Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 36

Ma Su only felt her lungs burning and her legs were so soft that she could fall down at any time. Listening to the rapid breathing around him, he clenched his teeth and closely followed Zhang Taishun behind.

Zhang Taishun was also panting. In the past, he only practiced riding and shooting, and didn\'t dabble in this kind of long-distance running at all. At first, he thought it was a piece of cake, but with the extension of time, he even had some difficulty breathing.

Xin Laoqi thought of the "immortal tools" that the young master took him to the study recently. Those people inside were practicing boxing and feet, which were all deadly means.

"Run, don\'t slow down!"

Fang Xing came after him again, shouting and shouting, beating with a stick, forcing the team to move on.

The first trip to the end was only a quarter of the way. At the urging of Fang Xing, everyone ran back desperately.

When she ran back to the main house, masu was pulled out by Fang Xing.

"Don\'t stop. Walk slowly and prepare the textbook when you go back."

Masu nodded. His face was very white and he walked back to the main courtyard trembling. He has to prepare textbooks and teach young people to read later.

"Son of a bitch, you bastards, run quickly!"

The rest, including Zhang Taishun, were chased into dogs by Fang Xing.

Finally, after dawn, everyone completed the task and returned to the outer courtyard of the main house with their tongue out.

When Fang woke up and saw that someone had been sitting on the ground, he shouted, "don\'t sit, everyone stand up."

what? No rest after running?

These young men felt too cruel, but they still dared not disobey the young master\'s orders, so they all stood up with a sigh.

Fang Xing stood in front, clenched his hands and said, "learn from me. Clench your fists and hold your breath until you can\'t help it."

This is what Fang Xing learned from an unreliable "special forces soldier". It is said that it can increase endurance. Whether it works or not, it does no harm anyway.

After that, everyone concentrated on washing, and then had breakfast.

Breakfast is very rich, large pieces of pork, one egg per person, and steamed bread is an unlimited supply.

It\'s a great day, isn\'t it?

Just after suffering, everyone was shocked by the food comparable to the Chinese New Year. They no longer felt that this kind of training was suffering.

Eat! Eat hard! This is everyone\'s only idea at this time, even Zhang Taishun is no exception.

In the past, Zhang Taishun still ate the frowning fat meat; In the past, he could only eat one big steamed bread. Today he ate four.

After burping, there is still soup in the big bucket next to it.

"Laver shrimp soup!"

There are a lot of seaweed in the warehouse. In the future, there will be a lot of breeding. It\'s really not worth money.

After breakfast, it\'s study time. The teacher is masu.

Zhang Taishun moved a bench and sat beside Fang Xing. They were basking in the sun in the yard. They felt that life had never been so good.

"Brother Dehua, why do you train these people?"

"Guard the house!"

Fang Xing replied at the first time that whoever asked was the answer.

Zhang Taishun didn\'t have to attend the rest of the courses, so what he didn\'t see was that after the culture class, these young people were led by Xin Laoqi and continued to train in a remote place in Zhuangzi.

Catching and fighting, the key to understanding the human body, and finally the knife technique and long gun array.

The more cruel training will be arranged in a month. After these young bodies adapt to the training, the big materials will begin.

Zhang Taishun had a very pleasant time in fangjiazhuang. He went out for exercises every morning, and then after masu finished teaching culture classes, Fang Xing taught him all kinds of knowledge.

But when he saw the people in Chuang Tzu, especially the children, listening to Ma Su\'s class one day, he suddenly woke up and looked at each other.

"Brother Dehua, aren\'t you afraid that these people will become an unstable factor in fangjiazhuang after they open their minds?"

The word "unstable factor" was mentioned by Fang Xing in his recent class. It is also appropriate for Zhang Taishun to borrow it at this time.

Fang woke up and said faintly, "fools are the stupidest. Look at ancient and modern history, which dynasty is not fooling people, but what will happen in the end?"

In terms of fools, the Ming Dynasty was not backward, but it was far inferior to the barbarian regime with hair and no head.

Fang Xing said with a smile: "do you think that as long as the people are good and don\'t want anything, this is the best, right?"

Zhang Taishun was stifled and said in some embarrassment, "brother Dehua, Confucius said that the people can use it, but they can\'t know it. This is the most difficult truth through the ages!"

Maybe that\'s what I meant. Maybe it was misinterpreted by later generations. Fang didn\'t wake up to argue. He just said, "look at the future of a country and nation. You just need to see its youth. I have a text. Please Taishun."

Fang Xing\'s brush is very ugly. He explained that he forgot those strokes when he was awake.

Zhang Taishun watched from the side. Gradually, his blood was boiling on this ugly brush.


——Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, youth wealth is the wealth of the country, and youth strength is the strength of the country... When a youth is male in the universe, the country is male in the universe.

——The red sun rises at the beginning, and its path is bright; The river flows in an ambush, and the ocean pours; Qianlong leaps into the abyss, scales and claws flying; Suckling tiger roaring Valley, all animals are frightened

——Beautiful, I am young China, not old with the sky.

——Zhuang Zai, my Chinese youth, with the country boundless!

Put down the brush in his hand, Fang woke up and moved his sore wrist, then silently forced him, turned and left.

Zhang Taishun was a teenager. After seeing this article, his blood was boiling. But when he looked up and saw a word hanging on the wall of his study, he couldn\'t help but take a closer look.

——Seek truth from facts!

——Unity of knowledge and practice!

——Apply what you have learned!

Zhang Taishun is not a fool, so after silent meditation, his face showed a dignified look.

This is still a force. Fang woke up, but summarized the basic requirements for his disciples and "stole" a sentence from the heart sage.

"Seek truth from facts, which requires us not to be fools. Everyone will believe what the book says, and what others say is what. Don\'t easily draw a conclusion before you understand anything. Following others is the most pathetic fool!"

Fang Xing is now more and more adapted to the role of a teacher. Facing dozens of people, he talks with confidence.

"The unity of knowledge and practice requires everyone to combine what they have learned with the ultimate idea in their hearts, and finally practice it with action."

Fang Xing didn\'t want to ask these people to be saints, let alone philosophers in the future, so he misinterpreted this sentence.

The following people are listening attentively, and several are still taking notes, including Zhang Taishun and Ma su.

"The last is to apply what I have learned, which is also my requirement for you."

Fang woke up and stood with a negative hand. His hair band fluttered in the wind. He looked like a relegated immortal.

"To apply what you have learned depends on what you have learned. Everything is useful, such as mathematics,..."

Fang woke up and said a lot, and the people below were focused.

These days, there won\'t be any great scholars lecturing everywhere, and Fang Xing\'s views are novel and persuasive, so even Zhang Taishun is a quick record of walking around.