Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2361

A group of prisoners entered the capital meekly. No one recognized the man standing on the left as Fang Xing who defeated them.

Zhu Zhanji refused the prisoner offering ceremony. He felt that the Ming Dynasty was at its peak and did not need to show it deliberately.

Fang Xing was thinking about the future fate of these people. He released the envoys of the Three Kingdoms, especially Henry. In essence, he still wanted to intimidate the tessi people.

A great war ruined the Allied forces of the three countries of Thailand and Spain, which is a deterrent of force.

Henry and others\' preliminary understanding of Daming is intimidation, soft power intimidation.

Daming needs peace now, which is a painful decision.

Just like the fluctuations caused by the clean-up investment in the south, the subsequent continuous innovation is still in danger of causing unrest.

At the same time of internal innovation, it starts a war, and it is still an expedition. This risk can\'t even be accepted by Fang Xing.

But it\'s worth it!

Fang Xing always felt that he had to cultivate his internal skills first, and that was the moment when the world was shocked.

To cultivate internal skills, we should not only develop the economy, but also give priority to education and cultivate people with clear goals, courage and correct ideas from generation to generation. This is the foundation of all ages.

From the unintentional at the beginning to the intentional at the back, Fang Xing did not miss any opportunity. He has been promoting the dissemination of science. Therefore, he did not hesitate to become a public enemy of the gentry.

Now science is spreading, and more and more people are willing to pick up books and listen to the teachers.

Yes, now there is an alternative private school, which teaches not only Confucianism but also science.

This is a gradual change and phenomenon, but it has been temporarily ignored in the context of the clean-up of Nanbei University.

Fang Xing feels that this neglect will not last long, and those anti science people will attack sooner or later.

"It was a big victory, but it was quiet. Do you have any complaints about it, Dehua?"

Fang Xing didn\'t turn back and said, "if you have enough complaints, fame and wealth will do. Why should I suffer like this? Isn\'t it good for the family to live a good life? If there are enemies, lead the army to fight, come back and unload armor and enjoy heaven and family. This is life!"

Xu Jingchang went to his left and looked at the prisoners entering the city side by side with him.

"A person\'s life is decades, and he must enjoy enough before he is 50, otherwise what else do you want to enjoy when you get old?"

Xu Jingchang said the truth with a positive face, which made Fang awake and couldn\'t help listening.

"The ancestral motto of the Xu family is that peace is a blessing. It\'s no good to toss about blindly."

Life is short and time is fleeting.

Xu Jingchang said sadly, "I feel old, because I often think of my childhood. I was ignorant at that time, but I was happy. Now there are beautiful women and wine. Although the power is small, no one dares to bully us, but I\'m still unhappy!"

This is a negative view. There is no lack of such guidance in Buddhism and Taoism, which requires people to be kind or to practice the afterlife.

The prisoners continued to come in. The people were tired. Some people said it was boring, so many people scattered.

The capture during the expedition on the grassland caused a sensation, but the capture of the West Thai coalition army into the city was boring.

These mindsets are worth exploring, to see whether they are proud or numb, or careless after they feel safe enough.

"When Liu Guan comes back, it\'s time for the ducha to be quiet, but I always think everyone will be burned if they sit on the fire."

Xu Jingchang is used to wealth. With the increase of age, he doesn\'t like adventure more and more.

Fang Xing also felt bored. He and Xu Jingchang squeezed out the crowd. Because there were a lot of people behind, they entered an alley and were ready to go around.

It was chilly in the alley. From time to time, I could hear the cry of children in the wall, which slightly disappeared a little bleak.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xu Jingchang to have time to see the prisoners stroll around the city. He came to pick up the goods.

"It seems that the trip to the South has been delayed. There can\'t be anything wrong with this batch of sugar! Otherwise, brother, I\'ll have to hang myself."

Xu Jingchang asked Fang Xing, who had just returned from the south.

Seeing that he was worried, Fang woke up and joked: "what did you say just now? Peace is a blessing. After three or two times in your life, why are you so worried about money?"

Xu Jingchang sighed, "there are a lot of people in the family to support! There is nothing enough for Sir Alex. In addition, the production of those fields is also choking, so we can only rely on business. In other words... My land has been collected a lot, and your majesty doesn\'t give a reward?"

In front of the goods, it is like an eminent monk sobbing about life, but now it turns into a generation with lust for profit. People don\'t know which is the real him.

But Fang Xing knows this mentality: he wants to be less bothered by the world of mortals, but he is unwilling to be lonely in his bones.

"Your Majesty wants to see the world. You\'re just a beggar. Your majesty won\'t pay attention to you!"

Fang Xing hit Xu Jingchang lightly, and then entered the palace.

When he entered the palace, he happened to meet Liu Guan.

They went all the way in, and Liu Guan whispered something about the South after he left.

"... when the gentry saw you leaving, they wanted to make a fuss and want to turn over. As a result, the army walked around the streets of Jinling and all stopped."

"Those people are not satisfied. They always say that they have made some benefits, and the court does not want to see them. They have to take them back. It can be seen that they do not really sympathize with the peasants."

Fang Xing felt that Liu Guan should not look worried about the country and the people, but since he became an imperial party, he has gone farther and farther along this road.

Originally, the treacherous officials in everyone\'s mouth were running around for the will of the emperor, which has some black humor.

After seeing Zhu Zhanji, Liu Guanxian reported on his work and described the current situation in the south.

Listening to Liu Guan\'s story, Zhu Zhanji looked softer and seemed extremely satisfied.

What loyal and treacherous officials? In the eyes of the emperor, only those who are useful to the country are loyal officials, and the rest are either mediocre or stupid,

"You have acted decisively in the south this time, which has suppressed some unhealthy tendencies in the officialdom. I am happy! The south must be, and the overall situation will be settled. After that, just walk slowly and not radical, and the future of Daming must be expected."

Zhu Zhanji praised Liu Guan and finally gave him a silver seal.

Liu Guan walked away with joy. It can be seen that his joy came from his heart.

Zhu Zhanji said with emotion, "everyone says Liu Guan is a treacherous minister and a sycophant minister. He was just an official a day earlier, and Daming will have more vitality. I used to think so. When I slowly pondered it, I found that many so-called loyal ministers do not work or do practical things, but treacherous officials."

"What a strange thing!"

Zhu Zhanji said with a little sarcasm: "when Liu Guan comes back this time, someone will probably scold him as my lackey. Most of them claim to be loyal ministers, but I am deeply disgusted with them."

Fang Xing thought it was funny. Countless people claimed to be loyal ministers. They formed gangs to strive for all kinds of benefits for themselves and their associates, and then everyone gathered together to claim to be loyal ministers.

Such loyal officials have been in constant stream throughout history. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, they were spectacular. Those "loyal officials" successfully fooled the emperor, and the Ming Dynasty became their toys.

This was also the only emperor in the Ming Dynasty who was fooled by those "loyal officials", so Daming was finally fooled by those "loyal officials" to the situation of national subjugation.

In the end, those "loyal officials" turned to surrender one after another. Instead, they castrated the party and died for the country.

This is also a black joke, but people can\'t laugh.

"The water is too cold!"

Fang Xing said an allusion that Zhu Zhanji didn\'t understand, "the general situation in the South has been determined, and the army can be stabilized. In the follow-up, we have to grind it slowly to remove those grievances."

Speaking of this, Fang Xing inevitably had to complain: "it can be seen that the policy of the DPRK and China should not be light, and we should be careful!"

At the beginning, Lao Zhu came out of this preferential policy to help the poor and encourage reading. The original intention was excellent, but he couldn\'t stand the greedy people of that group. Everyone started and started, and gradually washed his family into a poor family.

This is the fault of his ancestors. Zhu Zhanji had to cover up: "preferential treatment is good, but the following officials ignore the monitoring, and even collude to make profits. Therefore, no matter how good any policy is, it must also be effective by officials, otherwise it may harm the people."