Tales of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 55: Going to The Academy is A Must!

The whole group was literally over him, asking tons of questions, while others might check again to see if he still had any injury or not. Actually, he heard and saw everything they did, but his mind was somewhere else, feeling like he just lost something so precious to him.

He didn't know what he lost at first, but when he put his hand over his heart, felt that gaping pain in it, he was sure, pretty sure, of what he just lost.

"So you have gone!" he softly muttered, in a bitter tone, with a long thin thread of tears flowing, unwillingly, unconsciously from his eyes. His soft voice wasn't heard amongst the voices of others, but Amelia heard what he just said, as she stood near him, eyeing him in a strange, unbelieving look.

"Are you ok?" This scream that came from Lily made him return finally to the real world. He just lost himself in these minutes, as he was overwhelmed by the pain he just had, and the loss he just suffered.

"I'm fine," he smiled, trying to lie on her, trying to lie on everyone here.

"That's great, I didn't know what to do, I was about to die from panic," Ron said, as he, so exhausted from the stress and emotions, sat on the ground in front of Arthur. "Don't ever do this again," he added, in a warning finger waving in the face of Arthur.

"Don't worry," he just said, recalling what just happened. He lamented to himself, as he thought, wrongly, his body could sustain what monsters could, and he failed. He terribly and miserably failed, leading him to lose her.

He moved his eyes, to see he wasn't there, back where the monster was burnt and taken into his storage ring, he was taken back towards the entrance of that medicinal garden. He suddenly felt some aroma, that once he smelled it, sensed it entering his body, a refreshing energetic wave erupted inside his body.

He thought he was deluded by what he just passed through, and he admitted to himself that he needed to take a few times with himself, to wrap things up and try to settle the disturbed storm of emotions inside him.

However, he knew he would be dreaming if he could do this, right now, especially after what he just paid to get that monster trapped into his ring. He suddenly felt great hate, the urge to go and let that monster die inside his ring, however after some deep breaths, and moving for a while around the place, alone, he calmed down his disturbed mind.

The group was already nervous, stressed by what happened to him. After he got up from this bad injury, miraculously, without any explanation, they didn't ask him about how he improved, as they were all focusing on Lily, who was now narrating what happened and how did Arthur end up in this terrible way.

But, a pair of two eyes were fixed on Arthur, no matter where he went. He felt the gazes of Amelia on him, but he thought it might be a curiosity of how he got himself improved like this.

He didn't put that in his mind, as he was now thinking about the words the queen of pythons said to him. every time he thought about her, that soft, enchanting kiss she gave him always lingered in his mind. He even kept feeling the taste of her lips like the sweetest thing ever.

"So…" he muttered, lost in thoughts, as he admitted to himself, he had lost her. He tried to summon her, but he couldn't, as she wasn't there anymore. He recalled when she taught him the way to make her couple with him, forming a tighter, more advanced bond than the pet contract.

"Was it illegal?" he asked himself, again, one question after another. He lacked information, he lacked understanding, and he couldn't trust anyone about this, so he had to do this in secret, and without attracting any suspicion.

So, he knew everything would start when he would go to the academy. There, he would have a better opportunity to learn more, and try to understand what really happened.

The journey to the academy changed, shifted from just being a place to get more opportunities to grow, into a place with the answers he was seeking and lacking right now.

"And then Arthur just jumped from the back of Birdy, down towards that huge burning monster, and then puff, the monster was gone in a second and Arthur was there, lying motionless on the ground, with his very severe wounds you just saw."

Lily's voice attracted his attention, as he decided to return to reality, and the group, and proceed with more determination towards his next target. Before that, he looked into his ring, checked on the state of that monster, which was screaming in rage the moment he woke up, finding itself in an alien place, with no ability to move a muscle.

Arthur just checked on its condition, and made sure the burning wounds on its body never heal rapidly, before walking back to the group.

"Is there such a monster here before?" Madly asked Amelia, as Amelia was the only person who visited into this place more than once.

"I never saw or heard about or felt the presence of such monsters. you said it was huge in size, with four horns on its head?" she asked.

"Yes, Arthur was the one who fought it, wasn't it with four horns?" Lily directed the question to Arthur, who just approached them, with a slightly better look on his face.

"Yes, it was a four horned monster, but it wasn't a scorpion only, as its head was made out of bones," he said, as he sat with the group, on the ground.

"Bony head?" Gregory muttered, as his face turned pale.

"What's wrong?" Ouly asked, as he and the others noticed the sharp reaction of the three mages in the group.

"This wasn't a four horned monster," Clovert said, as he took a deep breath before adding, "Four horned monsters are the limit any monster can evolve keeping its original shape. After that, the more horns it gets, the more strange things it will appear. The most common changes are the bones, as part of the monsters turn into bony appearances."

"Do you mean it was five horned monsters?" Arthur asked in disbelief, as he never saw a fifth horn anywhere.

"It���s normal you can't see the fifth horn, as it's usually hidden well by some tricky monsters. It's usually hidden inside the bony part of the monster, so the bony transformation was acknowledged as one of the main transformations any five horned monsters or above could have," Amelia said, explaining to Arthur and the others more facts about the higher grades monsters.

Arthur shook his head. "So even if I asked for your help, you wouldn't be able to make a difference, right?"

The face of Amelia twitched slightly, as she understood what he was asking about. Her reaction returned to normal as she replied, with much honesty:

"Yes, no one here would stand a chance in front of that monster."

"What monster are you talking about in this high regard?"

A sudden voice appeared coming from the edge of the forest, attracting everyone's attention. A group of ten suddenly appeared, and their aura was as scary as Amelia, but they were very careful not to release it, just like her.

Arthur eyed them, and he knew they were part of the group Amelia and the other two invited to join his cause. At first he planned this out of whim, but now he regarded this move seriously, very seriously, as he would use all the possibilities in front of him to soar to the heavens, and shake it if needed and save Zilia.

****Hi everyone, Author san is here, I just want to tell you that, any given day from now on will have a daily competition, where your support with 10 Reviews+50 stones will be awarded with a Mass Release ranging from 5 to 10 chapters daily. Each time you finish the quest, I will release chapters the next day as thanks to your support. I hope you like the novel. ****