Taoist Master Ghost Hunting System


Originally, the explosion created by the Magus King had formed a huge whirlpool, but as the rain continued to fall and time passed, the whirlpool gradually became smaller, and the bottomless black hole in the center of the whirlpool was also covered by the water current. Right now, other than still having ripples on the surface of the Qingyu Lake, it was almost no different from before the explosion.

But just now, a large cloud of fog rose from the surface of the Qingyu Lake's lake.

All the Magi present knew that this was the sign that a large beast was about to appear. The Magus King was right, other than the terrifying Nine-headed Giant Snake, there were actually other large beasts hidden in this small Qingyu Lake. Furthermore, judging from the speed and concentration of the white fog above the lake, this beast was probably even stronger than the Nine-headed Giant Snake.

Andrea, Yue Han and the others all had a question in their hearts — — Could it be that this place really had a dragon's lair?

Seeing the dense fog below, Magus King's expression became excited. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He was no longer in the mood to play with the juniors in the sky. The Sickle that had transformed into Magus King flapped its wings and dove towards the surface of the Qingyu Lake's lake at a high speed.

Yue Han and Ma Tai looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts. Right now, it could be said to be the best time to escape. The strongest Magus King had already been drawn away, and Andrea's attention was obviously shifted there.

Just as the two wanted to escape, Ma Tai found that he was unable to move.

Several black Sickle surrounded him, and that included the two Sickle that held Ma Tai's shoulders, preventing him from falling. These black evil stars were all controlled by Andrea. Although Andrea was currently focused on the surface of the lake which was shrouded in mist, those Sickle were all his eyes and ears, and he couldn't hide all of Yue Han's and Ma Tai's little movements.

Although Yue Han could also control Sickle, whether it was quantity or precision, they were all incomparable to the current Andrea.

"Where do you want to go?" Andrea smiled and said, "Two traitors of the Black Tower."

"Shouldn't you be the traitor?" Yue Han knew that he could no longer run, and stared at Andrea.

"It was you who killed Peter, right?" Yue Han's eyes were filled with anger, "You and Magus King conspired to kill Peter, right?!" In the past, it was definitely impossible for Andrea to kill him. If not for Magus King's instruction and help, it would be impossible for Andrea to hurt a single hair on his body.

Andrea did not admit nor deny it. Peter's death was not the result he could accomplish, there was some kind of force that was pushing him to move.

Looking at it now, this power that seemed to be the hand of destiny behind the scenes, belonged to the Magus King.

Andrea remembered that Magus King had once said that he was omniscient, and he was afraid that it was not just empty words. Thinking to this point, Andrea's pupils couldn't help but shrink. He was seriously considering his future. Right now, Andrea had obtained an unprecedented amount of power, and the power affected his mental state, causing his ambition to rise as well.

If it was possible, Andrea hoped that the Magus King would also become his bait.

Noticing that Andrea was distracted, Yue Han no longer hesitated. A knight spear that was condensed from purple energy appeared in his hands. Right now, Ma Tai had already been controlled by Andrea, all he could do was to fight on the backside like a knight in the Middle Ages.

With the help of the Sickle behind him, Yue Han who was holding onto his knight spear, rushed towards Andrea. But even if Andrea was not paying attention to his movements, the Sickle he released would still have reacted in place of Andrea's body.

Countless black Sickle gathered to form a moving shield between Yue Han and himself.

Yue Han did not hesitate, and did not slow down either. He raised the spear horizontally in his hand, and vowed to pierce through the black wall. The black Sickle opened its fangs filled mouth, raised its claws, and welcomed Yue Han.

A head-on collision! The spear in Yue Han's hand easily pierced through the weak Sickle, and his body also sunk into the black shield.

The Sickle that was stabbed to death turned into black mist, drifting in the air, and then quickly reformed. The other active Sickle, on the other hand, used their sharp teeth to gnaw on Yue Han's flesh.

Yue Han was not afraid of injuries, because he knew that his chance of survival in this battle was not high. To be able to exchange his life with Andrea was already the best outcome that he could think of.

But the problem he had to face right now was that he might not even be able to get close to Andrea. The black wall was like an insurmountable mountain, splitting the space between the two of them into different worlds.

Yue Han heard Ma Tai wailing from the other side of the black wall.

Andrea was unable to restrain the desire in his body, and he made his move against Ma Tai.

He bit onto the artery of Ma Tai's neck like a Sickle. Blood, energy, and vitality; everything that Ma Tai possessed was being snatched away by Andrea.

However, trapped on the side of the wall, Yue Han could not do anything. Ma Tai's painful wails were transmitted into his ears, but he could only constantly stab the Sickle in front of him to vent his anger. These Sickle s could not be killed, but they surrounded Yue Han, gnawing at his body, not allowing him to save the pitiful Ma Tai.


Ma Tai's wails gradually died down, he was about to die.

"Leave me alone." Ma Tai's body became shriveled. He was aware of his current situation; yesterday, he was still a glorious disciple of the Magus King, and today, he would die in such a tragic manner.

"Leave me alone." Ma Tai repeated himself again, and his voice became softer and softer, "Let's go, big brother Yue Han."

"Quick —" His voice stopped abruptly.

Ma Tai's shriveled hands hung down powerlessly. Even as a Magus, his vitality was far greater than that of a mortal's, but when the last drop of blood in his body was extracted, what awaited him was only death.

"Whew." Andrea heaved a sigh of relief. This feeling was too good to be true. He was completely immersed in it.

The current Andrea was extremely regretful, regretting that he did not discover this point earlier.

After enjoying the fun Ma Tai brought him, he threw Ma Tai's body out of his mouth. Although this was his former companion and friend, now, it was just the leftover soup after eating.

"Aren't you going to run away?" Andrea asked, "Jacob and Ma Tai both sacrificed themselves to save you, don't you want to protect your own life?"

Yue Han did not say anything, but his eyes seemed to spew fire.

Andrea revealed a smile, with a flick of his finger, a sword flew towards Yue Han. But Yue Han was unable to do anything as the sword pierced through his body.

Andrea clenched his fists in anger: "Damn it!"