Tales Of Demons And Gods - The Rise Of Chen Long


I waited by the courtyard of our family estate for the Patiarch of the Wing Dragon Family Xiao Yunfeng and Xiao Ning\'er.

When they arrived, my father greeted them and sent the servants to fetch me from the courtyard.

We all went to my father\'s study. It was a private meeting. Can\'t have rumours going around. We also made the room soundproof.

"Okay! Now we can get started!" - Zhenlong

"Alright! I will go first! My daughter came across some information that your family purchase some deeds formerly belonging to our family. May I inspect these deeds to confirm they are real!" - Yunfeng

I taken out the deeds from my interapacial ring. And hand it to him. As he saw the deeds, he was shocked that they were indeed real.

He sigh. "It does seem to be real. But only half of the total property deeds are here. The other half is still with them! It is indeed proven there is a breach on the contract. But as long as the other half is still with them, the agreement still stands. It is going to be hard to convince the elders." - Yunfeng

"You don\'t have to worry about the deeds I have. As soon as I know the engagement is off and your family agree to let Ning\'er decide her future. I will gladly donate the deeds to you with no strings attach." i said. "I am her friend. And as a friend, I got her back!"

Ning\'er eyes started to tear up.

"Even if you say that. It is still hard to convince the council." - Yunfeng

"Lord Yunfeng, I don\'t think you know your daughter yet. Did you even know that your daughter is a genius. And like any geniuses, they are protected by the city lord. The exams will prove it!" i said

"Wha-what do you mean? Did she broke bronze rank yet?" - Yunfeng

She let out her soul force and her soul force was forming into wings.


"S-soul Forming!" he said in shock. "And that pressure. Y-your a 2-star silver rank! ...My god, my daughter is a genius!"

"Yes! Now I see! Yes~! I believe we can convince the council. They probably give you a good demon spirit to nurture your talents!" - Yunfeng.

I cut him off. "Ah! About that!"

I took a demon spirit core from my ring.

"Catch!" I said while throwing the core to Ning\'er.

"Go ahead and integrate it. That is the silver wing dragon, it has a god growth spirit."

Their jaw dropped, including my father.

"Son, have you integrated a demon spirit yet?" - Zhenlong

"Yeah dad! it\'s called the winged abyss tiger. It also have a god growth spirit. But i haven\'t trained with it yet. I need a place where i can do some damage." i said

"Go ahead Ning\'er! Integrate with it!" i said

She did as i said. While her father is watching over her.

After a few minutes...


"I just brokethrough to 3-star silver rank in a matter in minutes" she said shockingly.

"Yup! Like me, you need to find a large area to train your beast form. God level growth demon spirits can cause some massive damage. Please keep it a secret. There are a lot of spies from the dark guild. Do not trust servants or even family members. Try to only show 1-star silver rank aura. You will become a target if your not careful." i warned them.

They were shocked what I just revealed. And agreed to my arrangement. We talked some more boring stuff. My father did some business deals and afterward had lunch.


"Whoa! Now that\'s some power!" I said while flyin in my demon beast form. The explosion came from the beam blast that came from my mouth. It\'s power is like the panda\'s yin yang blast from Nie Li. I also have gravity power from my wings. My strength is multiplied and my horns, forms lightning.


Winged Abyss Tiger Form

1) Lightning Strike

2) Gravity Field

3) Void Blast

4) Titanium Claws


I continued training until the 3rd day, when i mastered enough control to prevent dangerous situations.

At the same time i finish training, my brother\'s group was coming back from the treasure adventure. I saw Nie Li a little bummed out because he cannot find the shadow devil demon beast.

The news spread all over glory city about the successful treasure hunt. I went towards my brother.

"Hey big brother! Congratulations on a job well done! The problem is, that you lied to dad! Hope you a prepare your ȧss to be grounded.! " i teased my brother.

"You jackass! Can you even let you big brother a chance to bask in glory for a bit!" - Linjian

We laugh and joked around. He told me about his adventures. Afterwards, we head back to our house. I grabbed some snacks and watched dad sermoned my brother.

"Do you have anything better to do!" - Linjian

"Nope! I am enjoying the view!" i answered with a smile while snacking on some peanuts. There were no tv or radios. This is my only entertainment. "Haa~...Family drama. Can\'t beat the excitement. What punishment will he get. hahaha"

"In the end, he only got a week of grounding. He gave the family some pride and glory for discovering the treasure that can jumpstart and stimulate the economy.

While i was on my way to my room, the servants stooped me and told me i have a guest at the courtyard. I thanked them and headed towards the courtyard.

I recognized the person. It was none other than Nie Li.

"Hey Nie Li! How\'s everything?"

"O, hi the Chen Long!...I came here to return the money you lent me!" - Nie Li

He threw a interspacial ring to me. I checked inside on it and found 200 million worth of demon crystals.

"I think you gave me too much! There\'s over 200 million demon crystal in here!" i said

"O that, dont worry about that! I got the money from a person from the dark guild. They attacked us, so its only right to fight back." he smiled and continued. "Actually, those are not even half the fortune he got on. The other ring he had has 900 million. So I\'m pretty rich right now, hahaha!" - Nie Li

We talk some more, joking around. I also asked him if he was ready for the test cause he is taking me down with him. He told me to not worry myself with the small stuff. I invited him for dinner, but he said he wanted to train and need to submit his quota to the Alchemist Association. So we said our goodbyes.

On my way to my room, I got stopped again. But this time it was my dad.

"Thanks dad! But the decision cannot be me alone. I want to hear it from her personally before making my own decision." - me

"Fair enough! Remember if you need help, my office is always 24/7." - dad

We went our seperate ways. I headed straight to my room and crashed into the bed and went to sleep.