Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2387

Worry free slowly looked up. The wronged party woke up and said, "Dad, there\'s no ink."

Fang Xing squatted down and looked at it, then made it between the eyebrows of the two big dogs with his hands and said, "worry free technology is good. Both big insects and small insects have become beautiful."

The two big dogs doubled their grievances in an instant, so they rubbed Fang Xing\'s hand with their forehead. They just wanted him to persuade the little master to let their brothers go at least once.


Worry free felt that his makeup had failed. Fang woke up and said with a smile, "of course it\'s true. Well, there will probably be children in the palace today. You should be a good host."

"Really, dad?"


Fang Xing is only an estimate, but he is very sure.


Huanhuan came in again. Fang woke up and saw Huang Zhong frowning and looking at the speech record. He went over and picked up Huanhuan and took the children outside.

There was still residual snow in the fields on the villa. Two big dogs rushed over and sniffed from time to time. The big bug also bit the snow and chewed it with flavor.

Worry free and Huanhuan are looking for treasures on the side, but now there is nothing in the field. The two children find dead branches to dig.

Fang woke up and watched on the side without stopping.

Until Yiqi rushed over, Fang woke up and smiled.


The new year was not a good thing for the emperor. Money was spent everywhere, and the whole empire was almost paralyzed.

The only good thing is that you can rest properly.

Fang Xing came out with his family. There were two carriages.

After a long period of peace in China, those prohibitions are gradually loosening, and some even propose to follow the example of the previous dynasty and abolish the night ban. But the ministers treated it as a dog barking and scolding.

When the night ban is lifted, we must first increase the number of troops guarding and patrolling at night. This is not a big problem, but once something goes wrong, who will carry the pot?

Fang Xing believes that part of the reason for abiding by the ancestral system is that he is lazy and doesn\'t want to take responsibility.

The carriage entered the city, and there were already people waiting inside.

"Mr. Huang, happy New Year!"

Fang Xing solemnly said hello to Zhu Zhanji.

Behind him are potatoes and Ping\'an. The two children were told on the road and bowed their hands to say hello to Mr. Huang.

Behind Zhu Zhanji stood a woman. The woman led a boy and stood a girl. It was Hu Shanxiang\'s mother and son.

This is probably Hu Shanxiang\'s rare relaxing time. Fang Xinggong arched his hands, then turned back and said to Zhang Shuhui, "let\'s go ahead. You pay attention to the children in the back and say hello."

Zhang Shuhui nodded and went to Hu Shanxiang with worry free, Xiaobai, Mochou and Huanhuan.

"End to end!"

"Worry free!"

After all, the two little girls couldn\'t help being happy. As soon as they met, they shook hands and cheered in a low voice.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji walk in front, behind them are two sons.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at potatoes and Ping\'an and asked, "I just decided to reduce the grain tax by 10% this morning. What do you think?"

Tudou looked at Fang and woke up. He wanted to know whether it came from the emperor\'s questions or from the elders\' examination and teaching.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji smiled at each other, then smiled and said, "just answer your questions. How can there be so much attention."

The four walked slowly. Under the protection of the palace guards and servants, the women and children behind them were looking at the shops on the left and right. The two girls suddenly cheered, and then begged to see the shop selling masks.

The party followed in, leaving only Fang Xing, Zhu Zhanji and two children outside.

Tudou whispered, "boy, I think reducing grain tax can only be for a while, not for a long time."

"Oh! Tell me."

Tudou and Ping\'an were also brought up by Zhu Zhanji, so they were more friendly, and their attitude was naturally different.

Tudou said: "Daming now covers a very wide area. My father said that those places in the South China Sea also have a climate of three crops a year, so food will not become a problem for Daming in the future, so the boy thought about the problem of Daming..."

He looked at Fang again and woke up. Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help laughing and said, "you used to be very brave. How are you getting smaller now?"

The potato blushed: "Boy, I think the biggest problem in the future of Daming is how to make the people richer. With money, the people dare to spend. Those businessmen can make money, and then the businessmen go to buy. Those workshops will recruit more craftsmen. After those craftsmen get the money, they can buy rice and meat. As long as the days get better and better, there will be more things that rich people can buy in the future Half can be sold, so Daming will be great. "

This is a circular theory. The more circular, the richer. Once the middle is blocked, the economy will naturally be blocked.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and looked at Ping An.

Ping An has been in a daze on the side just now. At this time, he said slowly: "boy, I think Daming should beat all his opponents outside first, and then slowly clean up the domestic affairs."

Two scholars had been listening, and no one drove them away. When I heard this, I couldn\'t help it any more. One of them said, "it\'s bad. I think the biggest problem of Daming now is internal problems. No amount of money is just passing through."

Another scholar also frowned and said, "although the people\'s life is good in the Daming Dynasty, they can\'t be enlightened. Otherwise, the world is going down. How long can this prosperity last?"

The potato was not at ease when he heard this. He said, "there are many internal diseases, but we can\'t give up eating because of choking. Isn\'t your majesty going to clean up those internal diseases one by one?"

The scholar sneered, "I\'m eager! I hurried to start with the gentry, but I forgot to lay the foundation first."

Tudou ignored him and Ping\'an said to another scholar, "Your Majesty has been allocating money to social studies! But it is said that the local officials don\'t care if the current social studies are dead or alive. It\'s just a name. On the contrary, there are many private schools now."

The two scholars are both seventeen or eighteen years old. They usually give advice, which is similar to that of the later generations.

"What\'s the use of social studies? Daxing County schools and government schools, including the Imperial College, should recruit more students. After these students go down, one person will take ten people and a hundred people, and there will be a day of great harmony in the world!"


Fang Xing was in a good mood. He thought the two guns had at least some spectrum. When he heard this, his interest dissipated.

Zhu Zhanji is still listening with interest.

Ping An didn\'t say much at first, but there came a voice of worry free and joy, so he said impatiently: "the world is ultimately the world of the people. Since we say education, we have to find out from the people. What county school and government school, and get more real social studies so that the children of the people can read, that\'s education."

Tudou didn\'t want to talk nonsense with them. He said, "enlightenment must be to educate the world, not a group of people. What kind of enlightenment is that? Let people all over the world can afford to read books. It seems to be what your majesty said. This is enlightenment."

The two scholars just sneered. One of them said, "it\'s good for the people to have enough to eat. Can they afford to read?"

Tudou sighed, "your majesty will reduce the grain tax of 10% in Daming this year."


This is the latest news. It will be spread now, so the two people don\'t know yet.

"This... No!"

A scholar thought the decision was incredible. He said suspiciously, "which family do you belong to? Nonsense and bewitch the public. If it is false, those farmers will make trouble at that time, and your ten heads will not be enough to cut off."

Seeing that the potato was threatened, Ping\'an\'s face became cold and said, "it\'s all spread. You\'re still sitting here watching the sky!"

"You know how to cheat at a young age, and adults don\'t know how to take care of it?"

Exempting 10% of the world\'s grain tax is not groundbreaking, but it\'s incredible for a large country with population and expenses such as Daming.

The emperor would take the initiative to charge less money?

This is unrealistic.

"Long live your majesty!"

At this time, someone in front was shouting, and joy could be heard in his voice.

The two scholars looked at the potato and Ping An in amazement and said, "what a coincidence?"

"Long live your majesty!"

At this time, the cry became louder and louder. It could be heard that many people were shouting together.

The two scholars looked around and saw that there were arms in front of them.

Arms are waving and smiling faces can be seen.

"Long live your majesty!"