Taoist Master Ghost Hunting System


The Sickle was just one of hundreds of thousands of strange beasts. Different from wandering souls, evil spirits and yam, strange beasts were more similar in characteristics to wild beasts. They would not only attack humans, but also kill each other. As the smaller of the beasts, the Sickle relied on the rare social characteristics of the beasts. Sickle knew how to collaborate with each other, and could even share information they discovered with their own kind through sound waves.

From the point of view of teamwork, Sickle was the beast that was closest to humans.

This was also the reason why Magi continued to develop techniques to control Sickle. After a Magus grasped how to communicate with Sickle, they would also be able to obtain information from it. Although individual Sickle were small and weak, when the entire population of Sickle gathered together, they were incomparably strong.

However, Sickle was still a strange beast. As a terrifying creature condensed from baleful energy, there was a huge difference between a Sickle and a human made from flesh and blood.

To transform into a human Sickle would also mean transforming into a mutated beast. Humans and strange beasts were originally something that should not be merged into one another. The beast transformation into a human body was a terrifying spell that went against the will of nature. Once successful, Magi with beast transformations could obtain immense power. However, if anything went wrong, it was highly likely that they would be affected by the demonic beasts' baleful aura, unable to reverse their beast transformations and forever unable to return to their human forms.

This was why even amongst the Magi of the Black Tower, this was a "side technique" that only a few would be willing to train in. And among these few, only a few would be able to succeed in their training. "Greed and the King of Sickle", one of the six Magus King s, was one of the few.

Other than that, from what Andrea knew, only the head disciple of the Magus King, Peter, had shown him the abilities of the Sickle.

But now, a third Magus who could transform himself into a Sickle had appeared. It was Andrea who had absorbed Peter's abilities.

What kind of feeling was it to transform a human body into a Sickle?

Andrea's four limbs slowly lost consciousness, they were all part of his human body, and his senses would soon replace that old being. Power gathered from his four limbs and gathered in his chest.

His heartbeat had never been so strong, not only in appearance but also in the organs of his body. In order to support a brand-new set of limbs, one must have a set of internal organs that corresponded to it.

Bang, bang, bang! Every heartbeat sounded in Andrea's ears.

Power, a power that he had never experienced before came into Andrea's body along with the sound of this heartbeat.

He tried to move his new limbs, then stood up. His feet had already become talons like an eagle's, his nails easily digging into the ground as if tearing through tofu.

At the same time, two slits split open on Andrea's back, and black wings squeezed out of his body, then fiercely spread outwards.

With a flap of its black wings, the air started to flow rapidly and Andrea's body started to float.

"Devil!" Long Zi caught sight of Andrea's back through the green flames, "That's the devil!"

That's right, the form that Andrea was showing right now was exactly that of a demon from myths.

Perhaps, with his current strength, he could already be comparable to the Magus King. Andrea laughed sinisterly.

"Ding ~"

Zhou Heng never thought that the Heavenly Master System would actually issue a mission to him at this time.

"New quest triggered."

This was the first time Zhou Heng had ever seen someone who was infected with baleful qi. As for the Sickle's wings? What kind of lousy reward was this? Zhou Heng recalled that he had obtained the Painting Sparrow's plume before, thinking that this Sickle's wing was about the same as the Painting Sparrow's plume, and was completely useless to him now. As for the 22 contribution points, it was enough to attract Zhou Heng's attention.

It had been a long time since he had accumulated any merits.

This was the first time Zhou Heng had accepted a mission from a human.

Andrea's eyes were completely red, it was as if blood had rushed into his eyeballs — Within his body, the infernal energy had replaced the blood to circulate within his body. If he did not properly control the flowing infernal energy, he would be controlled by the infernal energy in turn. However, Andrea was not like the Magus King and Peter who understood this principle. The human blood in his body was currently being drained by the demonic beast's fiendish aura, and at the same time, the brain that needed the blood for circulation was also slowing down.

Andrea's vision became blood-red, and at the same time, his consciousness became blurry. Since he did not have the Magus King's ability and Peter's self-control, under these circumstances, Andrea chose to turn his body into a Sickle and would only be controlled by the Sickle's baleful aura.

This was the baleful aura infecting people. Compared to humans, he was now more like a bloodthirsty beast.

Zhou Heng raised the Dragon King Trident that was ignited in green flames in his hand, and took a stance of attack. It was not hard to guess that what awaited him next was a tough battle.

Above their heads, the already dim light suddenly dimmed, as if there was a large shadow approaching.

"All of you, go to hell!" Andrea opened his mouth, and the turbid voice came out from his mouth, which did not seem to be the voice of a human.

When the last word left his mouth, Andrea, who had transformed into his Sickle, fiercely rushed towards Zhou Heng. His speed stunned all of the Long Zi disciples in the flame cage. Even in the water, they were unable to reach his speed.

However, Zhou Heng did not have the experience to deal with the Sickle. He waved the Dragon King Trident in his hands, not to dodge, but to attack and defend.

The sharp blade of the trident, which had green flames attached to it, pierced straight towards Andrea who was rushing past. But Andrea only waved his right hand — it could no longer be called a hand, but a claw. The claws were as hard as steel and clashed against the sharp edges of the trident, causing a red spark to fly out and block the Dragon King Trident.

Although the Dragon King Trident did not pierce him, the spiritual flame that was attached to it started to burn on Andrea's black arm.

Andrea couldn't move his fingers and make the soul fire disappear like Zhou Heng, but he had a way to deal with the soul fire. The place that was burned by the spirit fire seemed to have shed skin off Andrea's body, and large pieces of it fell onto the ground. The exposed part after shedding was not the color of human flesh, but black.

Pure black.

Andrea used his own body to attack Zhou Heng fiercely, his four limbs were the most powerful weapons, but Zhou Heng's attacks were useless against him. The skin on his body was mottled as it fell, also symbolizing that his "personality" was leaving his body bit by bit.

That was the realm of the Magus King!