Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2522

"Who moved his hand? Is there a record?"

Xie Jin went home to have a rest. Fang Xing immediately changed his face. His murderous appearance made Xie Zhenliang shiver.

"I remember that I went down to Shenyang for help, and the students who became official in the Academy spontaneously recorded all those things and were ready to shout grievances to his majesty..."

"Then why not give it to your majesty?"

Xie Zhenliang lowered his head and didn\'t speak.

Fang Xing understood that, together with Xie Jin, he had already seen Zhu Zhanji\'s meaning and wronged the scientific children, which was also in the chess game.

"The bitter meat trick... It\'s not Zhou Yu, but Cao Cao."

Fang woke up and said he was going to the official department.

"He recognized it."

Xie Jin said helplessly, "he can tolerate everything else, but he has to haggle over the affairs of the academy and students, but he forgot that there must be sacrifice to do great things."

Xie Zhenliang asked, "father, what did the mountain chief do when he went to the official department?"

Xie Jin said with a smile, "Jian Yi has always wanted to retire. He just feels that this situation makes him suffer. It\'s better to be out of sight and out of mind. Dehua is looking for trouble now. I hope Jian Yi can be smarter."


Jian Yi really wanted to become an official, but the emperor held on to him and said it was a slow one every time, but this slow one has been slowed to the present.

But Guo Yu is very honest. Although he has never had the opportunity to replace him, he is also conscientious, so he makes Jian Yi satisfied.

Fang Xing was very calm, but it made Jian Yi\'s heart cold.

However, those who shout loudly mostly have no confidence in their hearts and have a lot of room to maneuver.

If you don\'t say a word and your mood is stable, it\'s mostly a big event.

"Mr. Jian, look at this."

Fang Xing handed Jian Yi a register and said, "is it the official department or Fang?"

Jian Yi didn\'t look at the roster and asked directly, "you should go to the ducha about this."

This means to get rid of it. It has nothing to do with the Ministry of officials,

Fang woke up and nodded, then got up and left.

Guo Yu, who accompanied him, said in a tangled way, "my Lord, will Fang wake up with a cruel hand?"

Jian Yi said helplessly, "they did it at that time. They suppressed it and slandered it. Now Fang woke up and didn\'t see anger. It\'s clearly out of control. What should those people do? Who dares to reach out and pull them?"

Guo Yu took a cold breath and said, "my Lord, I can\'t pull it! When I wake up, I\'m afraid I\'ll do it indiscriminately."

Jian Yi nodded and said coldly, "after this, there will probably be new people in the Ministry, your majesty... Your majesty, this is a step-by-step coercion, which makes people unable to resist and discouraged."

As soon as Guo Zhen was nervous, he asked in panic, "Sir, will the officer..."

Jian Yi said with a wry smile, "be steady. It has nothing to do with you."

He looked at Guo Yu with a twinkle in his eyes, but he regretted it in his heart.

How can such a mind bear the important task of the Minister of officials? If you really want him to go up, isn\'t that the puppet of the emperor?

In Jian Yi\'s view, the Minister of the Ministry of officials is the emperor\'s adviser, but you can\'t blindly follow, and you can\'t let the emperor act wantonly, otherwise the way of official promotion will be chaotic, and the atmosphere from top to bottom will be chaotic.

But now the emperor is playing chess. If he proposes to replace Guo Yu, according to his understanding, the emperor will probably think that he is playing tricks.

Can\'t move!

Jian Yi shook his head and said, "all the officials should be honest. Look at it and see what outcome they can toss."

Guo Yu said with some regret, "at the beginning, those people thought Fang Xingcheng had become a drowning dog. It\'s good. Instead, they became terrified all day."


"There are also some petty officials in the capital who have studied science, but no one moved. This time, more than 100 people are outside the capital, the most in the south."

Shenyang has got a lot of news, even the purpose of those people.

"They wanted to frighten those scientific children. Everything went well, but his majesty suddenly went to the academy that day. After the news spread, there were many fast horses to all parts of the capital, and then they all stopped."

Seeing Fang Xing\'s stupidity, Shenyang said, "Xing He Bo, your majesty can not come forward. It will be better to come out when things get big and out of control."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Your Majesty doesn\'t have a will. Don\'t interfere with the royal guards. I\'ll go to Liu Guan now."

When Fang woke up and went away, one of his men asked, "Sir, xinghebo is very polite!"

It\'s certainly very regular to go to the metropolitan police court to complain about grievances. No one can find fault.

Shenyang didn\'t speak, but quietly looked at Fang Xing\'s back.

Fang woke up and went to the official department, and then went to the duchayuan.

All the spectators in the capital are sighing. No, it\'s a pity.

What they want to see more is that Fang Xing is furious, and then takes a knife and cuts people from north to south.

But Fang woke up and honestly complained according to the procedure, which surprised many people in the capital. At the same time, he was also reassessing the content of the emperor\'s chess game.

Did the emperor really change his position?

It\'s all right to start with the Imperial College. You can vent your anger as an emperor, and even change the six Shangshu. As long as you hold down science, the emperor is Ming Jun.

This is the idea of many people, so the major restaurants in the capital have received a lot of notice from haonu. Their master will treat guests here at noon.

The atmosphere in the capital is like the weather at the moment, gradually becoming bright.

In the bright light, Fang Xing said to Liu Guan, "the evidence is conclusive. What does the ducha court say?"

Liu Guan looked at the roster, gradually his forehead was a little wet, and then looked up and said, "xinghebo, there are too many people."

He was so nervous that his hand holding the roster was too hard and looked at his joints turning white.

Fang Xing said, "but the evidence is conclusive."

Do you want to be a wallflower?

Since Liu Guan took the initiative to get on the ship of the imperial party, Fang Xing has been observing him. Today is a collision between the two.

"Is Lord Liu worried about offending others?"

Fang Xing asked casually and stretched out his hand at the same time.

Liu Guan subconsciously handed the list forward, then took it back, and said with a strong smile: "xinghebo, does your majesty have an explanation about this?"

Fang Xing shook his head, and then asked with a smile, "do you want your Majesty\'s consent to impeach the people of the metropolitan procuratorate?"

Liu Guan lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Xing He Bo, this is to open his eyes for science. Once I get involved, I will be the great enemy of Confucianism, otherwise... Who doesn\'t know the fishiness in this matter, but who will impeach?"

He said sincerely, "Whoever stands out in this matter is their enemy. This is also an opportunity to distinguish between companions and opponents, so don\'t say that those people don\'t know strategy. They are more cunning than anyone."

Fang Xing just looked at him and said, "does Lord Liu want to find the best in both directions?"

Liu Guan\'s face became increasingly gloomy and said, "why should Xinghe be aggressive? This matter involves a wide range. It should be the royal guards and East Hall who took the lead, but they didn\'t fight..."

After saying this, Liu Guan felt that he was really oppressed enough.

But Fang woke up and said, "Guozijian!"

Then he got up and left.

Liu Guan didn\'t send it either. He sat there and looked out. When an official came to report the matter, he saw his gloomy face and left without daring to say anything.

"This is bullying!"

Liu Guan gradually smiled bitterly and said to himself, "yes! Your majesty did something to the Imperial College, but I didn\'t do anything. It shouldn\'t be, but..."

He looked up and said, "come on!"

When a man came in outside the door, Liu Guan closed his eyes and said, "summon the censor for discussion."