Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2358

The mountains are like gathering, the waves are like anger, and Tongguan road is in the mountains and rivers.

"Looking at the western capital, I hesitated. I was sad. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, thousands of palaces and palaces were made of earth."

Song Jian doesn\'t like the capital. He doesn\'t like the cold and gray of the capital.

In the south, even in winter, it is still charming.

He looked at the gray sky and recited the words about the country and the people. His eyebrows were more gloomy.

Hanlin academy is a department of hope, at least for now.

Song Jian, as an Imperial College attendant, has not been assigned a specific position. Therefore, he has run through many relationships, but after the cleaning up in the south, those relationships did not dare to plan for him.

The Imperial Academy is noble, but it can not be regarded as a real power department.

The sermon\'s duty is to lecture for the emperor and the prince.

But Daming doesn\'t have a prince at present. Even if corn is canonized as the prince, the prince\'s young teacher, Daming Xing and Bo Fangxing are also staring at him. Where is the round to go to his song Jian for class.

As for the emperor, it\'s even more nonsense. He has regarded the Imperial Academy as a decoration since he ascended the throne.

However, it\'s funny that an official who doesn\'t know much about all levels of the Ming Dynasty went to explain Confucianism to the emperor, and then he had to connect those contents with reality, analyze them, and let the emperor follow suit.

Is that funny?

Song Jian stood outside the Imperial City, looking at the gray sky, and suddenly felt that his position was a joke.

He is missing Yan Zhou. At the moment, Yanzhou will be cold, biting cold, but soft and beautiful.

But Yanzhou was just a corner of the country. He didn\'t want to regard it as a paradise, so he asked for a relationship and finally transferred to the capital.

Where is the future!

The Imperial Academy attendants didn\'t talk much about their work. No, they almost don\'t have it now.

At first he was frightened, but later he was at ease. Anyway, his salary would not be less than a copper coin.

And he doesn\'t support his family by salary.

Be careful of royal guards and east hall!

Song Jian lowered his head and went slowly to the west of the city.

You can\'t stay in a daze in the Yamen without doing anything, so Song Jian often came out in the name of searching for ancient books.

If we say that the love of ancient books is generally the second in the Imperial Academy, no one dares to claim to be the first.

Therefore, the boring Shangguan agreed with his eyes closed, so Song Jian often got a chance.

The annual flavor of Beiping city gradually became strong, but Song Jian didn\'t want to feel it.

Xin Laoqi doesn\'t have the heart to feel these.

He and ye Luoxue stood in front and watched Song Jian walk slowly.

"The master said that the most refreshing thing is to press down directly, but it is not good for the general situation. It will only intensify contradictions, so we have to use such means. But we can\'t hide it."

Ye Luoxue nodded and said, "Song Jian is coming. I\'ll go."

Xin Laoqi nodded. Now he wanted to fight with ye Luoxue.

There are several bookstores here. Song Jian went in, turned around, and then came out.

He\'s going to find a restaurant waiting for lunch, preferably one with women.

Qinlou is naturally the best place, and the shopkeepers and staff there are very clever. No guest\'s information has ever been leaked out.

Last time, Fang woke up and killed the holy land, and countless men wailed for it.

But it\'s almost the new year, and Fang Xing can\'t do too much, so he let go when the shopkeeper of Qinlou asked someone to intercede.

Years ago, many people had a lot of money in their pockets, and the business of Qinlou became more and more popular. It is said that the water used by the girls inside to wash their faces every day perfumes the nearby underground ditch.

He hired a carriage and went all the way to Qinlou.

The back door of the Qin building looks very thick, as if it had never been opened.

The carriage stopped at the back door. The coachman got off, beat the door hard and shouted, "there are guests coming! Open the door!"

The heavy wooden door that seemed to have never been opened slowly opened from the inside. The door shaft must be often oiled, so it\'s quiet.

"Sir, come in, please."

A man skillfully welcomed Song Jian to the third floor.

Women in brothels are usually leisurely before lunch, so when song checked on the third floor, many women were sleeping or chatting.

Don\'t think women don\'t snore when they sleep. Some snores can keep people awake,

Listening to the snoring, there are several women lying on the railing laughing and talking in front.

"Oh! A guest is coming."

Several women found Song Jian and immediately stopped smiling, either dignified or charming temptation.

In order to stimulate their enthusiasm, the reception here is Commission, so the competition is very fierce.

Song Jian is one of the giants. Naturally, he can get the blue eyes of these women.

Several women looked at the dignified woman. Sure enough, Song Jian didn\'t even look, so he pointed to the woman and said, "go to your house."

As the door closed, the women outside were giggling and talking in a low voice.

"Two hypocrites, listen to them."

"That looks like a scholar. Can you recite poetry?"

"What poem do you sing? There is a face like jade in the book?"

There are more and more women outside, and everyone is listening to what\'s going on inside.

"Recite the poem I taught you last time."

Song Jian\'s voice came from inside, but it was trembling.

After a burst of sobbing, a woman read, "I don\'t regret my loose belt. It\'s for you..."

The gasp stopped suddenly as soon as it started, and then Song Jian said angrily, "let you recite poetry, not... It\'s really impossible to teach!"

They later tossed around again and recited two poems in the whole process.

Song Jian came out later.

His clothes were neat. If it were not for his flushed face and the fishy smell on his body, everyone would think that he had just taught a woman to recite poetry.

There were many women in the corridor outside. When they saw him coming out, they mostly covered their mouths with handkerchiefs and were laughing.

For them, this elegant way is good business!

Song Jian coughed, frowned and said, "let\'s go."

The women would not listen to him, so Song Jian had no choice, so he went down slowly.

His body is a little soft and he needs to hold the handrail when he goes down the stairs.

Behind him came a burst of giggling. Song Jian was angry and didn\'t plan to have lunch here.

He arrived at the side of the lobby, where there were already two tables of guests.

The two table guests also saw him, but they didn\'t know him.

Song Jian was slightly relaxed and warned himself not to come again next time. Then he went back to the hospital with peace of mind.

The backyard is mainly a kitchen and some guys\' houses.

He walked out the back door smoothly, listened to the closing door behind him, and finally smiled.

"This is life!"

He looked at the right side of the alley, but went to the left.

The wall on the left side of the alley has always been the scope of the Qin tower. Listening to the increasing noise inside, Song Jian Pooh at the wall and scold: "bitch, I eat chili in the morning."

Along the alley, there is a hole in front and the street outside.

After walking out of the alley, the noise came, like suddenly coming to the downtown from the mountain.

Song Jian tidied up his clothes and saw a beautiful man walking towards him.

He\'s a little excited.

Yes, Mr. Xiang is popular in many places now.

If you have money, go to find your husband outside. Song Jian knows a lot.

At this time, eating all men and women is elegant and fun for scholars and bureaucrats.

So he stared at the man coming, smiled, and even prepared to expose his identity when necessary, or attract or suppress the beautiful man.

When the man approached, Song Jian asked, "where is home?"

The man asked coldly, "Song Jian?"

Song Jian lost his interest by this rhetorical question. He tightened his heart and said, "you recognize the wrong person."

The man\'s beautiful face was cold and said, "Song Jian is corrupt and careless about human life."

Song Jian\'s heart was cold and fear surged in.

His eyes crossed the man\'s side and saw Xin Laoqi in the distance.

He has a good memory, so he remembers Xin Laoqi.

Xin Laoqi also looked at him coldly, let the crowd pass by, and his eyes firmly locked him.

"No! I want to see your majesty!"

A scream came from the long street and attracted people to look at it.

Then they saw a beautiful man kick two feet quickly.

Although the distance between them is different, some people can hear the sound of bone fracture, while others can only judge his experience by Song Jian\'s scream and extremely painful face. But everyone was stunned by this sudden event.

Just as Song Jian was about to fall, ye Luoxue whispered, "people from the East Hall will invite you later."

The sharp pain made Song Jian almost unable to speak, but he still shouted, "the lower officer is guilty!"

Since East Hall is going to catch him, why do you want to commit murder in the street?

This is revenge!

Let everyone see the revenge!

It must be Fang Xing!