Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2347

It\'s not far from the new year. The palace is busy everywhere. The queen also said that the good weather in Daming will naturally benefit the palace. This year\'s new year will be better than last year.

This is money!

So everyone worked hard and guessed how much more the queen would pay.

Several important officials were hurriedly led to the warm Pavilion. Several eunuchs were whispering when they saw their hurried steps and dignified faces.

Everyone hopes to be quiet years ago, but the past is contrary to his wishes.

"This is to disturb Daming!"

"This is the separation between kings and ministers. It should be killed!"

A eunuch walked out of the warm Pavilion and glanced around. The eunuchs hurried back.

"Your Majesty, calm down."

In the warm Pavilion, Yang Rong had read the memorial and couldn\'t help complaining in his heart.

"Calm down? I want to ask Lin Zhan to calm down."

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "has Wang Zhang come?"

Yu Jia went out to ask, and later came with Wang Zhang.

Wang Zhang came in full of fog. After saluting, he smashed a memorial down.

The emperor said unkindly, "look, don\'t tell me you don\'t know."

After reading the memorial, Wang Zhang only looked at the name and cried bitterly in his heart.

When he finished reading the full text, he couldn\'t help but rush back to the hospital and chop Lin Zhan with a knife.

But the position

Wang Zhang is different from Liu Guan.

Liu Guan\'s obedience to the emperor was almost flattering, but Wang Zhang could not. His character and official position did not allow him to become an echo.

He raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, I will die forever, but I can\'t stop my words. Otherwise, after a hundred years, I\'m afraid that no one will speak for the government or die generously."


Even Yang Rong is secretly cheering for Wang Zhang.

The emperor\'s suppression of the ducha court is getting deeper and deeper, and his thug is Liu Guan.

Yang Rong was worried that the emperor would take advantage of the trend of impeaching Fang Xing and Fang Zheng again. At that time, there would be a voice up and down the hall.

Therefore, Wang Zhang\'s persistence is extremely rare at this time.

Zhu Zhanji sneered: "so I have to thank him!"

Wang Zhang said: "Your Majesty, Lin Zhan has been silent in the ducha hospital for many years. The minister originally suggested that he be transferred from the ducha hospital, but..."

It was the pot of the Ministry of officials. Jian Yi said, "Your Majesty, I remember that Du Chayuan wanted to mobilize three people. Two of them had left the Du Chayuan. The Ministry of officials found that one of them was an official who was lazy and had a vegetarian meal, so they pressed down."

"A vegetarian meal? Then why don\'t you move?"

Zhu Zhanji felt that if someone occupied the pit and didn\'t shit, they should all rush home to eat old rice.

Jian Yi was impressed by this: "Your Majesty, naringzhan impeached five officials in January."


Zhu Zhanji said, "how did a complacent imperial historian become a vegetarian meal..."


Fang Xing then received the news, and even copied the memorial word for word, but it was not his superb means, but Lin Zhan was crazy.

"Dehua, now this memorial is spread everywhere. Many people outside are making fun of what you want Chen Qiao to mutiny and wear yellow robes."

Zhang Fu came and looked anxious.

Xu Jingchang also came, and the guy was laughing. "Dehua, in the memorial, it said that you went out too many times and treated us and Wu Xun as furnishings. Later, you can rest at home. Brother, I led the army to go out and let the flag of the Xu family stand up again on the battlefield."

This sounds harsh, but Xu Jingchang can come by himself. When the emperor hasn\'t made a statement, he has already seen friendship.

So Fang woke up and said with a smile, "are you leading the army? I\'m afraid the whole army will be destroyed!"

After the joke, Xu Jingchang narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly, "do you want me to do it?"

This is murderous. Fang Xing hasn\'t responded yet. Zhang Fu also said faintly: "I\'m afraid your people will be stared at. If it\'s inconvenient, there are some clever men here for brother. It\'s just to break his legs without killing him."

Fang Xing was moved and said, "there is a lot of noise outside at the moment. Although I dare to do it to narin Zhan, it\'s not easy to do it later."

Xu Jingchang said carelessly, "yes, or I\'ll wait another month. I\'ll ask someone to do it in a year."

Fang Xing just smiled, but didn\'t promise.

Seeing this, Zhang Fu asked, "aren\'t you going to do it yourself?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "No."

After seeing them off, Huang Zhong said his worries: "uncle, although you don\'t lead many troops, you can be invincible and have high prestige in the army. Lin Zhan also took advantage of this, which can lead to many possibilities..."

Fang woke up and saw that he knew Jin. He looked anxious and hurried to Xie Jin.

He smiled and said, "those are only minor details. I have had the opportunity several times... For example, when Emperor Ren went, so..."

"Dehua speaks carefully!"

Xie Jin\'s face was blue, but he didn\'t know whether it was cold or urgent. As soon as he came in, he scolded with a straight face.

Fang woke up and said, "if you want to be serious these years, there are countless opportunities, so these are just accumulated resentments."

Xie Jin seemed a little anxious: "but this impeachment is not just the censor. The crowd is surging. Will your majesty take the opportunity..."

He couldn\'t go on.

Huang Zhong added: "with the defeat of Taixi, the image of the Ming Navy\'s invincible in the world is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Ha lie\'s lost dog, meat fans are far away, uncle, Daming is no longer threatened..."

"The birds are exhausted. Is there a good bow to hide?"

Fang Xing asked with a smile.

Xie Jin looked back. When he looked back again, he had changed his serious look.

"I was also a high-ranking man in those years, but once I angered Emperor Wen, I went to the imperial edict prison in the twinkling of an eye. If you hadn\'t saved me... If you hadn\'t saved me, my bones would have been cold."

The events of that year have been in Xie Jin\'s heart, and gradually let him examine his actions of that year.

"The emperor has no personal feelings! If you place everything on the value of the emperor, it is not the work of the wise man."

Without hesitation, Xie Jin chose to stand on Fang Xing\'s side and complained, "you should tell me this earlier. At least I have seen through these for many years and can help you share your worries."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "although I have enemies all over the world, I don\'t lack friends. Mr. Xie and Bolu drink together at night?"

Xie Jin frowned and said, "think of a way to deal with it first, otherwise it will be wine into the sad heart."

Fang Xing said, "all this should be based on your Majesty\'s suspicion, Mr. Xie, but will he be suspicious? Or will he think I\'m a threat?"

Xie Jin shook his head, "the emperor\'s temperament is mostly unpredictable, and trust and suspicion are only a moment."

Huang Zhong tried to stop talking, and then he was silent.

This is to agree with Xie Jin.

"I have confidence in him."

The charcoal in the charcoal basin was burning vigorously. Fang woke up, planed in the charcoal ash on the side with tongs, bent over and grabbed several shelled peanuts.

The peanut shell is yellow and black and hot.

Fang Xing threw peanuts alternately with his left and right hands, and finally threw them on the table.

One for each person, peel while it\'s still hot.

Red peanuts into his mouth, gently press, Microsoft.

"It smells good."

Xie Jin and Huang Zhong both think they have a different taste.

Fang Xing ate peanuts and said, "worry free likes to bake with me most. Mr. Xie, Bolu, even for her, I won\'t let those people succeed. As for your majesty, I believe him."

"Dehua... Just!"

Xie Jin is decadent, and Huang Zhong has only a bitter smile.

Fang woke up and clapped his hands. Xin Laoqi appeared outside the door.

"Call a few people and let\'s check the hospital."