Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2437

When the general trend cannot be violated, few move against the trend except fools and greedy people.

Fang Xing went out of the governor\'s house and went all the way to martial arts.

After Tudou decided to enter martial arts, Zhang Shuhui often lost her soul at home.

This is not used to his son leaving home.

The only thing Fang Xing can do is to accompany her more, and let worry free make more trouble.

A noisy family without children is dead, so Fang Xing is wondering whether to have two more.

Outside the martial arts, the gatekeeper saw him and thought he was here to inspect.

"Uncle, wait a minute. I\'ll tell you..."

"No, Ben is just looking around."

The guard sergeant was surprised when he thought of potatoes.

He felt that Fang Xing should not be that kind of person, which was inconsistent with his title as a famous general.

Why doesn\'t Lianzi her husband?

Fang woke up and saw the look in his eyes. He just smiled. After asking the position of Tudou\'s class, he entered martial arts.

There were several classes practicing on the school field. They were distracted when they saw Fang awake. As a result, they were rushed over by the instructor and severely smoked.

In the scream, Fang woke up and came to the outside of a classroom.

The classroom was spacious, and for the sake of light, the glass windows, which were luxury at that time, were used at the beginning of construction.

Fang Xing leaned against the wall and slowly approached the window, like a thief.

He poked his head out of the glass window in the back of the classroom, took a look, and quickly took it back..

He recalled the picture that was still in his mind, and then his head went ahead again.

He saw the potatoes, sitting straight.

Potatoes sit in the third row, which is a good position.

From behind, potatoes should be listening attentively.

The professor on the podium drew a picture on the blackboard with his back to the students. Fang woke up and looked like array decomposition.

The change and rotation of the array is the lifeline of the firearm army, so the martial arts school should not only study theory, but also operate live ammunition.

When the professor turned back, Fang woke up and left here.

"Uncle, Fang Han... Had a fight yesterday."

The professor in charge of discipline introduced potato\'s achievements in martial arts for a few days.

"Lost or won?"

Fang Xing casually turned over a roster with class classification and the specific situation of each student.

This is top secret information, but the professor didn\'t look at it more and said, "I won. The old student who fought with him lost two teeth and seriously injured his arm. It will take more than half a month to participate in the practice."

This is Liwei.

Fang Xing asked, "is he isolated?"

The professor shook his head and said, "no, Fang Han\'s family is knowledgeable and friendly to deal with the students, so apart from a few people, everyone is still affectionate."

Fang woke up, nodded and told, "Uncle Ben hasn\'t been here today."

The professor smiled in his heart and answered quickly.

You want Fang han to live a peaceful college life and worry that he will be bullied.

Hey! Poor parents all over the world!

Out of martial arts, an unexpected person is waiting for Fang to wake up.

They walked side by side on the wide road, behind them were several royal guards and Fang Xing\'s servants.

Shenyang is fatter and less violent.

"There are a lot more connections between dignitaries."

Shenyang\'s voice was more warm. "Anlun\'s people came to inquire about the news, but the officer found a strange thing."

"What\'s up?"

Fang woke up and remembered the Anlun in Jinling. At least he could communicate.

After he became the supervisor of the East factory, the man changed his face quickly. Even Fang Xing was puzzled and confused.

Shenyang said: "Anlun\'s people went to Fuzhou several times. The lower officials happened to stare at several officials in Fuzhou. It was found that Anlun\'s people were staring at a small official named Yan Chunhui."

"Yan Chunhui?"

This surname is rare. Fang Xing immediately thought of Yan Dajian.

Shenyang nodded and said, "it\'s Yan Dajian\'s son."

What this means is that Anlun probably wants to engage in Yan Dajian.

"Xinghebo, Yan Dajian almost became the Minister of rites!"

East Hall and royal guards are no longer the scenery of the founding and Yongle years. Would it make the emperor passive to move a senior official who almost became a minister?

"You mean your majesty doesn\'t know about it?"

Shenyang nodded and said, "yes, your Majesty would not have rewarded Yan Dajian last time if he knew."

Zhu Zhanji doesn\'t like to play hard to get and indulge with his ministers. If you think you have a problem, just check it directly.

"It\'s not a problem if he didn\'t do it himself."

East Hall is mainly for the inside. It\'s really not a problem to stare at several officials. As long as they were not slandered or tortured without evidence, those civil servants would not speak.

Shenyang knows this, "Xing Hebo and an Lun are very excited recently. He went to the mausoleum of emperor Ren again."

Fang woke up and nodded, then the two separated.

Early the next morning, Fang woke up and took his wife and children to spring outing.

The wind is still cold, but solar energy gives some temperature.

They camped all night on the road. The next afternoon, they saw Tianshou mountain.

The area of Tianshou mountain is not small. It still looks bleak in spring.

Fang Xing arranged his family below and took his two servants all the way to the mausoleum of emperor Ren.

Shi wengzhong was a little gray. There were occasionally a few gray weeds swaying in the wind in the gap on the ground until they were trampled down by one foot.

Sun Xiang came over stiff and staggered.

His hair looked almost silvery white in the light, and his face was wrinkled and deep.

It\'s only a few years!

Fang woke up a few steps and reached out to hold him.

Sun Xiang shook his head as soon as he was touched, and then raised his head. There was more confusion in his muddy eyes.


"It\'s me."

At present, the eunuch has reached the last time of his life.

Sun Xiang smiled, a cold smile, and then felt embarrassed. He patted Fang Xing\'s arm and said, "we haven\'t seen outsiders for a long time."

That\'s sad.

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "why don\'t I go back and tell your majesty and send two people to your side. At least I can serve your accommodation."

"That\'s Rongyang."

Sun Xiang smiled, looked at the sun that began to set obliquely in front of him, and said, "our family is guilty. Unexpectedly, we didn\'t find Huang Yan, the traitor, who asked emperor Ren to go. How can we have the face to ask for honor? If we can find a place far away to see here after death, it would be a redemption."

Fang woke up and moved in his heart. Sun Xiang stretched out his hand to build a shed, squinted at the orange sun and said contentedly, "those who came to deliver rice have said a lot about Daming now. Good! Invincible. The people can eat enough. This is the prosperous age."

"Our family prays for Daming every day and will tell Emperor Wen and Emperor Ren about these things."

Sun Xiang looked very happy, then looked at Fang, woke up and said, "Xinghe Bo, say it."

If a person is used to quiet and lonely, it\'s best not to disturb him. Because you don\'t know what he will become after he likes the excitement and prosperity.

It may become extremely disappointing or remorseful.

Fang Xing didn\'t know what Sun Xiang would become. He hesitated. Sun Xiang noticed this emotion and said, "our family hasn\'t lived long. What are you afraid of?"

"An Lun... What\'s the problem between him and Yan Dajian? In other words, does he have a feud with Yan Dajian?"

Sun Xiang shook his head and said, "we really don\'t know, but Anlun has never made a mistake in the East factory for many years."