Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2419

"Daming is everyone\'s Daming, but it\'s not."

"If the emperor is gone, there is still the crown prince, but if Daming is gone, what else?"

Fang Xing is telling Tudou about his simple national thought. He doesn\'t want his son to become a virtue similar to most of the current heroes in the future. Then he\'s not as good as the whole family. Otherwise, if there are ghosts in the future, he will become a devil if he sees his children slaughtered on the grave.

"Your Majesty is right. Emperors and officials are farmers, and the people are the land. If no one cultivates the land, the vegetation will still flourish, but the farmers will starve to death without the land, okay?"

This is to regard kings and ministers as thieves.

Fang Xing\'s books avoid everyone\'s children, so Tudou can see many books that will cause a sensation in the outside world. The three views are probably different from ordinary people at present.

So he understood.

But understanding is one thing, understanding and supporting is another.

Fang woke up and saw that he was ignorant. Thinking that the child was still young, he said, "go and play casually during the new year."

Tudou left, and then Xin Laoqi and Huang Zhong came in.

Huang Zhong is getting fatter and his face is still shiny.

After sitting down, Fang woke up and said, "Your Majesty probably wants to force out Xun Qi\'s confidence and let them see their own details. Whether they are fat or aggressive, they don\'t forget to wait for the day. This review, if they don\'t do well, the servant will be a tool used by others, old seven."

Master Xin got up and said, "don\'t worry, sir. I\'m sure I can protect our prestige."

Fang woke up and nodded: "we have many enemies outside. Pay attention to prevent being besieged and Yin."

Xin Laoqi nodded, and Huang Zhong said, "uncle, you have just laid down the privilege of the gentry. Your majesty is ready to cut Xun Qi again. Is it urgent?"

Isn\'t it!

Most people outside feel that the emperor works like a ghost chasing after him, as if he would fall into a bottomless abyss in half a beat.

"Don\'t worry, start first. At least let the hoons know that they can\'t stop shitting when they stand in the right position."

Standing in line is a knowledge. If you stand in the right place, a pig can fly into God.

But if you stand in the wrong place, for example, those who used to run against Zhu gaochi with others, after Zhu gaochi ascended the throne, you will slowly have bad luck.

It\'s stupid for the hoons and relatives to slowly become extravagant and debauchery, and they don\'t have the ability to stand out.

Except for a few useful Wu Xun, most of them were regarded by the emperor as helpers in quarrels.

Quarrels are also hierarchical. Naturally, most of the street swearing is just for trivial things, while the quarrel between the north and the middle involves national luck.

Therefore, these quarrel experts naturally feel that their own cattle pen has secretly connected with each other through marriage and other means to form a spider web. Whoever dares to provoke, they will net it and slowly suck it up.

After the new year, Fang Xing waited outside the city with potatoes until Zhang Fu and his party.

"Take care, brother!"

Fang Xing knows that Zhang Fu\'s trip is also shouldering the task of blocking the pursuit.

Black thorn people go to rescue the prisoners. If they succeed, the Hari people must chase after them in shame and anger. If not, the side wall will shake.

Therefore, reviewing the troops on the side wall is only a task, and the more important task is to wait for the day.

Zhang Fu said: "the road over there is too far away. Unless they want to win the first World War, the Hari people will not dare to attack for a long time, so they are just prepared."

Now that he is sober, Fang wakes up and is relieved.

The horses went away and splashed some dust.

Fang woke up and saw several young men in brocade robes riding out of the city, even wearing thin clothes.

Those people were blue with cold complexion, but they didn\'t forget to put on the style of a romantic celebrity, and then beat their horses all the way, and their backs trembled in the wind.

The breath of spring came silently.

The plan of a year is spring, and so is the huge empire.

The first thing in the morning, the emperor ordered local officials to stare down and make preparations before spring ploughing. Don\'t just want to be a shopkeeper.

"... if there is an official who sees the busy farming of the people and wants to go outing and drink and have fun, he will be exempted on the spot!"

At the first court meeting two years later, the emperor seemed to continue the style of last year and did not intend to save face for the officials.

"Reading is your duty. If you can be an official, you have to take care of things. You can\'t do anything and don\'t understand. What do I want you to do? The people have worked hard to pay taxes. What do you do? It\'s better to keep a dog. At least you can look after the house and protect the yard!"

The emperor is more and more mean!

However, Yang Rong was deeply convinced and said, "Your Majesty, during spring ploughing in previous years, some officials went out to play in the name of persuading ploughing. Those people laughed behind their backs and made up a lot of words. It\'s really not decent."

Zhu Zhanji held back his more unkind words and said, "if you don\'t understand, you have to learn. Go to the fields and those old agronomists. Don\'t be afraid to dirty your clothes and your jade toes."


Yang Shiqi coughed twice and felt that the emperor had too much opinion on today\'s officials, which was not a good thing after all.

Fang Xing was also there. He went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, both the ducha academy and the East Hall royal guards can make unannounced visits. There is another one. The watchman should have this function, but in recent years, Daming\'s watchman seems to have become a decoration and has no effect."

According to the procurator general, it is roughly equivalent to a local public security law, but in recent years, the procurators around the country have fallen behind, and they feel like they have become subordinates of the chief envoy.

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "I\'m deeply disgusted with it."

The Emperor didn\'t start, didn\'t say encouragement, but directly used the words of deep disgust. It can be seen that he really hated those people who were in the same world.

Yang Rong drew up the will with a bitter smile. No one objected to it. Even if it was done, he waited for it to be distributed according to the procedure.

Zhu Zhanji turned his eyes and said, "the Taixi people have been beaten back. The Hari people and meat charming work together to protect themselves. The Ming Dynasty is brilliant today, and the martial arts are indispensable!"

At the first court meeting years later, the emperor scolded the civil servants and praised the martial arts.

This is very rare!

Wu Xun and yourong Yan, Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "except for the sea, Daming has not fought for a long time. Can you still eat?"

This is Wu Xun.

Suddenly, the crowd was excited.

No, I\'m excited.

Xu Jingchang was the first to stand up. He didn\'t know if he had a tacit understanding with the emperor. He was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, I haven\'t caught it in several wars. I practice at home every day, but I don\'t have a chance to serve the country!"

Then Wu Xun began to take a stand out of the class. Looking at their appearance, it was clear that they hated heaven and earth. They only said that the Emperor didn\'t give them a chance, otherwise they would be able to threaten foreign countries.

Zhu Zhanji nodded frequently and looked very useful.

After the Wu hoons calmed down, Zhu Zhanji said, "after the Chinese new year, Zhu Qing won\'t be lazy, will he?"

After another burst of boasting, Zhu Zhanji praised: "it\'s really the pillar of the national Dynasty."

This made people blush, but Fang woke up and looked at it. Even Xu Jingchang stood calmly, as if he were really the pillar of Daming.

Zhu Zhanji said, "I haven\'t been in war for a long time. I want to see if the children of Zhu Qing are better than the blue. In the future, the children of all families gather in martial arts. I will also go to see them. People... All the children of generals above the fourth grade and their relatives will go. At least let me see their qualities so that I can use them."

The excitement retreated like a tide. Chaotang was like a beach after the tide ebbed. A group of hermit crabs stretched out their claws from the hermit shells and wanted to find a place to drill in.