Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2396

Tudou didn\'t ask the servant to follow. He went to tell Fang Xing and Zhang Shuhui that he was going to the city to talk to his classmates.

There are no recreational activities these days, so friends are a necessity.

Fang Xing and Zhang Shuhui agreed. After potatoes left, Zhang Shuhui asked Fang Xing to send someone to follow.

Fang Xing neither promised nor refused and said, "leave it alone."

Zhang Shuhui just coaxed the worry free nap. When she heard the speech, she muttered, "yes! I\'m old and stupid. It\'s best to leave everything alone."

Fang Xing threw his body into the recliner and said lazily, "we are not close relatives. Potatoes can\'t be stupid."

Zhang Shuhui gave a Pooh and said, "husband, potatoes are getting bigger and bigger. I\'m afraid he knows those no three no four people. It\'s hard to change his habits when he comes. That\'s how those black sheep come over."

Then she felt that the omen was bad, so she said shyly, "we potatoes will not."

But when she looked sideways, she was very angry.

The cold wind was blowing outside, and an iron stove was burned in the house, which was as warm as spring.

There is a kettle on the stove. The water in the kettle is slightly open and the water vapor is faint.

Fang woke up and fell asleep in the recliner, looking peaceful.

The room was silent.


From the first day to the fifteenth day of junior high school, the capital is almost Jinwu. Even the people of the military and Horse Department of Wucheng will turn a blind eye to many things.

So the most free and happy moment of the year is now.

There was a constant flow of people in the city, and the big girls went out. They walk in the street together, often opposite a group of young men.

"Xiaoyun, there are potstickers just out of the pot here. Do you want to eat them?"

A young man in a new gray dress shouted at the big girls on the left.

The big girls all gave a banter, and then a girl was pushed out.

"Go and eat yourself. Let\'s go first."

The two gangs left with a smile, leaving the young men and women behind.

Potato was watching. He saw the girl with her head down and her feet slow.

The young man was also a little embarrassed, but he still walked over.

They lowered their heads and said something. Then they went to the small shop on the right to eat potstickers.

Tudou led his horse through the shop and saw the young man politely find a rag to wipe the tables and chairs, and then let the girl sit down.

The girl was shy and kept her head down.

The young man looked at the girl from time to time, and then quickly turned his eyes away.

The cold wind is still blowing, but it is mixed with some spring breeze.

The breath of spring is so slowly caught in the cold wind that people can\'t help looking at the branches of roadside trees and want to see the new spores.

But the branches are still bleak without spores.

He stood where he was, not knowing where to go.

On the left is to Taining Hou mansion, and on the right is to huanghuafang.

"Dad, there\'s sugar over there."

"OK, let\'s go and have a look."

A father and son passed by Tudou. After they were wrong, the boy said, "Dad, that man is standing in the street in a daze. Is he a fool?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. I guess I\'m looking for someone."

Looking for someone?

The potato looked to the right and finally went to the left.

Gradually I saw the entrance of the alley, which belonged to the Marquis of Taining.

Potato led the horse in until he reached the gate.

During the Chinese new year, the gate was naturally closed, and the corner gate was not opened. It looked cold.

Diagonally opposite is the back door of the front house. Potato leads his horse, just like waiting for someone at the back door.

There are no trees here and you can\'t feel spring.

The bricks on the wall look very solid, and the bonding at the gap is also very firm.

The potato stretched out his finger and rowed slowly through the cracks in the brick, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

According to yesterday\'s statement, the Feng family must send the repainted paintings today, otherwise the taining marquis will find trouble with his family.

The trouble of a dignitary looking for a painter really looks down on the Feng family. According to the huge gap in strength between the two sides, the Chen family only needs a domestic slave to come forward, which can completely destroy the Feng family.

Tudou remembered what the servant had said to Feng Lin that day, and then involuntarily remembered the steamed stuffed bun face.

Worry free is also a steamed stuffed bun face. Potatoes are happy when they see their sister and follow Fang Xingchong.

But that\'s my sister, and Feng Lin

And most people\'s steamed stuffed bun face should dissipate around the age of ten, but Feng Lin is still like this.

What\'s the reason?

The potato was thinking about this problem while buttoning the brick seam.

"Are you going to dig other people\'s walls?"

A familiar voice made the potato stop the action of closing the brick seam. His face was full of joy. Then he tried his best to close it and made a sincere and honest face. Then he turned back.

Feng Lin behind him was wearing a light pink shirt. His hands were behind him and his head was tilted. His face was full of curiosity.

When he saw that it was potatoes digging into other people\'s corners, Feng Lin wrinkled his nose and said, "it\'s you again. What are you doing here? Hurry up, or the people of Taining Hou\'s house will kill you."

This is a kind heart!

Tudou was happy, so he stole a glance at Feng Lin, just stared at her big eyes, lowered his head and said, "I... I\'m just passing by. If they dare to do it, I can help."

"You practiced? What did you practice?"

Feng Lin thought that the potato was upset after he was greedy for the dirty painting. He came here to spy and spoke in a good voice.

Potato looked up and looked normal, but if someone stood behind him, he would find that the back of his neck was red.

"I... I\'ve practiced boxing. Usually two or three people are not afraid."

Speaking of this, Tudou has a confident face.

Young people always like to boast, especially in front of the people they like, they should boast their skills into ten.

It\'s just instinct.

Feng Lin looked at him suspiciously and said, "this is my business. Hurry up."

Tudou was in a hurry and said, "this is the taining Marquis house, and why didn\'t your adults come? Let you a weak woman negotiate with them. It\'s a sheep\'s mouth into a tiger\'s mouth!"

Feng Lin\'s look became cold. After all, she was not big enough to see that she was wronged.

"I can\'t say. They just said they would lose money if they didn\'t give the painting."

"Lose money?"

Tudou is also the son of a powerful man. Knowing more or less about these techniques, he said, "Hey! How can the Lord\'s house be short of that money? Besides, if you often come here to send paintings, you shouldn\'t have such a deadline. It can be seen that they are intentional and want to do something to you or your family!"

Feng Lin blinked a few times and looked a little flustered.

But in the twinkling of an eye, she puffed up her cheeks and said, "it\'s broad daylight! Don\'t they dare to rob people\'s women? As long as I shout, the taining marquis will have a bad reputation. Well, go quickly."

Tudou didn\'t want to leave. Before he came, he thought it would be Feng Lin\'s father today, but he didn\'t expect it to be Feng Lin himself. It can be seen that she went home and lied and didn\'t tell the seriousness of the matter.

He said, "I know a man and work in the house of the Marquis of Taining. I\'ll see later. If they don\'t reason, I\'ll talk about the man\'s name and see if they can hold it down."


Feng Lin tilted his head slightly and looked at the potato with exploration in his eyes.

Tudou said sincerely, "really, that man was still a little close to me."

They were very close, but they went to the Academy with the people from the Hou house of Taining to sign up. As a result, they said they would quit the exam. If they wanted to get angry, potatoes came out and scolded. It was close.