Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2309

"Great victory, great victory of the Navy!"

Beiping city is lazy in midsummer, and the most enthusiastic is probably cicada.

People entering and leaving the city will stay in the gate for a while to hide from the sun.

When he heard the sound of horses\' hoofs, the sergeant guarding the gate drove away the people who stayed in the gate.

After hearing the cry of victory, without their driving, the people at the foot of the emperor immediately showed their quality and dodged a way in an instant.

The dusty cavalry rushed into the city gate, and even the tired horses cheered up. With a long hiss, they could accelerate again.

The horse\'s hooves made a crisp sound when they stepped on the cement road.

According to the rules, the cavalry who reported the victory had to pass through the street in front and inform the people in the capital of the good news.

"Navy victory?"

"Yes, look at them. They are dark. They must have come all the way from the south. Good!"

"OK! The navy is a great victory, and the Taixi people are not my opponent. It\'s safe! It\'s safe!"

"How do you know it\'s tessy?"

"Fool, fool! Looking at the sea, who is worthy of xinghebo\'s sending someone to report victory except the tessi?"

A group of common people and businessmen stood together, completely different from a group of green shirts on the side.

A businessman casually refuted the scholar on the side. When he woke up, he was afraid. But thinking of the gentry who were cleaned up by the army last year, he shouted: "this is good news. It\'s time to get drunk and congratulate Daming!"

"Yes, yes! Those restaurants will certainly have a discount today. Let\'s go together!"

Even those people called friends to drink, leaving the group of scholars with a gloomy face.

The sun shines high, but it still can\'t get rid of the haze in these people\'s hearts.

The clean-up of the North has already stopped the gentry, but it has also drawn a gap between the gentry and the emperor.

This is a gap that is almost difficult to fill.

From then on, the gentry were no longer the strongest "supporters" of the Ming Dynasty, let alone the rulers of the grass-roots level of the Ming Dynasty.

"That man... Doesn\'t he say he doesn\'t understand water warfare?"

A scholar murmured.

The dead silence was broken, and everyone felt the heat, so they ran to the eaves behind them.

The atmosphere was very uncomfortable. The gentry didn\'t know what they were thinking, but there was no joy or excitement, as if it was not a good news, but a funeral.

"He doesn\'t understand water warfare, but Hong baozai and Fu Xianzai are all experienced sailors. Hong Bao is a ruthless role in breaking into Taixi alone. The Ming Navy is invincible in the world..."

"The eunuch!"

"Eunuchs can lead the army when they are in politics, which reminds people of... The former Tang Dynasty!"

This topic is taboo. It can almost be arrested in East Hall and royal guards.

But these ten people didn\'t take it seriously. Since the privilege was cancelled, they felt abandoned by Daming.

You abandoned me and still want me to share weal and woe with you?


"That man\'s luck is really good. He even met Thai Westerners to hang out. Hong Bao and Fu Xianzai can win if I go."

"He was lucky. Those Taixi countrymen estimated that they were blown away by a firearm, and then pursued it. It\'s easy to get credit!"

"Bah! Great achievements have shocked the Lord. See if he will be promoted to the rank this time!"


A group of people smiled at each other. Someone said, "wonderful! This time I have made great contributions. I have to be a happy Hou at least."

"Ha ha ha!"

"Go, drink!"


The atmosphere in the palace was still calm, and there was still no reply from the people sent to the south.

Yang Rong was so anxious that several bubbles appeared at the corners of his mouth. The external explanation was that the weather was hot and angry.

"... there will be a great increase in taxes in the north this year. In the South... Your majesty, with the rice of nuergandu and the cattle and sheep outside the Great Wall, the South can almost go north without transporting rice grain this year."

This is good news. Even at the cost of gentry centrifugation, the north can be self-sufficient in food. This is in itself a heavy news that can reassure everyone.

After a burst of relaxed laughter, Zhu Zhanji said, "Nuer gandu produces a lot of grain every year. Plus potatoes, small things such as the north can\'t reach Zhu Zhanji, so he just smiled and said:" the people of Daming don\'t have the right to do business freely. How can they give it to others first? "

The bias in this remark is obvious, with some hints.


Since Fang Xing made such a fuss in Jinling, the road guidance system has triggered a great discussion.

Daming has issued many policies, but few can make everyone happy, while the proposal to cancel the road guide has aroused unanimous approval.

Everyone was ready to pretend to be stupid, but the honest man Yang Shiqi said, "Your Majesty, it depends on the cancellation of the road guide. If it is cancelled, how many people will be added in each place to manage customers? Does the inspection department need to increase staff? Does the household department need to think about how to get a household sticker for everyone and how not to fake it? All these things need to be carefully calculated!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded admiringly and said, "that\'s the reason why Mr. Yang is old enough to seek the country."

Yang Shiqi was immediately happy, but Yang Rong thought of Fang Xing\'s proposal.

——Gradually increase the number of officials below the county!

This is the last privilege of drawing salaries from the bottom of the barrel and transferring gentry!

Governing the country is like running water.

Running water will not rush hard when encountering obstacles. It will slowly build up its momentum, and then slowly get over the obstacles and move on.

It has been a long time since the proposal was made, but Yang Rong thought about the recent innovation steps of Daming, but was surprised to find that they were compressing the gentry\'s rights step by step.

At the beginning, Fang Xing proposed to increase the number of officials below the county, which is the ultimate goal.

First put forward the ultimate goal, and then move forward step by step. Don\'t be impatient.

This is a scientific method.

It\'s the rhythm that makes people spit blood!

Yang Rong felt that the blood bubbles in the corners of his mouth were more painful, pulling the pain of his heart and lungs.

"Great victory..."

The silent king and minister were shocked by the shout.

What victory?

Yang Pu looked back and asked, "where\'s the great victory?"

He didn\'t know what he was thinking, but he felt sad and suffering.

Zhu Zhanji suddenly got up and said with bright eyes, "go and bring it in!"

Yu Jia went out in person and brought in a sergeant later.

When the sergeant saluted, Zhu Zhanji slowly sat back and asked, "where is the great victory?"

For the first time, even if they were carefully selected, the sergeant was still very excited.

"Your Majesty, the Navy won a great victory..."

Yang Rong\'s body trembled violently. Then a blood bubble broke at the corner of his mouth, and the blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. He didn\'t feel it.

Yang Shiqi happily looks at the sergeant who reported the victory. Yang Pu comforts and caresses his beard. Jin Youzi frowns slightly after joy

Zhu Zhanji took the good news, read it quickly, and said: "when the Navy came out of the Strait, it met the Taixi ships, fought wisdom and courage all the way, fought several battles, and finally encountered the main force of the coalition when it was approaching the Tianfang sea area. There was a war between the two sides. The Daming Navy defeated the Taixi coalition in World War I..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s mood could not be suppressed. He waved the good news in his hand and said excitedly: "sink and capture more than 200 coalition warships, and the enemy chieftain was only spared!"


Yang Shiqi\'s rare eyebrows danced, "Your Majesty, after this war, the Taixi people will not dare to peep East. The sea is stable!"

Yang Rong said in a deep voice, "it\'s not stable. It\'s only 20 years. If it doesn\'t take 20 years, the Taixi people will send a stronger fleet to provoke Daming again."

This is a more and more stable first auxiliary, which makes Zhu Zhanji very satisfied.