Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2546

The news of Jin Youzi\'s plea for resignation detonated the officialdom in the capital.

These are not just two vacancies, but many.

When Hu Zhen stared at one of the positions, Yan Dajian was staring at the position of the Minister of rites, while the right waiter was staring at Yan Dajian\'s position, and the lower officials were staring at the right waiter\'s position

This is a chain reaction similar to dominoes.

The movement in front, all follow.

So why is airborne taboo in officialdom?

Originally, everyone was waiting to sit in rows and share fruits. Everyone could take a step forward, but he lost his chance because of airborne.

How many people will this offend!

Fang Xing is preparing to cut off Yan Dajian\'s dream.

"Uncle, Yan Dajian has made no mistake!"

Huang Zhong feels that Yan Dajian and the Fang family have no grudges and grudges, and he works conscientiously. Why do you want to get rid of him?

"I don\'t like it."

"Can\'t bear to see it?"

Huang Zhong thinks Fang Xing is joking.

If there is no accident, it is the book of rites of the future of the Ming Dynasty.

You\'re going to get him if you don\'t like playing with children?

Huang Zhong cried and laughed, "uncle, it\'s better to think twice about it."

"That\'s it."

Fang Xing can\'t tell why he hates Yan Dajian.


Anlun has always been vigilant towards Yan Dajian. The East factory has been staring at Yan Dajian and his son for a long time.

Why should an Lun stubbornly stare at Yan Dajian and his son?

Fang Xing felt that there might be something unknown in it.

And there\'s no need to care.

"In another year, Tudou will be able to learn martial arts. Before that, I hope you can remember his father."

Fang Xing refused to let his children work alone after all, but Yan Dajian became the cannon fodder of Fang Liwei.

"Who is the other person most likely?"

Huang Zhong is thinking about the transfer of officials, the candidate of the Minister of household, and so on.


The seventh year of Xuande was an ominous year.

At the beginning of the year, the old officials of the national dynasty fell one after another.

Xia Yuanji was the first to go.

Zhu Zhanji was really sad, so he stopped working for three days.

Fang woke up and went to Xia\'s house.

In the vast expanse of white, he stood in front of the spirit and recalled his contacts with Xia Yuanji over the years.

After Xia Ying saluted, Fang woke up and asked, "is there a difference at home?"

Xia Yu said, "thank you, Xing and Bo. It\'s all right at home."

This group of old ministers are ministers in charge of the country. They will not be seen in the future.

Later, the ministers became more and more unbearable.

Fang Xing doesn\'t know why chaotic times can breed countless heroes, while prosperous times can only cultivate moths.

He said to Xia Yu, "your father has made unparalleled achievements. You are good at doing it. Everyone is watching."

Xia Yu is different from Xia Yuanji. He prefers martial arts, but most of them are on paper.

Zhu Zhanji has made a decree to Meng Yin Xia Yu as the Secretary of Shang Bao. This is the sorrow and honor after death, yin and future generations.

Out of Xia mansion, Xu Jingchang came to worship.

"Dehua, wait for your brother. Let\'s have a drink later."

Xu Jingchang went in without any sorrow and went through the procedure. When he came out, the people in the Xia house were all wooden faced and had no respect.

After a generation of glory, most of the future generations will gradually become mediocre and disappear.

Xu Jingchang and Fang Xing came to the immortal house.

Xu Jingchang also has some old manners. He can\'t drink as refreshing as before. He just drinks slowly and sips.

"Dehua, I envy you when you look young, brother!"

Xu Jingchang also said a lot more.

"The street of Dingguo mansion is called Dingfu Avenue. What could it be? Now there are three vacant positions. Brother, I\'m just making suggestions. My majesty sent someone to scold me. Really, no one can defend me?"

Xu Jingchang looked at Fang awake and wanted a comfort or help.

"Why meddle in this?"

Fang Xing looked at him calmly and felt that this guy was becoming more and more careless.

"That\'s not something you should get involved in, let alone you. My brother-in-law has closed the door to thank the guests these days in order not to disturb the muddy water, but you can\'t wait to jump in. This is looking for death!"

Fang Xing felt that Xu Jingchang should not be so unwise, so his tone was heavier.

Xu Jingchang took a sip of wine and said blankly, "my brother doesn\'t think he can live for a few years."

Fang woke up, stared at him, looked at him and said, "you can live another twenty years by drinking less and playing less with women."

Xu Jingchang looked at him quietly. When Fang woke up and thought he would follow his advice, Xu Jingchang sighed.

This is a sigh of regret.

It is also a sigh of satisfaction.

He raised his glass and looked carefully at the blue lines winding on the glass, just like his way of survival for many years.

I just crawl in life.

His eyes moved away from the glass and looked at Fang Xing.

He looked serious as if he had broken some road.

"But don\'t drink, don\'t play with women, what\'s the meaning of that man alive?"

Fang Xing was stunned, but found that he could not refute Xu Jingchang\'s point of view.

Everyone\'s goal of living is different. Most of them are to \'live\'. In order to live, busy for children and grandchildren, until dying, he began to sum up his life.

If there is no afterlife, will there be a negative attitude towards life?

After dinner, he stayed in the immortal house to talk to Mochou\'s mother and son.

Huanhuan is getting older. Fang wakes up and is ready to see the situation and throw him into the Academy.

Mo Chou is a little worried about the child\'s self-care ability.

"You don\'t go to the main house, but the children can go there to rest and eat, and come back after school in the afternoon."

This can take into account Mo Chou\'s idea of not disturbing Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai, and can also facilitate Fang Xing to teach children.

Mo Chou smiled, "well, that\'s good."

She always felt that she was redundant and robbed the things of Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai, so she didn\'t want to go to the main house, which would make her feel that she was advancing an inch.

Fang woke up and prepared to go back.

"Go back often."

He finally told me.

Mo Chou nodded, but he didn\'t know whether it would be implemented.

When he arrived at the door, Mo Chou asked in a low voice, "Sir, they say that the capital is making trouble for those official positions. If they don\'t do well, they will see blood. You..."

"I\'m not involved!"

Fang woke up and lied with his eyes open, but he was very righteous.

After leaving the immortal house, Fang woke up and asked, "did Yan Dajian still not run?"

In recent days, promising people have been running. Even Hu, who has always seemed a little detached from officialdom, has gone to Fang\'s house. It can be seen that the competition is fierce.

The official position of the Minister of rites is obviously worth running.

Zhu Zhanji would observe the ministers, but he would also ask them about the matter.

This was the largest official transfer during the Xuande period. If you miss this opportunity, the stable government will turn everything into a procedure, which is boring and difficult to find loopholes.

The old ministers will gradually withdraw from the stage. Who will take the stage?

"Master, Yan Dajian went to Yang Rong earlier."


"Father in law, Yan Dajian just went to see Yang Rong."

Aaron bowed his head slightly as if he were dozing.

There are bursts of sandalwood in the room, but the taste is heavier and stuffy.

Anlun sat on the chair and slowly looked up. There was blood in his eyes and asked, "how long?"

A man came and said, "more incense per stick."

Anlun reached out and picked up a sandalwood on the table and said, "stare at him."

After the visitor went out, Anlun sneered, "do you also want to be a Shangshu? Do you deserve to be a man, a heartless dog?"

The slender sandalwood was broken, then bounced up and fell on the table.