Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2377

"Chinese New Year!"

Early in the morning, the quiet fangjiazhuang was awakened by a cry.

Wearing a red cotton padded jacket, the happy girl looked up at the blue sky, then turned back and shouted at the big house: "big bug, little bug, come out! Let\'s find the hare!"

A gasp came from inside at once.

Two big dogs came running with their tongues out. They ran out of the gate, jumped up, and licked their tongues on the girl\'s face.

"Go away!"

Worry free reached out and pushed away the heads of the two overzealous dogs and said, "come on, let\'s find the hare."

The two big dogs landed bitterly, then ran in front of worry free, and looked back at their little master from time to time.

Worry free looked back at the big house and said, "Dad sleeps in again. It\'s outrageous!"

Turning back, she was already smiling and shouted, "run!"

One man and two dogs began to trot in the field, laughing constantly.

The knife came out from the inside and followed slowly.

Fang woke up and was about to get up. He yawned lazily and took a walk in the yard after washing.

Zhang Shuhui, Xiaobai and Mo Chou, who came back from business, are preparing for the sacrifice in the early morning of tomorrow. Potatoes and Ping\'an are teasing some cute joy.

This is the life every man dreams of, and Fang Xing is no exception.

The mood is comfortable and the train of thought is smooth.

A message came from the north the day before yesterday. It said that the black thorn passed through yiliba smoothly and did not encounter the enemy.

The news came when Zhu Zhanji went to the martyrs\' temple to offer sacrifices. The generals accompanied by the military were very excited and thought it was a good omen.

The heroes will not leave, protect the country!

So when Wu Xun came home, they began to rack their brains to write memorials, but most of them were the credit of their staff.

These memorials praised Zhu Zhanji\'s wisdom and martial arts. Then, as soon as the conversation changed, several people volunteered to meet Hei thorn.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t promise or object at that time. He probably had to make a decision after the new year.

Fang Xing didn\'t play the medal. He was just watching the Wu Xun show their loyalty to the emperor.

Although the successful clean-up of the South and North led to the gentry\'s disappointment and even resentment against Zhu Zhanji and Daming, Zhu Zhanji\'s prestige still improved a lot.

An emperor with a good temper must have no prestige.

The indecisive emperor is the toy of his ministers.

Therefore, when Zhu Zhanji gradually revealed the prototype of the Ming monarch and even the male Lord, the Wu Xun were the first to be loyal.

Fang woke up and read a lot of comments about emperors in history. Many people boasted that an emperor was the Lord when Fang was weak. For this, he can only repay hehe.

Zhu Zhanji has been cultivated by Zhu Di for many years, but he can only move forward slowly. The emperor of which family is so arrogant that he is the master at first, and he is not afraid of hemorrhoids.

Thinking of this, Fang Xing can\'t help rubbing his stomach. Recently, he eats hot pot every day and can\'t live without pepper. Some worry about whether he will become a person with hemorrhoids.

"Master, miss is playing in the villa, and the knife is following."

A servant woman came to report worry free\'s whereabouts, which reminded Fang Xing of her anger after she was refused to go hunting in the mountain in the morning.


Huanhuan likes worry free most. He thinks the two brothers are too dull and serious, not fun.

Fang Xing turned back and asked, "are you going to play with your sister?"

Huanhuan sat on a small stool and stood up when she heard the speech. She said happily, "I\'m going."

Potatoes and Ping\'an immediately began to face bitterly, but Fang woke up and said, "take your brother and watch him and worry free."

"Master, uncle is coming."

Zhang Fu\'s arrival was a little abrupt. Fang woke up and hurried to the front yard.

When he saw Zhang Fu, he was wearing a military uniform and a long knife on his waist. He looked like he was going to fight.

Fang Xing asked in amazement, "where are you going, brother?"

Zhang Fu asked, "Dehua, who is going to rescue those prisoners of war? Samarkand is full of tigers and wolves. Do you think they may succeed?"

Fang Xing didn\'t guess the purpose of his question, so he said vaguely, "they are very elite."

Zhang fuzhui asked, "how elite are they? Can they still go wild in Hari?"

Fang Xing frowned and asked, "brother, what are you?"

Zhang Fu said with some ease: "Your Majesty\'s will just came made me lead the army to inspect the side wall after the new year, but the side wall didn\'t give warning, and there has never been such an urgent inspection. I judge for my brother that your majesty doesn\'t want to fight."

The rescue of prisoners of war will not only strengthen Zhu Zhanji\'s prestige in the army, but also inspire the morale of the army. Such actions as killing two birds with one stone are certainly worth doing.

I don\'t want to make a big fight, or even do it quietly. I just don\'t want to make the civil servants feel that the emperor is biased towards the martial arts at this moment.

As an emperor, Zhu Zhanji must balance the relationship between civil and military affairs. Any deviation will lead to unpredictable consequences.

This is to be clear!

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "there are about a thousand people in that army. Everyone can be ten for one. Brother, there is no need to take care of them unless they are chased by the Hari people."

Zhang Fu was disappointed and said, "there is such a powerful guard station?"

Fang Xing said, "Emperor Wen left it."

Zhang Fu said solemnly, "then I have no doubt, but you have forgotten the Horie\'s Rangers. Our people often go to the other side of Yili to spy and fight with a large number of Horie\'s Rangers. If they meet the Horie\'s Rangers, there will be pursuers behind and interceptors in front."


Samarkand had been left behind for more than ten miles, but more than three hundred pursuers pursued him more than a mile behind.

The war horses of these pursuers are very excellent, but excellent war horses naturally have to be allocated to excellent soldiers.

The rescued prisoners of war are still in a state of ecstasy, but the years of imprisonment have degraded the equestrian skills of these former Rangers or scouts.

Black thorn\'s men didn\'t try their best to drive the horse, but made do with the speed of the prisoners of war.

Wang Yan looked back at the pursuer and said, "Zhao Xing!"

As the highest official among the prisoners of war, Zhao Xing was temporarily entrusted with the important task of commanding the prisoners of war.

"My Lord!"

Zhao Xing also saw the pursuers in leather armor. His heart trembled and thought that Wang Yan was going to arrange them to intercept the pursuers.

"Take them and hurry. We\'ll come later!"

Wang Yan then pulled out his long knife and shouted, "prepare grenades!"

The whole operation is almost seamless from sneaking into the periphery.

The people who cooperated with the outside pretended to be horse vendors, bringing not only war horses, but also equipment.

The fire fold was opened and burned. More than 100 people suddenly turned their horses around. The pursuers had no time to respond and didn\'t want to respond.

So the pursuers began to roar excitedly. Because the distance between the two sides was too close, the price of using bows and arrows was too late to draw their knives. Therefore, these ha lie people pulled out their long knives and shouted.


The two sides galloped relative to each other, and the distance was quickly narrowed. Black spots flew from the Ming army. Then the Ming army fell on horseback and hardly exposed any part of the body.

"What\'s that?"

Ha lie people are still preparing to fight later. When they see the black spot, someone asks in ignorance.

There were veterans who had fought with the Ming army. When he saw it, he shouted, "it\'s the Ming army\'s firearm!"

He wanted to turn his horse around, but it would only be knocked away by the war horse behind him and trampled into meat mud. So he threw away his long knife and fell on his horse, hoping to escape.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The grenade fell to the ground and exploded, and the pursuers immediately turned upside down.

Wang Yan pulled out his long knife and killed the first one.

Zhao Xing fled desperately in front with the prisoners of war. He knew that the faster he ran here, the safer the black thorn behind him.

When he ran more than five miles away, Zhao Xing couldn\'t help looking back.

At this glance, he only saw the shadow of people, and then his heart was cold.


The prisoners of war turned back one after another. Seeing this, someone even shouted, "Sir, let\'s turn back and fight with them!"

Zhao Xing muman said, "run!"

At the moment, they turned back and tried their best. It was only to send vegetables to the pursuers. On the contrary, it ruined all the efforts and sacrifices of black thorn\'s operation.

They beat horses and galloped, but the pursuers behind them were getting closer and closer.

Zhao Xing didn\'t want to look back. He was afraid that he would despair after seeing the distance between the two sides.

"My Lord!"

At this time, a prisoner suddenly looked back and shouted in surprise.

Zhao Xing felt his neck stiff. He tried to look back at his back.

Then joy comes!