Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2338

In autumn, Jinling City has a little more joy of harvest.

Daming\'s staple food used to be rice and wheat, and then there were more potatoes. There was even news that the jiavegetable department was making a high-yield crop comparable to potatoes.

In other words, twenty years ago, this news can make people flock to it and everyone talked about it.

But now with potatoes, people who can\'t eat enough will only be ridiculed.

Just after the day of genius, Jinling City gradually woke up.

Many people can afford breakfast now, but most of them are made at home.

There are many kinds of breakfast outside, but the most is pasta.

The most popular pasta is naturally cakes and noodles, but this is the old yellow calendar. Now the northern pasta is not Wuxia Amun for a long time.

Oil cake is everyone\'s heart, and it\'s fun to eat. A bite down, the smell of oil straight through the nose. Then invade the brain from the nose, coupled with the face fragrance forced by frying, the taste can make people unable to stop the desire to continue to eat.

The breakfast stand is a door panel, which is supported by two high stools.

The door panel is the console, with a double eye stove beside it, a large one boiling soybean milk and a small one baking cakes.

It was a half grown child who was handling all this.

The autumn morning was a little cold. The child scooped some lard into the pan, and then put the spread cake down.

When the pot was cooked, green smoke rose and made a noise.

The fragrance filled the air. Fang Xing sat on the bench beside him, sniffed and said, "don\'t get confused! Is there any oil residue? Add a little."

There are three narrow tables here. They are all full now.

Most of these people live in the city and have to hurry, so they eat quickly.

A sip of hot soybean milk warms your body. For a time, there are rustling sounds around, but those people are looking at Fang Xing and the servants sitting around him.

"Brother is rich!"

A man with a poor family looked at the boy with envy, grabbed a small handful of oil residue in a bowl, put it on the bread, and then pressed it in with a spatula, which made his mouth water.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you can afford it!"

The big man shook his head and said, "I can\'t bear it. I\'d better keep the money and buy a candy for my child."

The boy over there saw that the oil residue was trapped in the dough, so he turned the oil cake with a spatula.


The oil residue made a louder sound when heated, and then the fragrance gradually filled the air.

Fang Xing narrowed his eyes and smelled the fragrance. He couldn\'t wait to say, "don\'t paste it!"

The boy pressed the oil cake, frowned back, looked at Fang Xing and said, "I know the heat!"

Fang woke up and said, "OK, I\'m just worried."

The boy hummed and turned over the oil cake skillfully again.

At the moment, the oil cake has turned yellow and then gray. It looks ugly, but people can\'t help but move their fingers.

Later, the oil cake was ready. The boy divided the cake into four pieces with a bamboo knife and asked Fang Xing, "do you want chili sauce?"

"Yes, more."

Fang Xing rubbed his hands and couldn\'t wait. The boy smiled confidently. Then he put the chili sauce on the oil cake and brought it over in a plate.

"A bowl of soybean milk."

Fang Xing picked up a piece of oil cake and took a happy bite. The oil residue exploded in his mouth. He could even feel a trace of lard flowing in his mouth. Then the oil fragrance mixed with face fragrance burst out suddenly and filled the mouth everywhere.

Fang Xing closed his eyes and chewed slowly. When he heard the sound of putting things in front of him, he touched it and took the soybean milk to his mouth.

There is no sugar in the hot soybean milk, but the rich bean fragrance at the entrance washes the mouth occupied by the smell of oil cake. Fang wakes up and feels that life has been completed so far

A man came quietly. Xin Laoqi looked back, and the vigilance in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The man walked behind Fang Xing and whispered, "uncle, all the people on the list have been taken down."

Fang woke up drinking soybean milk, took a bite of the oil cake, narrowed his eyes and nodded.

The man behind him turned and left. Fang woke up and ate the oil cake, and then went to the station.

"Sir, don\'t you go to the military headquarters?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "it\'s a big deal. Now the best thing is moderation, and I\'m a deterrent here. I\'m unstable up and down."


With the summary of local news, the situation in the south of Daming gradually stabilized.

The rebels either died or were caught, waiting for the opportunity to be sent to the ship, and then went all the way overseas to contribute to the overseas development of Daming.

But the atmosphere in Jinling City was still tense because Fang Xing was still there.

Huang Jian\'s death was a small matter, but Fang Xing made it a big matter.

As a famous scholar in the south, Wang Yuan poisoned his disciples and helped his disciples for many years.

The south is shocked!

After checking the hospital, Liu Guan also had oil cakes for breakfast. For example, he woke up to be more upscale because there was stuffing.

But there are some sequelae after eating the oil cake with stuffing.

Before checking the hospital, the people specially summoned were looking at Liu Guan.

Liu Guan felt a little heartburn and his stomach was burning, which was very uncomfortable.

Breakfast rolled in his stomach and then surged to his throat. He couldn\'t help burping, and then the oil cake mixed with gastric juice came back to his mouth.

He swallowed the oil cake, calmed down and said, "the criminal evidence of Wang Yuan\'s poisoning of Huang Jian is conclusive, and he also confessed. The case is major and involves human relations, which should be known by Daming and taken as a warning."

The people who were driven here were dissatisfied, but they were excited after hearing this topic.

While the tragedy of human relations makes people sigh, gossip is inevitable.

Wang Yuan\'s arrest in Jinling City caused a commotion, and the gentry were shouting.

Fang Xing didn\'t take care of it at that time. When those people clamored that it was Fang Xing\'s revenge for public and private affairs, which aroused people\'s suspicion, they released Wang Yuan\'s criminal evidence. For a moment, Jinling was silent.

"Wang Yuan was planning an evil plan when he was Emperor Wen. He funded Wen Fang and others to become famous, and then used his contacts to send them to Emperor Ren..."

This is a secret spirit. The people are listening in good spirits, and the complaints that have been rushed have dissipated.

Liu Guan felt his chest and abdomen burned. He frowned and said, "Wen Fang and others conspired against him. Wang Yuan knew he was in danger and began to hibernate."

"Old thief!"

Someone scolded, and then it was creepy.

According to the old rules, such acts will be found out and displayed in public.

But the Yamen and sergeants on the side were silent.

Liu Guan didn\'t make any noise and said, "what kind of celebrity is this?"

Seeing that some people had no control over what they said before, someone shouted, "my Lord, some people say that celebrities and prostitutes have the same truth. It\'s good to have a great reputation."

This is too vulgar. A sergeant looked at Liu Guan, but he didn\'t get the hint of doing it.

So the people had more courage.

"Don\'t look down on famous prostitutes. Famous prostitutes must have integrity. They start from this today and that tomorrow. They are not famous prostitutes. Those who half hide their doors are better than her."

After a burst of laughter, seeing that Liu Guan didn\'t care, someone said something more bitter.

"Famous prostitutes have to practice their skills. They don\'t have good skills in bed. No one pays attention to any names. But famous men..."

"Some famous prostitutes do not sell themselves. They are just like some famous celebrities. They are dignified and famous. But secretly, who knows the dirty inside!"

"It\'s just men stealing women prostitutes. Bah!"

Liu Guan endured the discomfort of his chest and abdomen and ignored the increasingly heated discussion.

"Since ancient times, celebrities are like famous prostitutes. They turn over the wall in the middle of the night!"


"... Wang Yuan\'s reputation stinks. Even those so-called celebrities dare not go out, otherwise they will be ridiculed by the people."

"Now the city has little respect for the gentry, and there is no longer the sight of those people exercising authority."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "from the initial anger to the present lack of civility, their reputation has been ruined. In the past, they could use public opinion to build momentum and pull back the situation. It can be seen that the residence newspaper in the central government has been issued for three consecutive periods. There is no doubt that the gentry\'s\' loyalty \'has been exposed, and no one will listen to their demagoguery."

Fang Xing was very satisfied. Then he called Jinling officials and ordered some precautions.

Then the news of his return to Beijing spread all over Jinling, and then slowly spread to the whole south.

The mood of Jinling City is very complex. Most of them want him to stay and half want him to go away.

Cao An\'s request for an interview was rejected by Fang Xing.

At his point, many things have to depend on the timing. After that, it will pass. Forced renewal will only bring trouble in the future.

So one morning, Fang Xing took Jubao mountain guard and prepared to set out.

Before leaving the city, a group of people blocked the gate.

Two old men stood in front, behind them was a big man with a plate.

"Master, it\'s practicing wine!"

Fang woke up and walked slowly.

The two old people bowed their hands and the people behind them saluted one after another.

The sergeant guarding the city stood by and watched the scene with some inexplicable joy.

"Xinghebo worked hard."

An old man turned back and took a bowl of wine. Another old man said, "some people are dissatisfied with blood, some people are dissatisfied with less benefits, but without rules, there will be no place. Once the south is clear, it will start from Uncle..."

Fang Xing looked at the people with their heads down and knew that this was a real practice.

They were afraid of being seen by the gentry and retaliation, but they still came.

But after clearing the farmland, they will pay a lot less taxes this year.

This is good. The people only look at this. They will believe whoever can give them good.

This realistic and simple view of likes and dislikes has no research value, but it is worth pondering and exploring by every official.

Fang woke up, his heart stirred, took the wine bowl, looked up and dried it.

The wine flowed down his chin and his throat kept surging.

After drinking the bowl of wine, he smiled and said, "thank you for sending me. No matter what others think, the days will slowly pass, and everyone will slowly know what is good and what is bad. Daming..."

He put the bowl back, looked at the people and said, "Daming will be better and better, and your life will be better and better."

An old man led a horse for him. He woke up and was terrified, but he couldn\'t refuse.

After getting on the horse, he arched his hand and said, "a good family is not really good. Thousands of families smile. This is the original intention of his majesty. He only hopes that the north and the South will be integrated and bathed in the sun."

"Xing He Bo, go slowly..."

They all moved away from the road and bowed together.

When Fang woke up and went out of the city, he saw that the Jubao mountain guards outside the city had assembled, so he joined together.

When the footsteps went away, the people gradually dispersed.

"The latest Ming Pao is coming!"

The sun was high in the air. A horse entered the city and stopped at the gate. Two young people took a bamboo tube.

Open the bamboo tube and see the Ming Pao inside.

They pasted the newspaper on the wall in the door and gradually surrounded some people.

"... the title article of this issue... North South Junan..."