Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 45

Before dawn, there was a toss in the main courtyard of fangjiazhuang.

"Xiaobai, where\'s your husband\'s water cup? Look for it."

Zhang Shuhui was like her child preparing for a long trip, while Fang woke up a little sleepy.

Last night he searched the warehouse for a long time, but he still couldn\'t find the books on metal smelting and processing.

"OK? I\'m not going to rush for the exam. I\'ll be back later."

When Fang woke up and saw that masu had arrived, he took the water cup impatiently, and then hurried out.


Zhang Shuhui chased out and shouted, "husband, I\'ll have someone send you lunch."

Is this when I didn\'t grow up or something?

Fang woke up and felt that Ma Su was laughing, so he waved his hand and said, "don\'t be busy. I\'m afraid I have no place to eat with my silver?"

Fang woke up and left. Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai stood by the door and felt very lonely.

A man in a family is very important, but he can\'t notice this importance many times. Only when he leaves, the feeling of loss and emptiness will come to his heart.

Fang Xing felt a little relaxed. After he got on the white horse called Dabai, he wished he could get to the city immediately.

Ma Su is very tragic. He has to go to the official school today, so he has to take the ox cart bought in Zhuangzi.

The purple in the sky gradually dissipated. When Fang woke up and saw the slow speed of the ox cart, he couldn\'t stand it and said, "I\'ll go first."

With his legs clamped, the big white horse galloped out.

Maybe he hasn\'t run on such a spacious road for a long time. Da Bai looks very excited, shakes his head and hisses from time to time.

When Fang woke up and rushed outside the city, he found that he was early and the city gate had not been opened.

When the city gate opened, the ox cart of fangjiazhuang also arrived just in time. The servant who drove the cart looked at Fang Xing\'s listless appearance and had to turn his head away for fear that his distorted face would be seen by the young master.

Fang Xing almost rushed into the city gate, and then slowly went to the south of the city, where is the latest craftsmanship site.

To the south of the city, behind a small alley, is the craftsman\'s construction site.

"What a big place!"

The construction site covering a large area is full of sheds, and the two sergeants with knives standing at the door are actually dozing off.

"Who is ahead?"

Fang Xing was thinking about the exaggerated sleeping position of the two people, and Zhu Zhanji came from behind.

The two sergeants immediately wiped off their saliva and stood upright. In an instant, they became energetic and powerful men.

Zhu Zhanji rode on a jujube red horse and looked at his spirit. He was followed by two officials, of which Fang Xing was most familiar with Chen Jiahui.

The two nodded, and then Chen Jiahui came over and introduced himself: "Dehua, this is Shang Dequan, the doctor of the Ministry of industry. This time, I\'m specially responsible for making weapons. Uncle Wei, I\'m just helping."

Chen Jiahui\'s job is general contracting, but the division of labor is divided into craftsman management. This position is full of oil and water, but this is not where he can reach out.

"Chen Tongzhi, who is this?"

Shang Dequan had a beautiful beard. He stroked his beard and asked.

As a doctor in the Ministry of industry of zhengwupin, Shang Dequan can use this attitude to deal with Chen Jiahui.

Fang Xing felt that the man\'s eyes were a little playful, so he arched his hands and said, "student Fang Xing, shuntianfu farming."

"Farming? Interesting!"

Fang Xing didn\'t care whether he was interesting or not. After exchanging eyes with Zhu Zhanji, the party filed into the craftsman\'s work.

At this time, the craftsmen here have started work, and the beating sound is almost the main melody here,

In the hot workshop, several craftsmen are making broadswords with a jar beside them. A craftsman was beating on an anvil.

Li Qidui, the person in charge of the craftsman\'s work, said with a smile: "Your Highness, look, after a good steel package, this knife is even a success. Although it doesn\'t say that cutting iron is like mud, beheading is easy."

Fang Xing was not interested in this cold weapon, but took a perfunctory look.

Next is the manufacturing place of bows and arrows. There are people who boil fish glue and make bowstrings

Fang Xing was still not interested, which puzzled Zhu Zhanji. Then he pulled Fang Xing to find a place to talk.

"Brother Dehua, is there any defect in my Daming weapon?"

According to Zhu Zhanji\'s understanding of the other party, if not disdain, Fang Xing will also put forward some suggestions.

Fang Xing didn\'t answer, but ran directly to the shed next door.

This is where the shotgun was made. When Fang woke up, he saw several craftsmen making the barrel.

The barrel of the gun is fixed on the shelf. The tail of the long quadrangular steel cone is a large wooden wheel. There is a handle on the wooden wheel. After shaking the handle, the quadrangular cone starts to rotate slowly.

This is the original drilling machine!

However, when Fang woke up and saw a craftsman nearby rolling with a cooked iron plate, his heart was half cold.

Li Qi was not very cold about the firearm workshop. He casually introduced: "Your Highness, these cooked iron plates will be rolled into cylinders, then forged and welded, and then drilled and bored with a pyramid to make the bore smooth. This gun barrel will be finished."

"There are many kinds of forging firearms over there. Your highness, let\'s go over there and have a look?"

For the arrival of emperor TAISUN, Li Qi was afraid that these craftsmen would suddenly make trouble.

At this time, many craftsmen were living craftsmen. The so-called living as a craftsman means that the craftsman is temporarily attached to shuntianfu.

But the treatment of these living craftsmen is very poor, and they work for a long time. They have to bear the beating, scolding and deduction of officials. They are really the lowest class.

Zhu Zhanji looked at Fang Xing and found that Fang Xing was staring at a craftsman in his thirties.

The craftsman had a dark complexion. He touched the newly processed four edged steel cone with his hand and said to his companion, "it\'s OK, but it\'s a little biased. I\'ll beat it first."

The four edged steel cone is an extended drill bit, but the man touched it with his hand and knew whether the drill bit was bent.

fuck! This is the master!

After a few knocks, the craftsman touched it again and said with satisfaction, "OK."

Talent, talent!

Fang Xing looked at the craftsman with a burning look in his eyes, which made Zhu Zhanji some thoughtful.

"Your Royal Highness, don\'t you kneel to meet him?"

At this time, Li Qi shouted. Dozens of craftsmen in the shed immediately knelt on the ground in fear. Fang woke up to see that the craftsmen even knelt on a piece of waste just now, and blood immediately came out of their knees.

"Get up quickly!"

When Fang woke up, he helped up the craftsman and shouted to Zhu Zhanji, "hurry to find a doctor!"

what the fuck! Who\'s this?

Seeing that Fang Xing dared to shout at Huang TAISUN, everyone was stunned.

Huang TAISUN should take care of him, right? At least 20 strokes.

But Zhu Zhanji followed, just when everyone thought he wanted to scold Fang to wake up

"Call someone!"

Zhu Zhanji shouted in a hurry. There were fragments of glasses on the ground right away.

Huang TAISUN, it\'s too polite to be a virtuous corporal!

We should know that craftsman households are the lowest class. Even if the state Dynasty established the class of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, in fact, the status of craftsman households is the lowest.