Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2487

On the battlefield, the Ming army was cleaning up useful things and solving the undead enemies.

Be careful when mending knives. This is a rule handed down for thousands of years.

One man is in front and one is on guard at the side.


A coalition sergeant who escaped the trample of a horse\'s hoof suddenly burst up, and the Ming army in front calmly stepped back and avoided the attack.

The long knife on the side flashed by, and the two Ming armies continued to cover each other and clean up the battlefield.

Yang Xiong rushed to the city gate with a team of cavalry. Suddenly, there was a chaos at the city gate, but no one dared to close the door.

But all the people ran away, leaving only a nun in long clothes.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there have been no wars with the grassland, that is, there has been a short pause during the Jianwen years. However, as soon as Zhu Di ascends the throne, the first thing is to look north at the grassland.

In the era of chaos, there are still pious outsiders running around, bringing peace of mind to people.

The nun looked like she was only in her teens. She probably came with her teacher.

She was trembling, following the rhythm of the hoof, and her body shook slightly.

The sound of the horse\'s hoofs gradually slowed down and then stopped.

Yang Xiong looked up at several leaders at the head of the city and asked, "are there Haley people and meat charming?"

Someone at the head of the city translated his words, and several leaders panicked, "no, No."

Yang Xiong said coldly, "my officials should go in and check!"

No one dared to stop them. The cavalry rushed into the city from the nun\'s side. Their Petite bodies trembled like birds in the storm.

Yang Xiong was staring at the inside outside the city gate. He had long wanted to get rid of Yili, and then the army entered directly and forced the coalition forces to respond.

The nun was shaking all the time. She didn\'t dare to raise her head until someone did it to herself.

"You... Don\'t kill anyone."

The well worded Daming words made Yang Xiong look down at her, frown and ask, "Why are you here?"

The little nun looked at him timidly and said, "my parents were here before."

"Where are your parents?"

The little nun shook her head and said blankly, "it\'s gone."

Yang Xiong has been fighting for many years and has long made a heart into an iron stone, but now he said inexplicably: "it\'s chaotic here. Go to Hami!"

The little nun shook her head, "No."

Yang Xiong said coldly, "I can\'t help you! Is there anyone who can speak Daming? No, it\'s you."

The little nun thought he was just looking for outsiders who could speak Daming dialect. Thinking of her elder martial sisters, she summoned up her courage and said, "just me."

Yang Xiong was silent. When his subordinates came out and said they couldn\'t find the enemy, he pointed to the little nun and said, "give her the horse and take it away."

The murderous Sergeant turned the little nun into a nerd. After she was taken to the Ming army, a group of nuns came out of the city.

They were glad that they had escaped, and then felt that this was not a good place. They were ready to go to Samarkand to see if they could find a noble man to build a nunnery for them.

The little nun was taken to the temporary camp, and then the cooking smoke rose.

"Where have you been?"

Yang Xiong was never the kind-hearted person for no reason, so he sat on the ground and seemed kind to ask the little nun.

The little nun was in the army and knew she was a lamb to be slaughtered, so she had to bow her head.

"A lot of places."

"What are they?"

His tone became heavier, and the little nun\'s eyes turned red. Then she choked and said, "a lot... Daming... Samarkand, nuergandasi have also been there, and... And..."

Seeing her rubbing her eyes, someone whispered, "my Lord, what a pity!"

The little nun looked really pathetic. Yang Xiong looked up slightly and recalled, "when I followed Emperor Wen on the northern expedition, I was almost shot by a woman with an arrow. After that, there were no women and children in my eyes."

Yang Xiong said calmly, but everyone who knows the battle knows the danger contained in it.

The little nun sobbed and said where she had been. Yang Xiong finally asked about Samarkand.

"... they... They are so fierce, many people..."

The little nun hiccupped and said, "often come out to run horses, and... There are powerful armour clothes, all wrapped, and big bobbins..."

"Big tube?"

Yang Xiong got the most valuable information. Later, he casually ate some barbecue and led the army back to the army.

At the same time, the black thorns who were avoiding the pursuers on the grassland had passed Yili, but they were going in the other direction.

They suffered a lot from the evasion along the way, but the number of people lost was very small, but there were many fewer war horses.

Most of the horses could not endure such an intensive trek, and then turned into food for this group of people.

Wang Yan chewed the dried horse meat, put down his telescope and said, "after passing here, they will not dare to chase again."

Chen Deng looked back and saw that his subordinates were Mu ran, and the war prisoners were also Mu ran. He said, "Sir, why don\'t we go and try our best to beat the inner city into a Grass Valley?"

Wang Yan shook his head and said, "if there is a line between the two sides, Yili is the midpoint. Once the midpoint is broken, it is the beginning of the war, so Yili is alive. If not, are you really a waste of Daming\'s riding?"

He looked ahead and said, "detective Xiao Guwei hasn\'t come back yet. Send someone to have a look."

The cavalry set out in an instant, and soon came back, and there were a lot more people.

Xiao Guwei happily rode over, "my Lord, I met a Ranger."

When the two sides met, Wang Yan even knew Yang Xiong.

"Are you a big bear?"

Wang Yan recognized the majestic Yang Xiong, and Yang Xiong also showed a simple smile when facing Wang Yan.

"Lord Wang."

Wang Yan smiled, patted Yang Xiong on the shoulder and said, "did you bring your own team to play Grass Valley?"

Yang xionghan said with a smile: "no, the coalition forces are constantly trying. The central government means to firmly press down, so Hami sends troops frequently... Sir, are you?"

Yang Xiong saw those black thorns. As a fierce general on the battlefield, he saw at a glance that these people were not simple.

The rescued prisoners were dressed disorderly and looked yellow and skinny, not like the army.

Wang Yan said in a low voice, "just after they were rescued from Samarkand, Mier was probably mad and kept sending pursuers."

Yang Xiong\'s simplicity disappeared and said murderously, "how many of them?"

The two met in the northern expedition. At that time, Wang Yan killed people like a hemp, which surprised the conceited and brave Yang Xiong, so they pestered him to learn a few moves.

Wang Yan said: "more than 2000 people have been pestering us, probably elite."

When Yang Xiong saw that Wang Yan was only under the command of less than a thousand people, he knew that the so-called elite was not simple. Otherwise, Wang Yan could drive away these pursuers with only a counterattack.

"My Lord, get one?"

Wang Yan nodded and said, "this road official also held back a lot of anger, and just let out his anger in Yili."

When he saw the little nun, Wang Yan frowned and said nothing. After Yang Xiong explained, he said, "this news... I\'ll take her all the way to the capital later."

They talked about the situation after their departure. Wang Yan kept his affairs secret, and Yang Xiong didn\'t ask until the news of the scouts came.

"They\'re coming."

Yang Xiong wants to ambush, but Wang Yan wants to drive his opponent away.

"Ambush is useless. Those are old hands."

So when he saw the pursuers, plus Yang Xiong\'s headquarters, Wang Yan, who still had some advantages, ordered to attack.

This time, Wang Yan gave up his tactics, just rushed in as an arrow side by side with Yang Xiong, and then rushed out all the way.

The so-called elite is like soil in front of them. No matter how powerful the spiritual power is, it can\'t stop the inevitable outcome.

Wang Yan probably held his breath for a long time, so he was chased after defeating the enemy. He and Yang Xiong watched people torture prisoners of war.

Screams continued, and the interpreter kept talking about the situation.

"... there are a lot of charming meat, one after another, but the food is a little difficult, so many are farming."

"... there are many troops. Now even the army is farming and grazing."

"Often fight, many deaths and injuries, those meat are charming and brave, and often look for things."