a long time since I bit it.

I became nervous after interacting with Abel, and my mouth became rough. I didn\'t have enough to drink Anne\'s lemon tea!

If I keep saying, "Isn\'t that right?", I\'ll say, "So, what\'s your point?" I feel like exposing a bit of a pathetic figure.

No good... I want to avoid messing around in the right place, so I can fix the trajectory in my brain. I skipped to the point where I could not bite, i.e.!

"... I wonder?"

Jump all the way to the right place without using your tongue too much! "Fortunately, you didn\'t have to bite me..."

― ― Kuu, biting where it matters is unexpected to me!

While making a slightly sinister face, did I mislead you? and more, staring at Ludwig\'s face.

Ludwig listened quietly to Meer\'s words... but eventually nodded as if he felt something...

"Master Meir\'s heart... I understand."

Briefly, he bowed his head deeply.

Apparently, Ludwig was relieved that he was convinced, and Meir turned to Yuanyuan.

"We humans... don\'t really know when the wind will blow...?"

Ludwig remembered the battle in the words thrown at him.

You really don\'t know that?

This question is not just a question. Isn\'t that a form of questioning in which rhetorical expressions have been applied...... that is, the other way around? Because he and Ludwig thought about it.

You really don\'t know that?

Perhaps after that, these words continued.

"Are you sure you don\'t know?" No, it can\'t be that.... "

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I see, Meir certainly doesn\'t blame Ludwig for his loss this time. Ludwig didn\'t expect the wind to blow because he thinks it\'s hopeless.

I guess... then, Mea asked.

“Do you really think you don\'t know?”

"Do you want to stay like this for the rest of your life?"

--That\'s right... In the first place, the recent wheat failure is also caused by the cold wave. We humans cannot even know the weather tomorrow. "That\'s what I thought unknowingly..." "But..."

Didn\'t Meer show you?

A few years later, we have a cold summer. and the accompanying crop failure of wheat and the outbreak of famine.

Isn\'t that why you were able to prepare?

― ― It was good while Meir-sama was there. But you told me not to let those who lived in the empire after Meir\'s death, the future empire, be flirted with the whims of the heavens and suffer from famine... didn\'t Meir tell you?

When will the wind blow and what will the weather be like tomorrow?

Even if we can\'t predict it perfectly, we can still improve the accuracy.

I don\'t know how to do that... "It was Ludwig, who framed his arms and thought with a serious face.

Well... well, this is totally irrelevant...

A few years later, two new disciplines were established at St. Meer\'s School.

One is a comprehensive equine research course where you learn the knowledge of horses inspired by Meer. The other is a discipline that studies meteorology.

Each of these two disciplines will make a significant contribution to Meanet\'s transportation department and the agricultural technology development department...

Well, that was a complete nonsense.