Taoist Master Ghost Hunting System


In the end, all of his disciples had actually betrayed him. It seemed like his teacher had truly failed.

Magus King's hands were spread out horizontally. You seem to have forgotten one thing, each one of you was taught by me. "

Following that, he closed his palms, and accompanied by a light clapping sound, the Sickle behind the five of them disappeared at the same time.

"I know all about your abilities." "No," he said.

Without the Sickle's guidance, the five of them simultaneously fell into the whirlpool.

"Wings of Spell!" Ba Duoluomai shouted, and at the same time, purple wings appeared behind the five of them. The wings flapped a few times in the air, and stabilized the momentum of their fall.

"You've become stronger, Ba Duoluomai," the Magus King said with a smile. "You were so weak in the past that you didn't even dare to look me in the eye. Now you can go against me. " Ba Duoluomai was the only one out of the eleven disciples who trained in supportive magic. His cowardly nature made it difficult for him to face the enemy head on. But for him to be able to stand against the Magus King s today was already an extremely difficult thing to do.

"Ba Duoluomai is improving," Ba Duoluomai said anxiously. "Magus King caused Brother Peter's death, Ba Duoluomai will take revenge for Brother Peter."

"Peter, Peter." Magus King gently repeated the name before his face once again revealed a sorrowful expression.

"You are not worthy of mentioning that name!" Jacob roared and charged towards Magus King again.

"Be careful!" Yue Han shouted from behind Jacob. He didn't think that Jacob would rashly rush up to him again.

During the charge, Jacob's hands turned into claws — a part of his body turned into a Sickle. This was a very high-level spell, and a top-tier Magus could transform their entire body into a Sickle. Making his hands into the claws of Sickle was already his limit, but even so, the power behind this strike was already huge enough.

"Idiot." The Magus King gently waved his hand, and countless thin and long swords appeared in the air. These swords headed towards Jacob and thrusted towards him.

"Shield!" Yue Han drew a circle in the air, and a circular shield immediately opened up in front of Jacob, blocking part of the sharp sword. After withstanding this part of the sword's impact, the shield was also shattered into pieces.

The remaining swords were slashed away by Jacob's claws. With Yue Han's help, Jacob rushed to the front of Magus King.

But Magus King only extended a single index finger, and when he did so, the flow of time in the surroundings seemed to slow down. Jacob's movements gradually slowed down, and in the end, stopped in front of Magus King.

Magus King pressed his finger on Jacob's forehead. Right now, he had countless of opportunities to kill Jacob, but he didn't do so. Magus King only placed his finger on it, then gently pushed. The flow of time accelerated in this instant, and Jacob's body quickly flew backwards. If they didn't crash into anything, they might just fly straight to the horizon.

"You can't defeat him by yourself." Ma Tai whispered into Jacob's ear.

"We have to work together." Yue Han also said.

Jacob was breathing heavily. The mental blow he had just received was greater than the physical one. The Magus King was now even stronger than the king in Jacob's memories. As Jacob and the others progressed, the Magus King advanced at an even faster speed that was unimaginable. At this rate, the Magus King would become a true "God" who could control the transparent energy.

"Ba Duoluomai, I'll have to trouble you to help us." Yue Han looked at Ba Duoluomai. Ba Duoluomai nodded strongly.

Yue Han then looked at Andrea. Even though he stood on their side, from start to finish, Andrea had not done anything or expressed his opinion.

Realizing that Yue Han was looking at him, Andrea revealed an encouraging smile, "Everyone, do your best."

Yue Han did not say a word as he looked towards the Magus King. The King did not make any moves, he was waiting, waiting for the next round of attacks from Jacob and Yue Han.

"Let's attack together!" Yue Han shouted, and at the same time, his figure disappeared into the air.

Jacob and Ma Tai also charged towards the Magus King from their left and right.

Ba Duoluomai then synthesized his hands into a triangle, and aimed the hole in the middle of the triangle at Magus King. He wanted to use Curse Magic to weaken the Magus King's ability.

Andrea hesitated for a moment, but in the end, a bow condensed from energy appeared in his hand. He pulled on the bow with all his might, and a energy arrow appeared following his movements. The hand that was releasing the bow string released, the energy arrow flew towards Magus King at a high speed, its speed even faster than and Jacob who had rushed out earlier. It was sent late and arrived first.

When Magus King saw the arrows that Andrea had shot over, he frowned. In terms of single-wheel strength, Andrea's arrow had already surpassed the combined power of Jacob and Ma Tai. Magus King made a palm with his right hand and with a wave, the arrow changed its direction and flew into the air. Jacob and Ma Tai followed suit. The two of them used fists and legs to attack Magus King from both sides.

Magus King's movements became slower, it was Ba Duoluomai's curse that had an impact on him.

As most Magi were conceited and independent, there were very few who were willing to learn supportive spells, and there were very few who were able to practice outstanding spells. Maybe it was because of Ba Duoluomai's weak character that made him what he was.

Boom! * The Magus King did not dodge the combined attack of and Jacob as their fists and kicks landed on Wang Ye's body. However, they did not feel the sensation of their fists hitting flesh. Under their joint attack, Magus King's body turned into a pile of Sickle s, flying away. Magus King and Peter's fighting styles were exactly the same. They were both good at using illusions to help themselves resolve the crisis. This was also the reason why Peter was the most favored person in the King's eyes.

Right now, there was only one person who could pose a real threat to the Magus King, and that was Ba Duoluomai. As long as they could get rid of him, the remaining people would only have the courage to do so.

The scattered black Sickle gathered behind Ba Duoluomai.

"Bastard!" "Careful!" Jacob and Ma Tai had already rushed towards the lump of Sickle, but it was already too late. The Sickle that was gathering had turned into a human, and the Magus King that was wielding a dagger appeared behind Ba Duoluomai.

The dagger in Magus King's hand was pressed against Ba Duoluomai's throat: "Goodbye, dear disciple."

But just at that moment, a purple sharp blade pierced Magus King's chest.

Yue Han's figure slowly appeared behind the Magus King.

"Farewell, dear teacher."