Taoist Master Ghost Hunting System


"Xiao Hui." "Wait for me outside," the girl said, holding the huge, ugly head of the fish behind her.

The fish head shook up and down, which could be considered a nod. At the top of the head of the fish was a slender meat pole that was three to four meters tall. The tumor on the end of the meat pole emitted a blinding white light like a giant light bulb.

The girl turned around and walked into the aqueous membrane.

The aqueous membrane was a clean and short house. The roof had been damaged quite a bit. Although there wasn't going to be any wind or rain, it was still blocked by her colourful prep class.

The girl lifted Andrea's body and brought him into her room.

The furnishings in the room were very ordinary. Compared to the human residences on the shore, it could even be described as simple and crude. But quite a few of the items that were considered rare treasures by humans were placed in the room. Firstly, there were those blue-black gems. This gem was about the size of an egg. It was sparkling and round, with a faint light flowing in the center of the gem. If such gems were to flow into human society, then every single one of them would be priceless. But now they were strung together in a heart shape by a seaweed and hung, in a very ordinary way, at the head of the bed. The white pearls were also strung together, forming curtains in front of the bed along with some rubies.

The girl lifted the pearl curtain and placed Andrea on her bed.

Then she opened her closet. It was a half-rotted wooden cabinet, as it had been when the girl had found it, but it was hard to see it at the bottom of the water, so the girl moved her into her own house. In the cupboard, the girl carefully collected some of the treasures she had picked up, a beautiful aluminum jar, and some glass. At the bottom of the water, whether it's aluminum or glass, it's a very rare thing. On the contrary, pearls and gems that were considered to be very precious were found all over the shore.

Between the glass pieces, the girl found a small box. She opened the small box and took out a small white pearl.

The pearls that were used as curtains were different. This pearl emitted a rich fragrance. If he had smelled it just now, he might have felt a little disgusted, but after smelling it for a while, he would slowly accept its smell.

The girl returned to the bedside and stuffed the white pearl into the unconscious Andrea's mouth.

This strange pearl melted upon contact with Andrea's saliva.

The girl did not move as she carefully stared at Andrea's face. Under her gaze, Andrea's eyelids twitched.

He was going to wake up. The girl suddenly felt a little nervous. This was the first time she met a human. In the elder's mouth, a human was always extremely ferocious. However, the human had neither fangs nor claws, so he could not see any signs of viciousness.

Maybe that was a lie to coax the kids. the girl thought.

In the clan, she held a high position, so she was not allowed to approach any humans on the shore. But for a girl of her age, the more forbidden it was, the more it would arouse her curiosity.

Under the urge of her curiosity, she saved Andrea and brought him to her room.

During this time, Andrea had a brief dream. In the dream, he arrived at the Dragon Palace. Within the Dragon Palace, there was a giant dragon, and in front of the dragon, there were six figures. These six were the six Magus King s of the Black Tower. The six Magus King s started fighting with the huge dragon in the palace. The huge dragon spat out flames and burned three of them to death. A large amount of energy emitted from the charred corpse. Andrea and the remaining three Magus King extended their hands together to snatch the energy from the spell that was floating in the air.

However, that magical energy was like an unfathomable smoke, and would always escape before Andrea's palms could close in.

"Mine, all mine!" Andrea suddenly sat up on the bed.

The girl jumped in fright and quickly retreated a few steps away from the curtain.

Am I not in the Dragon Palace? Andrea only realized then, where am I? His eyes widened as he surveyed his surroundings, but he still felt unfamiliar.

The air was very dry. Had I left the bottom? Andrea left the bed and stood up. He had originally fainted because of lack of oxygen, and his body didn't sustain any injuries. The girl fed him another "Dragon Spirit Orb", causing Andrea's body to quickly return to normal.

He lifted the curtain and saw the girl standing in the room, unsure of where to hide.

"You saved me?" Andrea asked.

The girl nodded.

"Thank you very much." Andrea bowed to the girl. The girl's entire body was covered in green scales, at first glance, she looked very similar to a infected woman who had eaten a "Red Apple." However, her eyes were clear and there was no aggressiveness in her gaze, clearly showing that she had her own consciousness. Facing such an unknown species, Andrea didn't dare to get too close to the other party.

The girl also kept a distance from Andrea. At the same time, she was also curiously sizing up the other party. They were both arms and two feet, but Andrea's body had neither scales nor exoskeletons, so the girl couldn't help but be curious, how did a human who didn't have anything to protect survive in this world? Is there no land where humans can live without big fish that can eat people?

In the midst of the silence, while bearing with the girl's gaze, Andrea couldn't help but feel a little awkward. I am Andrea. " Andrea said to the girl. "It's German."

"My name is Elsa." The girl answered politely and shook her head in frustration. "I may not be German." She did not understand the meaning of the word 'Germany', much less guess that it referred to a country in Europe.

Andrea thought, of course I can tell that you are not a German, and most likely you aren't even human. "However, there is no need for him to offend this girl right now." Hello, Elsa. May I ask where is this place? " Andrea still had a lot of questions to ask her.

"This is my room." Elsa answered honestly.

Andrea thought that this girl probably had very little contact with people. "So where is your room?" He had to continue.

"My room is right here." Elsa revealed a doubtful expression, she was probably thinking why someone would ask such a foolish question.

"Alright, I'll organize another round of speech," Andrea said somewhat helplessly. "What I want to ask is, what is the name of our place?"

"Elsa finally understood what Andrea meant. water throne. " Elsa answered, "We are in the domain of the water throne s of the Five Thrones."

water throne? What kind of place was that? Andrea was at a loss. Under Elsa's attentive gaze, he pushed open the door and walked out.

"My god." Seeing the scenery outside the door, Andrea revealed an incomparably shocked expression.