Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2511

The snow stopped and there was a thin layer on the ground.

The weather is getting colder and colder, but for those children, this is their happiest day.

Scattered huts were scattered over the plain, and the children ran around in these scattered huts.

As soon as the weather was cold, except for a few men who were still hunting, the large settlement became quiet.

Women always have endless things to do, so they go around the house.

Men are chopping firewood at this time of year to store firewood for heating in the next few months.

The idle people were having fun with each other until they saw a team of cavalry.

The children rushed over cheering, taking the strangers as their own fun.

The men chopping firewood outside the door looked at these people.

This is gaizhouwei, outside gaizhoucheng.

"Uncle, after the North was completely settled, there were more and more people here. Later, they got together outside the city. It\'s a mess. Let you see a joke."

It was gaizhouwei commander Wang Chang who spoke.

There are rows of houses ahead, and the avenue in the middle is quite spacious, leading directly to the city gate.

Fang Xing was wearing a cloak. When he saw the child coming around, he got off his horse.

The children were dressed in rags and turned red, the red of apples.

When they ran close, they smiled and smiled foolishly.

"Uncle, most of them are descendants of immigrants from the customs."

Wang Chang introduced that when he saw a child trying to reach out to touch Fang Xing\'s cloak, he scolded, "little rabbit, get out of here! Let your mother clean you up later!"

The child laughed and ran away. Wang Chang apologized: "uncle, the children here are used to being wild..."

"The child is innocent, but why not, sir?"


Wang Chang was a little puzzled. Fang Xing simply went outside the house on the right and said to the man who was looking at him curiously, "can you have a rest in your house?"

The man was happy to bloom at once. He answered without a hole, and then shouted inside: "pear flower, boil water, Lord Wang is coming."

Then the family borrowed a lot of low stools from the neighbors next door, blocking the road in half.

"Sir, there is only such a chair."

The man carried an unpainted chair and handed it to Wang Chang with a flattering smile.

You can\'t even flatter!

Wang Chang took the chair, put it on the ground and said, "uncle, please sit down."



Fang woke up and sat down safely. Seeing that these people were afraid and even someone was ready to kneel, he grabbed a little girl, touched two sweets from his pocket and said with a smile, "eat, eat."

The girl was startled and turned and ran away.

Fang Xing\'s move to be close to the people was unsuccessful, so he had to say, "Uncle Ben came here just to see. Don\'t kneel. It\'s hard to talk if you kneel."

"I\'ve seen uncle."

An old man knelt down, and others knelt down one after another. For a long time, there were black heads on the road.

"Get up! Get up!"

Fang woke up helplessly and went to help the old man. Wang Chang saw that he didn\'t seem to be cheating, so he shouted, "get up and kneel until night if you don\'t get up again!"

Fang\'s words didn\'t work. Wang Chang roared, and the people laughed.

Fang Xing said with a wry smile, "don\'t be trembling, otherwise Ben Bo can\'t speak."

Seeing that he had no such noble breath, the people gathered around him.

Fang Xing didn\'t sit down, so he stood and said, "Ben Bo Fang woke up and ordered to come to the north for inspection..."

"It\'s xinghebo!"

"It\'s Xinghe Bo!"

The old man shouted with joy. After the news spread, the cheers spread from outside the city to inside the city.

In these cheers, Wang Chang whispered, "uncle is powerful. The soldiers and people in the north have never forgotten the war."

Fang Xing\'s eyes were a little hot. When an old man came over with a thick bowl, he hurried to meet him.

The old man looked more than 60 years old, dark complexion and thin.

He came over with a bowl in his hand and looked up and said, "uncle is powerful. In those years, you were often harassed by those savages. You destroyed the Nvzhen of Jianzhou in the first World War, drove away Duoyan Sanwei, and finally closed down North Korea. Gaizhou Wei has become a paradise. Our good days are thanks to you. Please drink this wine."

This is the work of narration. As for wine, it is equivalent to welcoming wine.

Fang Xing took the earth bowl, looked up and dried it.

He turned the bowl upside down. When they saw that there was no wine dripping, they couldn\'t help shouting good.

"Thank you."

Fang Xing hugged his fist and arched his hand, and then asked the old man to sit down beside him.

"The old man has learned?"

The old man grinned. "I studied in a private school for several years. Later, I almost lost it here. Otherwise, I can teach my children and grandchildren."

Fang woke up, nodded, and then said, "Uncle Ben came here on behalf of your majesty to see if you are safe in clothing, food, housing and transportation, and if there are still threats. Now you can live in peace. Your majesty will be very happy when you report back."

The old man took the lead and shouted, "long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

This is the door. You have to go.

Then Fang woke up and asked about education.

Wang Chang bowed and said, "uncle, no one wants to come. Those exiles have gone to the Nu\'er dry division. It seems that we have become stepmothers here, and no one cares."

The old man said, "uncle, since there were no foreign enemies, no one came to inspect Gaizhou for a long time."

This is related to the guiding ideology of the Ministry of household. Under the background of the great development of nuergan capital division, the original Liaodong capital division was classified into the scope of the second and third batch of comprehensive renovation because it was self-sufficient, so there has been no news so far.

Now it\'s like the rear of Daming, and it\'s a rear area with little output. There are nuns standing in front. If North Korea were not next door, the number of troops stationed would be reduced by more than half.

All the people around are wearing cotton padded jackets with their hands sleeved in their cuffs. If they wear another hat, Fang Xing will probably have the feeling of great northeast in later generations.

He said with a smile: "this is the rear area now. In front is nuergan Dusi. There is Daning and Xinghe on the left and North Korea on the right. So ah! Everyone will live in peace in the future. Go fishing in the sea when it\'s time to go fishing, and be careful and safe when it\'s time to go hunting in the mountains."

"Uncle, what about the sea route? Last time someone said there were great enemies overseas!"

Someone in the crowd asked, and Fang Xing said, "that\'s from Taixi. Don\'t worry."

He lowered his head and drew a line on the ground and said, "if tessi wants to come here, he must first pass through the Strait of Malacca, where we will place the fleet in the future. Then come to Fujian, where there will also be defense. In this way, Daming\'s goal is to place the fleet at the door of the tessi people\'s home. Do you know what this means?"

A big man standing opposite sucked his nose, took his daughter\'s hand and shouted excitedly, "uncle, fight if you don\'t obey."

Everyone laughed, Fang woke up and said, "yes, if you don\'t listen, let\'s beat them. The Ming Navy is invincible. Benbo hopes that someone here will enter the navy to see how big the world is, and then come back and tell you."

"Uncle, we are all afraid of being military households!"

Wang Chang who said that who said that? What? The military household registered residence is almost all released now. Later, if you want to come in, you can\'t get in!

The style of this goods is a little rough, but being gentle here is to dig a hole for yourself.

Fang Xing said: "yes, in the future, the army of Daming will still implement the method of recruitment, but it will not be a lifelong system. The service life will be determined according to the current situation. For example, if Daming has no opponents everywhere, the service life will be shorter and shorter, so we don\'t have to worry about it."

So everyone showed a look of joy. Fang Xing continued, "the first thing Benbo did when he came here is to pay attention to education. Whether the dolls can have a place to learn is the priority of Benbo\'s inspection."

The sighs became a piece. The children were still looking at Fang Xing curiously and happily, while the adults were all sad.