Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2402

Zhang Fu didn\'t want to treat him this time, but after he got a job that day, he said some of his views on the army, which was very magnanimous.

The emperor also praised his attitude, so he said something kindly, saying that the old minister was the mainstay and should not be too quiet.

Zhang Fu asked Xue Huamin to go to Fang\'s house and find Fang to wake up.

Fang woke up to the recent dormancy and depression of Wu Xun, so he simply said that it was best to hold a big banquet to ensure that his Majesty\'s mind was best.

Zhang Fu himself felt that the emperor had the intention of pulling Wu Xun against those civil servants who were ready to form a party. After receiving Fang Xing\'s opinion, he simply carried out it on a large scale.

My uncle\'s family has to arrange a banquet. Potatoes naturally come to help.

He was still a minor, so Zhang Fu arranged for him to entertain those officials.

Although Tudou didn\'t communicate with these officials, the Academy was larger and contacted more people, which gave him a lot of experience in receiving people and things.

Therefore, it is also appropriate for him to act as a welcoming guest. Both guests and guests are happy.

When he finally got free, Zhang Fu, who was accompanying several big men, couldn\'t see it, so he asked him to go outside to follow Xue Huamin.

After the potatoes went, Yang Rong smiled and said, "Xinghe Bo is willing to throw his eldest son to you. If he goes to the border with you again, he will have both literature and martial arts."

Yang Rong and several political assistants have just arrived, which reassures Zhang Fu that Fang Xing is right about the emperor\'s mind.

So he also said with a smile: "what Dehua has always been most afraid of is that his son is naughty and only good to his daughter, ha ha!"

Fang Xingchong\'s daughter is famous in the capital, so Yang Shiqi also said: "it\'s right to beat her son. I drove my son back to my hometown, so that I wouldn\'t be used to the prosperity in the capital, but I don\'t have much knowledge. In the future, I will inevitably take risks in order to continue the prosperity."

Yang Shiqi\'s son was driven back to his hometown by him. As we all know, he is a model of integrity.

Jin Youzi advised: "although the child is old, he can be far away. At that time, there will be no discipline. He is afraid of being kidnapped and learning bad. It will be too late to repent."

This is the admonition of friendship. Yang Shiqi is not an unkind person. He nodded his thanks and said, "I often write letters at home. The dog studies hard at home every day. Although he is stupid, he also reassures me."

This shows that Yang Shiqi sent someone to stare at his son, so everyone was relieved and changed the topic.

The potato followed Xue Huamin at the gate. It was very tired to receive people and things, but the harvest was not small.

"You should learn to look at those people. Both decent people and villains can see it."

After a little leisure, Xue Huamin taught Tudou how to think of people.

"Look at that man. His eyes are rigid. This is what many people call the eyes of an upright man. But look again. Yes, look, is he peeking at the people over there? He will have nightmares at night!"

"There\'s also this. He seems kind with a smile, but when you look at him, his eyes are very shallow. This is a fake smile. Everyone looks like this. Such a person should be careful not to be stabbed in the back and count the money for him."

Fang Xing didn\'t deliberately teach the Tudou brothers how to know people. He just wanted to make their youth less troublesome.

But Tudou somehow gets along with many students of different natures in the Academy day and night. In addition, when Fang wakes up, he has to receive guests as the eldest son, so his eyesight is not bad.

At the moment, listening to Xue Huamin\'s opinions, Tudou slowly confirms some of his views in his heart, and the harvest is not small.

When Xue Huamin saw him meditating, he admired Fang Xing\'s excellent teaching of his son. Although he didn\'t have enough knowledge in many aspects, he didn\'t look smart. He can learn everything quickly.

Later, Tudou remembers his mother and sister in the backyard. I\'m sorry. Please return.

With love, righteousness and generosity, Xue Huamin can\'t help looking forward to the future of Zhang Mao\'s little grandfather.

Potatoes first went into the front yard along the left and went all the way to the waterside pavilion to see if their father had drunk too much.

The front is the cluster of Xiuzhu, and the past is the waterside pavilion.

He walked in a hurry and his face was ruddy.

After he had passed this section of the road, a man followed in a hurry.

"Stop the boy in front!"

The man was bent on chasing potatoes, but he didn\'t prevent a man from walking out of the bamboo forest.

The man tied his belt and blocked his way. He hiccupped and asked, "Why are you chasing that boy?"

The visitor sneered and said, "that boy is a servant of the British government? He welcomes guests outside, but he pretends to be everyone\'s children when he goes out. Later, my master wants to ask about the rules of the British government."

The man was stunned and asked, "your master? Who?"

The visitor looked at the man up and down. He was wearing ordinary clothes and didn\'t have a jade pendant. He was drunk. It seemed that he was peeing in the bamboo forest just now.

The visitor was disdainful and said, "I\'m from the Marquis of Taining."

The Chen family is also a veteran in Beijing, and Peiping city was built under the supervision of the old Marquis! So people are very proud of their names.

"Let\'s open the way quickly, or I\'ll make you look good!"

When the visitor saw the man bow his head, he thought he was frightened by his own name, so he changed his name and called himself Lao Tzu.

"Whose father are you?"

The man looked up with a faint look. When the visitor was stunned, a fist rushed over.


The visitor was knocked down on the ground with a punch and immediately wanted to struggle.

The man stepped forward and kicked him on the shoulder.

The visitor could not help but scream, hoping that his scream would attract some people.

Someone did come.

A servant came up behind. When he heard the scream, he looked up and saw the scene of the beating.

Someone shouted, "help!"

The servant froze for a moment, then laughed and walked off the side path.

When the man was tired of kicking, he panted and said, "go back and tell Chen Zhong to be careful which day it will touch the mildew."

The man rolled to the side in pain and then got up.

The man saw that he looked sinister but not in a hurry. He patted his hand and asked, "has Chen Zhong come today?"

This man dares to call Chen Zhong\'s name directly. It must be a powerful man, but he doesn\'t know the size of his background.

The man who chased potatoes also knew that the hero didn\'t suffer immediate losses, so he said, "my marquis is ill today, and the young master is here."


The man seemed to have encountered something to be happy about. He smiled with some bad taste and said, "go away."


Potatoes stood outside the backyard, waiting for the news inside.

Aunts and uncles, but now there are many people, and potatoes are not easy to get in.

When those servant girls came in and out and saw Tudou, they were covering their mouths and laughing. Some even gave Tudou a charming look, but they didn\'t get a return.

The girl is affectionate and Tudou\'s status is prominent. These servant girls only hate that they are not Tudou\'s personal servant girls. Otherwise, no matter how shy he is, he can climb into his bed.

Tudou saw these shy charms and ambitions, but he was just indifferent to them.

In the Fang family, it was said that Zhang Shuhui was there, and none of the servant girls dared to climb the master\'s bed. Therefore, when Tudou grew up, he knew a lot of other powerful women, and his father had only three wives and concubines, he felt that his mother was really powerful and domineering.

Later, a servant girl came to send a message, but she let potatoes in.

"Is it inconvenient for me?"

Tudou can imagine the situation in the inner yard at the moment. It\'s mostly yingyanyan\'s headache.

"Madam said, they are all family friends. Besides, my uncle has nothing to be embarrassed about your marriage."