Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2343

Fang Xing took out the look of being a father and cut off Tudou\'s extravagant hope for free love.

"It\'s OK for you to find it. I\'ll see it with your mother."

He had also been close in his previous life, and saw that countless men and women who fell in love freely finally became bitter couples. He even remembers that one of his cousins found a girlfriend at that time. As a result, he was said by his elders that he had better break up.

My cousin naturally doesn\'t believe it and loves her deeply.

As a result, after more than a year of marriage, the contradiction immediately became prominent, and even started.

So Fang Xing believed in the elders\' eyes after that.

But Tudou was thinking about the woman in the brothel. He still couldn\'t forget the fragrance and the breath that made him inexplicably miss.

Fang Xing is pretending to look at him inadvertently, observing his son with a father\'s uneasy eyes.

Yes, he can\'t help worrying.

In his previous life, he also dreamed of a life of three wives and six concubines, with red flags flying at home and colored flags not falling outside.

But fantasy is just fantasy. It is a biological instinct, an instinct to seize the right to mate.

After he got married and had children here, he scoffed at the illusions of his previous life.

People are emotional animals!


In the evening, Fang Xing told Zhang Shuhui about it.

"... it\'s common for teenagers to be curious. I told him not to mess around before the age of 18, otherwise they will die."

After a long absence, the couple naturally wanted to make out. There was no charcoal basin in the room, but Zhang Shuhui was still sweating on her temples.

"Husband, I\'ll send someone to keep an eye on potatoes. I\'m afraid those women will seduce him and hurt my bones and blood."

In the eyes of a mother, her son is probably the most handsome in the world. No matter how good a woman is, she can barely deserve it.

Fang woke up very sleepy, but he insisted, "don\'t worry, potatoes know how to behave."

Zhang Shuhui muttered, "he is still a child!"

Fang woke up and didn\'t respond. Zhang Shuhui subconsciously said, "husband..."

Fang woke up and said vaguely, "OK, he will be a child in his 70s and 80s."


Zhang Shuhui was a little angry. She wanted to argue with Fang Xing again, but she heard a slight snore.

Fang Xing\'s trip to the North was almost a fast horse. He just wanted to get back to the capital years ago, so almost all the bones fell apart.

Zhang Shuhui felt guilty and got up quietly.

She looked out of the window in her coat, and then quietly opened the door and went out.

Snowflakes fall slowly in the sky, even at night.

The yard has accumulated a layer of snow. Fortunately, the snow hasn\'t melted, otherwise you should be careful of wrestling.

Zhang Shuhui walked down the steps carefully and touched the outside all the way.

Tudou and Ping\'an are no longer in their couple\'s wing room, but moved outside.

There is no moonlight, the gray sky, but the line of sight is still clear.

Zhang Shuhui went outside Tudou\'s bedroom and looked in through the window. But it was blocked by curtains.

She continued to look inside bitterly, trying to see the potatoes through the gap in the curtain.

After a while, she went to the door without success, put her ears up and listened carefully to the movement inside.

After listening for a long time, she frowned and whispered, "it seems that she is asleep..."

So she listened for a while, until the desire to sneeze was unbearable, and then she hurried back.

After returning to the bedroom, the temperature warmed, and Zhang Shuhui finally couldn\'t help sneezing.


From Jinling to Beiping, he also encountered heavy snow after entering the north. Fang Xing worked hard all the way, and several war horses were dragged down.

So he slept soundly until he was woken up.

"Ah ho!"

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a woman sneezing in front of the dressing table.

"Who are you?"

Having a good sleep after a long journey is easy to get confused.

Fang woke up and looked at the woman\'s ancient clothes. Then he looked at the roof and furniture.

Brother crossed?

The moment of surprise is like lightning flash from the brain. You wake up and wake up.

Zhang Shuhui turned back and said in surprise, "husband..."

Fang woke up and was warm in the quilt. Before he remembered it, he said, "I\'m dizzy. I think it\'s outside."

Zhang Shuhui smiled and sneezed again.

"What\'s the matter with you?"

Fang woke up and turned up from the bed without wearing his coat. He went to touch her forehead, then without hesitation, stretched out his hand to hold her leg bend, held her back with his right hand, and picked her up.


Zhang Shuhui subconsciously hugged Fang Xing\'s neck, and then said, "put me down quickly."

Fang Xing put her on the bed, took off her coat and covered her with a quilt.

Zhang Shuhui\'s face was crimson. There seemed to be water light flowing in her eyes. She whispered, "husband..."

Fang Xing leaned over and touched her forehead, frowned and said, "did you get up last night?"

Zhang Shuhui pursed the corners of her mouth as if she were laughing. She was even a little funny.

Fang woke up and asked, "but I\'m out?"

Seeing her nodding and being as clever as when carefree was ill, Fang woke up and said, "there is a toilet behind you. You must have seen potatoes."

Zhang Shuhui nodded and Fang Xing said, "children are sensible. If you care, you will be confused."

He went to open the door and said, "open the door and breathe. Remember to cover the quilt."

Seeing him go out, Zhang Shuhui slowly closed her eyes, then smiled and fell asleep.

Later, Xiaobai came in and saw that Zhang Shuhui was still lying, but the door was half open. He said angrily, "I\'ve been tossing for a long time last night."

Zhang Shuhui was still sleeping. Xiaobai felt something was wrong and went out to find Fang Xing.

"The master went out and said he was going to the city."

There was no wind today. When Xiaobai returned, mother Qin, who had been told by Fang Xing, had closed the door.

"Madam is a little feverish. The master went to the city to ask for a royal doctor."

After more than an hour, Fang Xing came with the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor was taken into the inner courtyard in a panic and said, "Xinghe Bo, isn\'t it convenient?"

Fang Xing just shook his head. When he got to the bedroom, Xiaobai had asked someone to pull up the curtain and couldn\'t see the people inside.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "it depends on the complexion and even the tongue coating to make a diagnosis. Open it."

The imperial doctor bowed his head and said, "the lower official can hang his pulse."

"Hang a fart! Do you want Benbo to find you a thread?"

The imperial doctor was embarrassed by Fang Xingding. Fang Xingming said, "that\'s deceptive. The doctor\'s parents are worried. Besides, it\'s just a look."

The imperial doctor sighed in his heart and arched his hands and said, "hanging pulse is really... Not accurate, but officials sometimes go in and out of the palace, and there are those rich places. It\'s not as good as this!"

The tent had been opened. Zhang Shuhui sat there with her head down. Xiaobai got a thin veil and put it on her pulse.

The imperial doctor looked at Zhang Shuhui\'s face quickly, and then took his pulse.

Fang woke up on the edge and said, "I feel some fever on my forehead, sneeze, tongue coating... Shuhui opens her mouth and I\'ll have a look."

Fang Xing also felt that the royal doctor\'s tongue coating was inappropriate, so he looked at it himself.

This man is in a hurry!

The imperial doctor smiled bitterly, restrained his mind and felt the pulse carefully.

Later, he asked to change his hand. After both hands felt their pulse, he said firmly: "Xing He Bo, your wife, this is cold. The lower official wrote a prescription and ate it for two days. Just pay attention not to get cold again. Don\'t be greedy when sweating."

This is a reliable royal doctor!

Fang Xing sent him out to write a prescription, and then asked someone to buy medicine.

Seeing that he was polite, the imperial doctor explained more carefully.

When he left, Fang Xing took him outside the door, took a burden from the servant and handed it to him.

The imperial doctor took a look at the carriage outside with the medicine box on his back, waved his hand and said, "you can\'t use it. It\'s just your duty to serve as an official."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "it\'s almost the end of the year. It\'s just some stewed beef at home. Go back and try the fresh beef from outside."

The imperial doctor felt that Fang Xing was really polite and had no airs among Xun Qi and dignitaries, so it was inevitable to say some good words about Fang Xing when he went back.

But there are some bad words about Fang Xing in the market.

——Many gold and silver treasures were looted by the Taixi people along the way, and a considerable part of them were greedy by Fang Xing.

The prisoners were still on the road and did not arrive in the capital, so these words soon spread with nose and eyes, which people had to believe.

Fang Xing also knew, but now he took care of the sick Zhang Shuhui and ignored him.