Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2447

"And cattle?"

A group of cows are standing in the circle and looking at their strong body.

A small official stood in front of the cattle pen and said, "these cattle were collected by the old port. At present, cattle, sheep and pigs are raised everywhere, and there are countless poultry, so what are you worried about?"

"The bedding and pots and pans here sign up by themselves. The whole family will come. Don\'t want to get it again if it\'s less."

"Don\'t carry it here. There are carts and ox carts. The military men will help you pull it home."

The warehouse for storing materials was busy a while ago, and those new immigrants could hardly believe that they could have so many benefits.

An old man took two sons, his daughter-in-law and five grandchildren. The things received by the family were filled with an ox cart.

His two sons have laughed silly, and his daughter-in-law is also happy. Just after receiving candy, one child stuffed one.

"Dad, you have a sweet mouth, too."

The eldest daughter-in-law asked her son to send sugar to the old man. The old man habitually scolded, "keep all the losers for the new year."

The sergeant who drove the car for their family sighed, "uncle, there is no shortage of this here. It is available every month."

The old man couldn\'t believe it and said, "Lord Jun is coaxing the little one!"

The sergeant said impatiently, "Nanyang is in front of us. Sugarcane has been planted there for a long time. There is a lot of sugar every year. Most of it has been transported to the Central Plains. How much can we spend on this person? Just eat it."

The old man realized that he had arrived in an area with extremely rich materials.

No, he didn\'t know it was all in vain until he saw a string of peppers hanging at the door of the old immigrant\'s house.

"Grandpa, eat sugar."

The youngest granddaughter came bouncing over. When she came to the old man, she raised her hand, but there was a gray black sugar in her hand.

The old man usually dotes on the little granddaughter. Seeing that she was shouting for her grandfather in her mouth and her eyes narrowed, it can be seen that she was really happy, he bent down happily, opened his mouth and bit the sugar from the granddaughter\'s palm.

When the little granddaughter saw that her grandfather wrinkled his old face like he had eaten too much vinegar last time, she asked, "Grandpa, is it sweet?"

The old man touched her head, opened his mouth and smiled.


The old man only felt that the sugar was sweet from his mouth. He looked up at the sons of two positive cars, and two of his daughter-in-law was looking at himself. He looked at his face and said, "see what\'s good. I\'ll buy some wine and meat for the first time tonight, and have a good meal."

When the old man decided to emigrate, he was regarded as a fool by the villagers, and his son and daughter-in-law also had some concerns.

Now when I look at the situation here, the old man feels that his original decision can\'t be more correct. In the future, his family will certainly be able to spread branches and leaves here.

The old man immediately remembered the ancestral tablet previously placed in the house. Worried that it had been stolen, he hurried home.

He didn\'t care about anything along the way, just holding the burden of wearing the ancestral tablet tightly, as if it was his own life and root

Several grandchildren cheered, and the eldest son said, "Dad, just now an adult said that every family has wine and meat in the evening, and they all come out to eat."

"Come out and eat?"

The old man thinks that eating is very private, especially when there is wine and meat, he should be more secret, so as not to make the relationship between neighbors worse because of more meat in your family and less meat in my family.

The second son saw a lot of new things today, and his heart jumped with joy. He said, "Dad, it\'s a gathering together. First, we know each other, and second, we celebrate our coming here."

The old man turned black and said, "sit and eat in the sky, keep the wine and meat, drink the wine every new year, marinate the meat and eat it slowly."

At this time, all the things of their family were collected. The sergeant shouted, "come and help, let\'s go."

The two sons used to be polite to the sergeant. Finally, they could only thank him for helping the cart on the side.

The old man led his granddaughter and chatted with the sergeant in the cart all the way. When he got home, he had almost touched the situation here.

His family is ten people and two brothers, so it is divided into two houses. The old man lives with his eldest son\'s family, but the second son gives some food every month.

The two families cleaned separately, and the old man took his grandchildren to fetch water. The whole family was in full swing. Adults scold children, and the old man protects the children and scolds them back. That\'s what it means to be happy.

After lunch, the family casually got some dead noodles, and then continued to tidy up.

"Every family came out, took out their own pots and bowls, and made a fire."

When the arrangement was almost finished, someone outside began to shout with a loud speaker.

When the old man\'s family came out, there were people outside.

There were carts of firewood at will, and someone helped set up a pot.

The last is wine and meat.

"What kind of meat is this?"

The old man saw many kinds of meat, but there was no pork.

"Take alligator meat, wild beef, mutton and fish at will, but don\'t waste it. Those who can\'t finish eating should be cleaned up."

The sergeant\'s words made the old man feel that his world was about to collapse.

"My God! Since ancient times, which generation can eat meat freely?"

The old man\'s panic made the sergeant laugh, and then said, "there\'s a lot of meat here. We also raise a lot of livestock and poultry, as well as fishing and hunting. It\'s not bad for meat."

The old man was frightened. From Guanyin Bodhisattva to Taoist priest, he thanked him in his mouth.

"The wine is not bad. I\'ll buy it myself in the future."

"What? There\'s no shortage of wine?"

The old man felt even more incredible.

Daming can\'t help drinking wine now. Since the success of potato wine making, the official doesn\'t care about folk wine making at all.

"There\'s a big island over there. Our people are watching the natives farming. It\'s not cost-effective to transport grain back to Daming. Most of them are sent here."

The sergeant\'s tone was as casual as saying the distance between his village and the next village.

The old man fainted and took the wine and meat back with his two sons.

Set up the big pot, add water to the pot, then put the mutton and alligator meat in it, and add some ginger and spices.

"A lot of smoke!"

A child pointed to the sky and shouted.

The old man looked up and saw the smoke extending from here. His sight was like a dark cloud.

The people of the whole settlement came out. Countless families took campfires as units, and the density was like seeing groups of ants when they looked down from the air.

"Raise your glass!"

"For Daming, for your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

Cheers dispersed the smoke, and countless immigrants below raised bowls to dry the wine.

"Long live your majesty!"

The old man drank too much, flushed and gave a piece of alligator meat to his little granddaughter. Then he said to his eldest son, "go to our house tomorrow and have a look. It\'s time to move quickly."

The eldest son was not drunk and said, "Dad, adults say it\'s often lightning and thunder here, and there\'s a strong wind. It\'s not easy to farm. That\'s to plant some potatoes."

The old man wondered, "what are we doing?"

"Wait until spring."

The old man was even more depressed. "What\'s the matter with our cattle? It\'s so hard to grow potatoes."

The second son drank too much and said with a smile, "Dad, there are too many cows to be raised. Let\'s keep them."

The old man is really speechless.

"When was Daming so rich?"


"Every immigrant\'s materials should be approved and distributed, and nothing less can be done."

Chen Rujing\'s campfire is on the edge. No one dares to disturb it.

He said murderously: "last year, he killed more than ten people. Tomorrow, he will go down to investigate one by one. If there are corrupt people, don\'t kill them. Throw them to feed alligators, dragons and sharks!"

Then he stared at Wu Wen. Wu Wen said unambiguously, "this is what your majesty promised to immigrants. If it\'s useless, you have to give it to them. Otherwise, these people will write back. Who dares to come again? If there is corruption, they will be caught and executed."


Chen Rujing said, "without the sour smell, this is the group. We will start the survey tomorrow. There are accompanying officials from the Ministry of work. We can ask them later and let them rest for a few more days."

Liu Ercai said, "my Lord, after the city is built..."

He pointed to his head and Chen Rujing said, "don\'t think about promotion. I estimate that we have to build a city and continue to explore in the past five years. Finally, we have to build a second city hundreds of miles away from here."

Wu Wen took a sip of wine and said sadly, "now we can only grow potatoes and vegetables. We\'d better try again this year. At least grow some wheat."

"Also, we have to raise more livestock and poultry. At least give more when those ships return, so that people will not work hard to send immigrants and food. We won\'t be a man in tortoise town?"

Wu Wen was slightly drunk and said after hiccupping: "tortoise Town, tortoise Town, this name is evil. The thunder and wind in this ghost place is like hell. Fortunately, it doesn\'t look like thunder today. Good! Otherwise those new immigrants won\'t be able to sleep."


Before his voice fell, there were more clouds in the sky, and then thunder roared.

Jiang first looked up and said firmly, "it must be heavy rain, Lord Wu, you are a crow\'s mouth!"


Wu Wen dried the wine, then smashed the earth bowl and shouted, "the food is too salty, you need to add water!"

Chen Rujing nodded admiringly. Liu Ercai got up and shouted, "God has added soup!"

Those new immigrants were still ignorant and felt that God didn\'t give face, but the old immigrants laughed. Then they got up one by one and took most of the meat out of the pot to let their children, women and old people go back.

"God, add some soup!"

"Take a bath!"

Someone began to take off their clothes, and then drank while waiting for the rain to take a bath.

The heavy rain immediately came. The rain dropped on the campfire, and the ash flew up and was beaten down again.

The broth in the pot was like the lake in the heavy rain, but everyone continued to eat with a smile.

In the heavy rain, Wu Wen picked up the wine jar and drank a burst of cattle.

"This is Daming\'s place!"

Wu Wen\'s body shook a little and said with a smile: "who dares to rob, fight! Fight down!"